Knights Templar Cache of Biblical Artifacts Concealed by Stone Cipher


Jr. Member
Dec 18, 2024
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Golden Thread
During the Crusades a group of monks raided various holders of religious artifacts. For year they put them on display for pilgrims to view. They provided security, transportation and money changing services to facilitate the pilgrims. The popularity of these holy artifacts made these monks wealthy beyond imagination. In fact any holder of these items would become wealthy. Which is why when they were disbanded in 1307 the items were secreted out of Europe and hidden away for another time when the evil crowns of England & France would be profoundly different and generations without the artifacts would not be interested as their ancestors were.

The monks were frugal and knew math which is the nature of the cipher on sight. Using 13 Megalithic stones and a small grouping of rocks here n there they communicated a great deal of information. Using distance, Compass & Horizon they show us what they made and how to retrieve the artifacts.

In the axis of the Cross are courses 145T & 136T. This is applied to the chart Taurus shows "X" and its relationship to the chambers which are shown offset. The next data is on another level which is covered in the post. The Crossbar then reveals what to do at "X".

To follow you MUST consider the following; Its Medieval and may not fit in your conceptual capacity, its Nautical and the devices provided indicate the parallel movement of a line, important numbers are redundantly provided, 13 means both the Templars - ALDEBARAN - Christ with 12 disciples and 33 means Christ and God as that is the age of Christ on the cross.
Dr.Travis Taylor stated these stones are a treasure map - IGNORE HIM AT YOUR OWN RISK – The message is in the Stones – Dr. Travis Taylor is right and this proves it.


This cipher gives a clear purpose to the stone formations and suggests a much more complex and deliberate design behind them than previously recognized.

It would be helpful to take the following and place them as picture captions. Therefore it is suggested to refer to the oppropriate image when reading the cipher.

Oak Island is the only island in the area populated with oaks. This is one of the few clues to look for Taurus that is not made of stone like the December Triangle or the Standing Stones. The three features were left by the depositors, as were others, as clues to finding the deposit. The deposit is the collected biblical artifacts liberated during the Crusades and excavated at the Temple Mount.

Season 12 was developed by viewer interest in lot 5, the Garden Shaft, MP, BH10 etc. Why? Because they are chasing shadows and haven’t a clue about what to do. As a result this seasons half dozen episodes have been less than interesting. For several years now my posts highlight the message left by the Knights Templar regarding their precious collection of biblical artifacts. This message is left in the stones.

The stall the conversation a moment to say that over the years a minuscule number of readers have made statements that they have accepted previous explanations as fact when no conclusive connection can be made. Such as, The Pyramid is pointing somewhere north of the island. The Cross is pointing to the Vatican or a star cluster. None of this assumptions can be conclusively verified. Moreover, these explanation bring one further from the treasure and do not explain where on the island this cache is located. The stones do and we need to start from start. Before so doing there are those who have accepted as conclusive that the stones are faked or moved. Or better yet they are random geological results of millions of years of natural activity. By far the weakest argument against to message is this, “One can make any shape with these random stones.” (Try it!)
- O The Stones will cry out.webp

(If you do not see the message in these stones step back further until you do.)

Having deciphered the massage and found the locations of the treasure its is Child's play to retro engineer the explanation. First let’s revisit the features and link them to various meanings. In order of discovery there is a feature that used to be known as the Stone Triangle. It is 10 feet by 10 feet which means its easy to find and see all at once. Unlike the other two. Triangles have 180 internal degrees and this feature is yielding data in its angles. This feature is the most data rich yields more data than any other. It was also misunderstood as this aspect was not explored until 2021. The deciphering of this feature allowed the accurate implementation of the other features namely the Cross and Taurus

- Pyramid numbers.webp

Discovered in 2018 by Dr. Travis Taylor Taurus in and of itself tells much of the story of the Templars and Oak Island. Their God is believed–– to come from the PLEIADES a star cluster within Taurus. The bull goes back to mans Origins. The cave paintings, the horned Gods of Egypt, Apis Bull sarcophagus's etc. Solomons Temple had multiple Bulls. In each kingdom is a representation of qualities such as strength. In the Plant/Vegetation kingdom the Oak signifies the similar qualities of the Bull. The feature of the standing stones is the Hyades a star cluster making up the face of Taurus but not the eye, ALDEBARAN. The December Triangle (Winter Triangle) is an astrological anomaly of an equilateral triangle of 3 bright stars. This feature was used as a tool to find Taurus. Its presence is a sign that Taurus is present. The last known sign has to do with a hidden star as 6 of 7 stars are visible and that feature is the Eye of the Swamp. This is ALDEBARAN and it is hidden in the swamp. This hidden feature is the Avatar Star of the Templars.


