Ive got Jacob & Monty beat hands down


Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
The Peach State
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Whatever it takes to get the coon.
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All Treasure Hunting
I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

On body count, that is...

Been in the new home 15 months now. This AM I fired the last round in box number seven of shotshells. Seven boxes @ 25 rounds per box = 175 squirrels gone via shotgun dispatch alone. This is IN MY YARD!!!! It does NOT include dispatch by .22 rifle, samurai sword, hatchet, club, strangulation, or use of the dark side of "The Force".

I wonder if I'll get any pecans off my trees this fall....


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

CaptainRobin said:
On body count, that is...

Been in the new home 15 months now. This AM I fired the last round in box number seven of shotshells. Seven boxes @ 25 rounds per box = 175 squirrels gone via shotgun dispatch alone. This is IN MY YARD!!!! It does NOT include dispatch by .22 rifle, samurai sword, hatchet, club, strangulation, or use of the dark side of "The Force".

I wonder if I'll get any pecans off my trees this fall....



I can appreciate the need to control wildlife and as a hunter understand the various tools/methods used. As you know (or should know), our rights and privileges to hunt are under constant scrutiny by various groups. Overly descriptive posts do not help even in jest.

Then there are the other members and friends here at TNET to consider, please try to put yourself in the place of those who do not share
our view on hunting/animal control, thanks.


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down


I reckon I've been chastised by the politically correct....

I don't hunt, so don't imply that I'm a hunter. I TRY to control vermin.

I don't appreciate being informed as to what I "should know".... I don't care what I "should know".

ALL of my rights and privileges are under constant scrutiny by various groups. I've just learned to live with that...

I NEVER "try to put myself in the place of others" who share a differing view. If someone has a differing view from the one I have they can take it down the road and find someone who does care and try it on them.

Notice the word "please" only occurs in this sentence.

I opened box # 8 yesterday. The Fiest alerted at 0745 this AM.... another one bites the dust. I'm still keeping score.

See my signature line below.

You have a nice day now...


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

At 0806 The Fiest alerted...

Another one bites the dust.


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

Another alert at 0812...

Another one down. That's 178.


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

CaptainRobin said:

I reckon I've been chastised by the politically correct....

I don't hunt, so don't imply that I'm a hunter. I TRY to control vermin.

I don't appreciate being informed as to what I "should know".... I don't care what I "should know".

ALL of my rights and privileges are under constant scrutiny by various groups. I've just learned to live with that...

I NEVER "try to put myself in the place of others" who share a differing view. If someone has a differing view from the one I have they can take it down the road and find someone who does care and try it on them.

Notice the word "please" only occurs in this sentence.

I opened box # 8 yesterday. The Fiest alerted at 0745 this AM.... another one bites the dust. I'm still keeping score.

See my signature line below.

You have a nice day now...

:thumbsup:Wonder if anyone stops to think that squirrels are a member of the rat family?Ever set a mouse trap?Put out rat poison?However now,those big greys make a fine stew.

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

CaptainRobin said:

I reckon I've been chastised by the politically correct....

I don't hunt, so don't imply that I'm a hunter. I TRY to control vermin.

I don't appreciate being informed as to what I "should know".... I don't care what I "should know".

ALL of my rights and privileges are under constant scrutiny by various groups. I've just learned to live with that...

I NEVER "try to put myself in the place of others" who share a differing view. If someone has a differing view from the one I have they can take it down the road and find someone who does care and try it on them.

Notice the word "please" only occurs in this sentence.

I opened box # 8 yesterday. The Fiest alerted at 0745 this AM.... another one bites the dust. I'm still keeping score.

See my signature line below.

You have a nice day now...



I appreciate your candor, best of luck with your Pecans. :thumbsup:

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

Try and find a fisherman who could use the tails for tying flies,I had a boss who would use road kill squirrels to use with making flies for fishing.

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

My God, 175 squirrels in your yard!? You definitely got a squirrel problem. That's a lot of money in ammunition, too. Maybe you could buy one of them fake owls and see if that helps. Otherwise, if I ever get down there, keep me in mind for a huntin lease. We ate a lot of squirrel growin up.

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

I do hope you are eating them, if not you are wasting a lot of good meat.

If they are a nuisance, then get rid of them. If you just enjoy shooting small animals, seek help and get a shrink.

