kidds treasure expedition


Dec 8, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
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No fund raising I am looking for people to come with not money.

My theory based on historical record is Capt Kidd had $40000 in coins. He buried 3 caches of $10000 coins in route to Boston. He used the other money for his wife and a crew members family. I am planning on searching an nj. Site as well as a Conneticut site. If anyone would like to join in pm me

Captain Kidd's favorite anchorage was Georgetown, Great Exuma, Bahamas. The small bay in front of town is even called Kidd Cove. Why do you think he buried his treasure in the north east? His last trip was from Corpus Christi, Texas to the north east where you are looking but when he was found he did not have any treasure? Georgetown is on the way there.

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america unearthed just did a story on this ... more run around than clues.

I have a news paper article that says there was a chest with 30,000 in it found with kidds name in cape may nj. I have been looking for the area for 7 years or so.

I will look for it and post a picture but, one question why? I am not being rude just curios because the last person I told acted like they found it(took me years to find it) and told the news paper about it.(then everyone started looking for it) Are you from cape may area

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No I am not from your area and not going there. Too cold for my blood, but have spent lots of time in the Bahamas. it is more for record of good reading.

I have a news paper article that says there was a chest with 30,000 in it found with kidds name in cape may nj. I have been looking for the area for 7 years or so.
So... you are looking for "where a chest was found" ?
Whats the point... it has been found already. heh
Um btw way... how in the article did it say it was found ?... stumbled over? metal detected ?

Not being a smart A** just trying to see where you are going and what your thinking is concerning finding "the area".
Do you think some may have been "missed" etc. ?

I will try and help/ I believe the story was the treasure was found and artifacts taken for proof, then on return to the area the finder could not locate where he had left it in the dunes. Leave an object for very long behind dunes and the wind blows sand from the top of the dune and covers it back up. It is hard to carry 30.000 in 1700's face value gold. Best time to locate it would be after a Major Hurricane goes past New York and clears the dunes as the chest would not move. Problem is that it is spoils of War and very doubtful you could keep it. ATF would show up and take it. Then it would be a lengthy court battle at 500 dollars a page for filling, court cost, attorney fees, ect...not something I would chase down.
In the late summer of 1698, according to Brigantine legend, the Barkentine which served as the flagship for the notorious Captain William Kidd…anchored near the mouth of Brigantine Inlet. Captain Kidd, his mate Timothy Jones, and several of the crew came ashore in a long boat, on the bottom of which rested a heavy leather and brass-bound sea chest which they buried among the dunes of the island. Later, according to the story, Kidd and Jones returned, dug up the chest, and re-interred it elsewhere. A fight ensued, and Jones was killed by Kidd, who buried his former mate beside the chest before departing. The alleged loot has never been found.
The story I relayed was on the north side of the entrance to New York Harbor. Notice it says stories not Facts.

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Captain Kidd had no need to bury his loot when many bankers would launder it for him!

Capt'n Kidd.jpg
With my theory I believe “Pirates” did not play a part in the building of the Money Pit at Oak Island.

Pirates had little need to build a private bank such as Oak Island when there were more than enough Banks, Financial Houses and Merchants living in New York during this time period to accommodate them.

Pirates such as Every, Morgan, Tew and the famous Captain Kidd bribed New York’s governors for protection and used these Financial Houses to launder their treasure. Captain Every was so prolific at this that he was one of the few pirates to retire back to an estate in England with benefits.

Many of the men we call pirates today were legal privateers acting with the full blessings of England.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”

It was only if they attacked British ships or after England signed peace treaties with their enemies were these privateers labeled again as pirates.

During the Golden Age of Piracy many of these famous pirates chose to live in New York while Edward Hyde, 3rd Earl of Clarendon was appointed as colonial governor (1701 – 1708).

Governor Hyde’s flamboyant manner of dressing was only surpassed by his reputation as the worst corrupt governor Britain ever appointed to an American colony.

Captain Kidd lived in a mansion in New York and was also involved with the construction of Trinity Church.

It was only later when England proceeded to rid their colonies of this corruption and pirating that many moved on.

England encouraged loyalist merchants and privateers to move to Nova Scotia as part of their reaction against the growing revolution in the American colonies and these colonies’ willing acceptance to trade with France and Spain against British embargos.

Many British privateers operating out of Lunenburg Nova Scotia attacked these ships and used Halifax merchants similar to those operating in New York to exchange their booty with.

The news paper says that two farm hands found it digging trenches. Oh I think they took it but if there was one there might be more or even just remnants of him being there. The one farm hand bought the farm after he found it as it took on his name as a dairy farm.

The news paper says that two farm hands found it digging trenches. Oh I think they took it but if there was one there might be more or even just remnants of him being there. The one farm hand bought the farm after he found it as it took on his name as a dairy farm.

What year(s) did these events take place ?

The only treasure kidd buried that was recovered was in gardiners island of long island ny. The nj ill be searching is near monmouth county beach.

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