Before we cover the Cross it is important to understand that this hidden stone is the kingpin of this cipher. Without this exact location the treasures of Christ and Solomon would be lost forever as the treasure is not marked by any object - stone or otherwise. The stone in the swamp is depicted on our dollar bill in the apex of a pyramid. In reality it’s a stone in a swamp. (Disappointing.)

The predicted location by Doc Taylor’s estimation made initial locations incorrect. The discovery in 2023 of the stone itself allowed for correction. Well lets put it all together. Taurus is 1.5 miles by 1 mile and provides waypoint on a chart. Doc Taylor said in S6E7 that it was a treasure map or star chart that gets data from other sources. Such as: The which is Cross is 867 feet by 720 feet and provides data in its size and segments. The Pyramid is strangely located and is the least understood of the three.

3rd Taurus Reduced.webp

Collectively these features make a navigational chart. The boundaries are set by Taurus. North and all compass points are contained in the Cross as does a plot or course to steer (CTS). The pyramid yields data via its angles. These are the fundamental offerings. Each feature reveals more as you will find out in the cipher. Once again the misconception of the viewers and readers that Nolan falsified the cross is dispelled by the data in the Pyramid which becomes self evident in the cipher.

000 nolansCross.webp

Why hasn’t the treasure been found? Well there are more than one deposits. We hear of pirates/privateers burying tons of precious metals. Then I suspect various sailors hid booty to be collected upon their return. The reason it has not been found is that the features were recently discovered. The Stone Triangle was documented in 1897 but wasn’t understood for 124 years in 2021. The cross wasn’t discovered until 1986 and Taurus 2018. The assumption that a sinkhole depression was treasure related or that a money pit exists is all specious speculation. The rocks collectively support each other and work together to hide and reveal the lost treasures of Christ.

In fact FreeMasonty is replete with references of Christ and Solomon. Their device of a Dividers (Compass) and Square are exact references to the Oak Island Cross and Pyramid. This was covered in a previous post. Well no one on the set seems to think all of these stone features are clues and they trip over them on a daily basis oblivious to the message that they contain.


The stones create a cipher of a navigational nature. Take a look at the Constellation Taurus attached. It was created in 950AD and would have been available to the depositors. In the Cross, which is encoded with data, the Axis offers two courses to steer from ALDEBARAN. The first is 145T (Compass directions are marked as True, Magnetic or Compass, each varies from the other.) this course travels from the 13th Brightest star to the 13th Star of Taurus. Many think that the Templars hated the 13th but it was their number. Christ had 13 disciples and ALDEBARAN the 13th brightest star was their avatar. They may have been collected on the 13th as their prosecutors knew where they were on that day.

- Chart Taurus plotted.webp

Another aspect of this cipher is the angle of the cross. Why is it 60 degrees? When the chart is created the plot on the Cross is walked to the start point at 60 dgeres, Now they drew a line from ALDEBARAN at 60 degrees and it points to the PLEIADES. This is also a false lead or distraction in case someone does not decipher the code and just uses known facts about the Templars. Now is a good time to mention that the construction of this Cipher was a tremendous undertaking because the stakes are paramount. The Templars wanted to promote Christianity and bring its artifacts to the people. Hiding them from those who would not share them was their purpose and setting up freemasonry ensured a group of morally upright people who would defend the relics from those who would exploit them for their own purposes. If they were lost for all eternity they would be to blame.

0 Ald - PLE.webp

Lets look at the tell tale threads of the Cross and Pyramid. In the cross there are numbers 867,72,720,529,293 & 145. Only one is a navigable, 145. The rest are dead ends. For your information 360 is subtracted from numbers larger than 360. 429-360= 69 867-360-360 =147 (Close) etc. What is revealed by having this direction exposed is that subtraction need be used to get data on the cross. 867-722=145 & 429 -293= 136. This is plotted for you on a full image of Taurus and it reveals that we are looking for two offset chambers that are accessed by a ramp from “X”

Chambers Plotted  w vertical.webp

For the rest of the cipher subtraction is use until Triangulating dept. That requires both segments lengths, from the Cross, and angles from the Pyramid. To continue with the Cross the Pyramid need be consulted. How does the Pyramid work? This feature was blown up in a stunt and few images remain. I have chosen these as being most detailed. If you notice it has vertical stines and two rows of horizontal stones. 8 on the upper and 8 on the bottom row. These rows are bisected in groups of 3 over 3 and 5 over 5. When these are added to the triangles atop the pyramid it offers 2 of the 3 angles as these are right angle triangles. Now we can get all interior angles and the exterior angles. See pictures of Green data and Red data.