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

My shrink and I went squirrel hunting this morning and................ oh I don't think I was supposed to tell that? Yes you are way ahead in body count but I go for quality, not quantity. I use a single shot pellet gun from about 30 yards so as not to disturb the neighbors. I haven't had to dispatch one in a long time. Maybe the word got out? They are little pinko commie rats you know. I have a big oak tree in my front yard and in the early fall when the acorns are on the tree is when I have my problems. I saw one zipping back and forth across the street a couple of days ago. Couldn't figure out what he/she was up to. But about the second dozenth time he/she was a little too slow. (Is "dozenth" a word)?Along came a kid in a souped up Camero and splat, flat squirrel! I scooped it up with a shovel and deposited it in the trash bin. No funeral, words of solace to the family or nothing, very irreverant all in all. Notice I said "it"? I got tired of typing he/she! Ooops, I did it again! I use to eat squirrels a lot when I was a kid as I went hunting every day after school. The fence in front of my house was decked out with squirrel tails until mom made me take them down. She said someone might think I just liked to harm small animals. She wasn't a shrink but she knew one once.But mom ate squirrel too. I did eat a couple of the first little pests I dispatched , but you can only eat so much squirrel. Then you have to kill a big cow and eat some steak too! Yes, I did harm large animals too as we always had a beef out in the back lot. Mom ate beef too! And nothing was as delicious as a nice young bunny rabbit that I always preferred to squirrel. And it was better sport too because you nearly always had to shoot them running with a shotgun. (The rabbit running, not the hunter)!But they were only good after the first freeze because of warbles and rabbit fever. Ah, for the good old days of my misspent youth. And in spite of what my shrink says, I never shot any one, killed anyone or ate anyone like Jeffrey Dahmer did. Heck I even went to church on Sunday and said my bed time prayers. Around Christmas I prayed for a new shotgun, the repeating kind. Never did get one though, I always got, ugh, school clothes. Yuck. Monty

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

LOL Monty, good eats but eventually a person gets tired of them night after night.

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

This AM it was 179. Sneaking up on my birdfeeders... eyeing my wife's pears... checking the fig trees out... oh, and were those blueberries? They were last year until the squirrels got in them...

No harm no foul, bouys and gulls.... I mean no ill will towards any.

Fake owl? Fake.... owl???? I've got REAL Great Horned Owls living in the graveyard across the street! They think this is a smorgasbord 'round heah... all the squirrel they can eat!



Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

Ya done good :thumbsup:

Tasty little critters, you may want to join your local chapter of PETA (people eating tasty animals)

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:



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Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

windharvester, is that a chipmunk in your avatar? I would never harm a chipmonk, or is it "munk". Anyway, I'd never harm or eat one of those little fellows. 'sides, you'd have to have a sack full to make a meal. I'll bet they are hard to clean? They are the only rodent that I know of that will whistle at you. I've had them whistle at me when I was stalking a deer, one that I would eat, and scare the deer away before I got a shot. I think they are part of the squirrel pinko commie plot and are the lookouts when a meeting is going on? Or they might actually be the brains behind the outfit, so I'll be watching them pretty closely from now on. You just never know. Monty

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

My friend and I used to go hunt bushy tailed rats during the season for them. I once had one playing peek-a-boo with me from behind a 4 inch tree branch, everytime I would get lined up for a shot, he'd duck behind that damn branch. I was using an 870 Wingmaster with a 30 inch full choke goose gun (12ga.) So I reached in my vest and pulled out a Breneke rifled slug, put that in my gun. Next time he ducked behind that branch.........BOOOOOM!!!! Took his head and the branch clean off the tree, needless to say, there were too many splinters in the meat, to eat that one :laughing7:............NGE

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

I tried that with a Model 94 Winchester in .44 magnum only the squirrel was at the very top of a tall skinny pine tree. The bullet didn't go all the way through, but bent the limb over and when it whipped back the squirrel went flying off into the woods! I never did find him. Me and my hunting buddy were looking forward to some squirrel and dumplings too! Monty

Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

Got 180 & 181...

Y'all go to the CRH forum to get a tease...


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

182, 183, & 184 this morning.


Re: I've got Jacob & Monty beat hands down

Woke from a nap at 1645 hours...

Two cheeky dirty thunders attacking the birdfeeder...

185 & 186...


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