Original Pyramid artwork  Enlarged.webp

Ok so now we know addition is the way to extract data in the Pyramid and subtraction in the Cross. Taurus is ‘dumb’ and reveals info by applying data from other sources EXACTLY as Doc Taylor prognosticated. When the Axis data is plotted against Taurus it shows two chambers at two depths and the cipher tells us what they are. If we see the plot 145/60T as being used it leaves two 360 segments and the other two segments of the Axis. These are the 4 largest of these 5 degments. Lets pair one segment of the Crossbar with one segment of the Axis. 429’ becomes the hypotenuse and 360 becomes side (B) of a triangle. By going to the Pyramid and taking 33, 57 & 90 it produces a side (A) length of 233’. To get to the next chamber the cipher directs us to do more math as entry to chamber #2 is from chamber #1.

00 Pyramid Confirms Cross.webp

Here we use 360’ as the hypotenuse and 293’ as side (B) . The Pyramid offers 35, 55 & 90 as angles for triangulation of 212’. WAIT! Decimated. What do you mean decimated? The cipher starts with a base angle for the depth of the second chamber which is just 10% of these numbers away from chamber #1. It looks like this: 360’/293’/212’ = 36.0’/29.3’/21.2’ from the 233’ chamber #1.

This tells us a few things. If chamber #1 is discovered accidentally the good stuff would not be found. Second this reveals how the Israelite hid the Ark in the Temple of the Sun & moon (Solomon/ Sol Amon). This was the trick of ASMODEUS. Assigned by God to help Solomon (Jedediah) build a hiding place for the Ark.

In this cipher the depositors indicated that a line would have to be moved. A navigator would see a Dividers and Square in the Cross. Whereby the top bar was the dividers and the 722 axis and 720 crossbar make up a square. This is a signal to move a plot from the Cross to the start point ALDEBARAN. In fact if a Cross is placed within the area of the Masonic Device a Pyramid is also formed. Note the Masonic Device has a 60 degree setting on their dividers (compass) and 150 exterior angle on each side. The Cross is set at 60/150 and has a companion feature of a Pyramid.

Masonic Device Stone Triangle.webp

Where does the Cipher (Star Chart & Keys Cipher) say the treasure is located? Before answering that question lets put the clues together. See attached image. There is a chart defined by Taurus. A Compass Rose made from the Cross and a plot etched into it. The Pyramid is a legend which defines the chart and it is a Datum and sits above (Not atop) the chambers. It’s a full chart.

- Star Chart to Scale.webp

If you have not read any of the facebook or reddit 50 or so posts on this subject (members Media page) The 3 sided Pyramid has 720 Internal angles and the combined base angle make an exterior angle of 147 (57+ 90) when added to 720 is 867. The Pyramid just verified the length and Width of the Cross. The second exterior angle is 55+90= 145 which is the top segment. When the two are added 145+147=292 or almost exactly the last segment in the Axis of the Cross. The pyramid just verified the cross and gave us angles to triangulate. It says so much more but that is a story not instructions to recover.

Instructions to recover are encoded in the Crossbar. Previously we saw that triangles have 180 degrees. The Crossbar is a line segment with 180 degrees and is represented by 720’ segment pointing 150/330. Now extract data. The most obvious thing to do is to subtract the crossbar from the Axis. That is to say, subtract the width from the length. 867-720 is 147. This is where frugality makes it tricky. The cipher offers lengths in feet through the Cross. This data is used to navigate the Chart so we need to use the feet in an equation and convert the results to Compass. L-W=147T. This is the direction to steer at “X”.

0 Numbers.webp

If we look at the Crossbar statistics we see that it has 180 degrees. We then need more info that is produced by taking the full crossbar’s 180 degrees and subtracting the product of step 2. That would be 180-147=33. Now, this again seems tricky as we have a compass course in degrees what is this result? In the axis we saw the CTS of 145 & 136 are CTS applied to Taurus revealing “X”, a ramp and two chambers. The depth was triangulated to 233’ and 212’ and this 33 defines the angle of the ramp. We get: At “X” burrow at 33 degrees of the Horizon at a direction of 147T


So far we did subtraction and trigonometry in the cross. The Pyramid used addition and these are far from arbitrary and it is cleat to anyone skilled in the art of navigation and simple math. This part is pretty clear to them. For others it will seem random so I will pose a question and answer it with this example. You are on your boat at dock in the harbor. You wish to depart and travel to your next location so you get the chart and find your start point. The destination is then found and a line is drawn between the two. This line is your course and now you wish to know the exact direction of this course. A tool is used to move that line to the Compass Rose in a parallel fashion. A great way to do that is with a pair of dividers and a square. The line is moved to the compass and a course is acquired.

When a ships captain arrives at Oak Island and finds all of these clues they would be plotted on a map and the skilled navigators would see a square and divider in the cross. They would recognize Taurus and the features that revealed its presence. This cipher is invisible to the casual observer including amateur and novice treasure hunters. By the way Masons are encouraged to travel. The reason is two fold; to become skilled in navigation and to search for that which is lost. Someone like myself would see a navigational message. (22 years in USCGA extensive advanced navigation and practical experience.)


In review the treasure is lost to those who ignore the message left by the depositors. The position of the chambers means that they cannot be reached by a shaft and are deep within bedrock with a doorway that can only be reached in the exact instruction. We learned that its Templar in use of the cross and Pyramid, Taurus and the PLEIADES being strong ties to the Templars. We learned that the 3 features reveal the treasures and Zena’s Map although not authentic leads to one and alludes to the other two by naming nearby points of interest. I.e. The Hatch is at the horns point and a megalithic stone would be documented. On and on until all 12 were charted and the 13th revealed by the findings.

00 Final X solutionOak Island Cross.webp

The extravagant effort says Templar and biblical artifacts were their greatest treasures. These were the foundation of their wealth and they would have considered their removal would make the Knights and their descendants would be poor. Therefore, it can be deduced that if these artifacts were priceless then there must be provisions for their defend. Lots of money. Enough to hire an army. The Masons would provide such an army.

In addition to great wealth left behind and the most sought after artifacts in history it is expected that they left a lavishly built Chamber #1 at 233’. I say this as this work would create a respectful resting place and serve to hide the secret passage on the western ceiling. This is why in masonry they show a ladder and use stairs. They show the sun in the west and the moon in the east. In past posts it was revealed that few people think of the Square as presented here and furthermore lose the significance of the angles. In the Masonic device there are 90 & 270 in the Square. This alludes to Solomon’s temple in the compass direction 90 is East and the compass direction of 270 is west. The Sun & Moon or the Sol & Amom the Solomon. Their dividers are set at 60 to elude to Following God and ‘G’ or 33 the numeric for Christ as he died at that age.

For you sharpies that have tried to follow this surreptitious winding cipher you may be wondering if the Cross has been verified as the Pyramid did not redundantly reproduce the number 429. The answer is it is repeated in the Cross itself. See image of 429 being revealed down and across the center. You also caught the use of 13 and 33 over and over. I.e.: The Axis data goes from 13th to 13th. The ramp goes at 33 degrees to 233’. Well there are two 429’s at the center of the Cross just where the body of Christ would be located. This number 429 contains thirty three #13’s and thirteen #33’s times two. Therefore this cipher tells us 26 times that Christ is important and 66 times that the Templars were here in just these two numbers add up the rest and its no coincidence nor is it without purpose.


This cipher explains where the treasure is and who deposited it. It explains Scottish Masonry and it proves Zena’s Map, although not authentic and just a reproduction is indeed a treasure map as the treasure can be found using it.
00 Star Chart & Keys Cipher.webp

To fully appreciate this cipher one need set aside any prejudices and wipe past knowledge away. If you believe the Cross is fake then read the Pyramid for verification. If one believes the stones are random by geological process then this cipher is absolutely not for you. For 700 years these items have disappeared and this cipher directs the recovery. Freemasonry provides a group of morally upright defenders of the Ark and treasures of the bible.


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Bury precious treasure below sea level then tunnel at an angle torecover it?
Oh boy!
The temple mount would have sifficed back home.
After all you don't have to wear a tunic with a cross on it to walk about. Meaning , no need to cross a sea to bury something below sea level.

A dredge and blower from sea side would expose the target far easier and faster.
But you'd have to be convinced anything actually exists there.

Given the intricate booby traps combined with fairy tale of such depth despite water hydraulics undeniable ability to seek it's own level; insisted upon ....It's a no from me.
Who calculated the CH#1 as being immune from storm erosion?
They flunked science.

Just curious…
Why would anyone bury a treasure in a way that makes it nearly impossible to recover? You might as well destroy the treasure. Either way, nobody is going to enjoy it.
Oak Island started as a myth or legend. What gave it such credence? A few rocks and old nails?
I can start a legend too. That doesn’t mean that it will become true in a few decades because there are people who believe.

Bury precious treasure below sea level then tunnel at an angle torecover it?
Oh boy!
The temple mount would have sifficed back home.
After all you don't have to wear a tunic with a cross on it to walk about. Meaning , no need to cross a sea to bury something below sea level.

A dredge and blower from sea side would expose the target far easier and faster.
But you'd have to be convinced anything actually exists there.

Given the intricate booby traps combined with fairy tale of such depth despite water hydraulics undeniable ability to seek it's own level; insisted upon ....It's a no from me.
Who calculated the CH#1 as being immune from storm erosion?
They flunked science.
View attachment 2186746
Chamber #1 is 233 feet below the surface and storms do not have any bearing. Do you have a question? The flooding that you refer is north and stops prior to this area. Bedrock is dry and this is about 40 feet into bedrock.


  • Oak Island Geological strata.webp
    Oak Island Geological strata.webp
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Just curious…
Why would anyone bury a treasure in a way that makes it nearly impossible to recover? You might as well destroy the treasure. Either way, nobody is going to enjoy it.
Oak Island started as a myth or legend. What gave it such credence? A few rocks and old nails?
I can start a legend too. That doesn’t mean that it will become true in a few decades because there are people who believe.
Curios? Read the posts. This cipher is invisible to all but a few. The lore helps understand the meaning of the numbers. The cipher is layered and provides tons of info. It would not be unrecoverable.
Just curious…
Why would anyone bury a treasure in a way that makes it nearly impossible to recover? You might as well destroy the treasure. Either way, nobody is going to enjoy it.
Oak Island started as a myth or legend. What gave it such credence? A few rocks and old nails?
I can start a legend too. That doesn’t mean that it will become true in a few decades because there are people who believe.
Curious? Read the post. (The are Medieval and buried the most important items of history. - my work has redundant math which is anything but coincidental. the Cross is Verified in the data of the Pyramid. 13 and 33 means Templar and these numbers can be found 100 times in the cipher. The axis goes from the 13th brightest star to the 13th star. In the crossbar a 33 degree ramp goes to 233 feet.

If you have a specific question regarding my work please ask. I will not disprove others or address speculation. Just explain what I know and it is The Star Chart & Keys Cipher. Its a big concept and complicated. It takes time and one must apply oneself to understand it.


  • Oak IslandGeological strata 1 Bedrock w - X.webp
    Oak IslandGeological strata 1 Bedrock w - X.webp
    113.2 KB · Views: 9
I have a "specific question"... With all this knowledge you have why have YOU not recovered whatever is hidden on Oak Island?
This is the simplest question one could ask; its on private property 2200 miles away in another country. For one. second a 429 foot ramp needs constructing to probably 380 feet long until bedrock in which case a seal need be opened to enter. (Heavy rocks)

The first chamber may be radio active. The second chamber most certainly may be to a moderate degree. In short I have no rights and it isnt a one man job. Any other questions?

This is the simplest question one could ask; its on private property 2200 miles away in another country. For one. second a 429 foot ramp needs constructing to probably 380 feet long until bedrock in which case a seal need be opened to enter. (Heavy rocks)

The first chamber may be radio active. The second chamber most certainly may be to a moderate degree. In short I have no rights and it isnt a one man job. Any other questions?

Chamber #1 is 233 feet below the surface and storms do not have any bearing. Do you have a question? The flooding that you refer is north and stops prior to this area. Bedrock is dry and this is about 40 feet into bedrock.
Dump the picture you posted and return to CH#1 as I was referring to.
As to dry bedrock , I'll believe it when you take a picture 233 feet deep from position of CH#1.
i have no interest in arguing water seeking it's own level or not when you are not standing in the theorized 233 foot deep aligned with , wait for it; CH#1. hole.
As to the substrate above your angled tunnel required ...Go ahead and declare it dry and gravity free too while your at it.
I'll await your dry at 233 foot pics.
Toss in a 40 foot deep cut into the bedrock for a bonus.
Maybe some bloody spots from the guy holding the chisel remain still.
Givin the logistics of time and seasons and ships supply and manpower and tools and groceries , I'll bet they smoothed all chiseled rock for 40 feet so smooth you can barely tell. Despite being underwater holding their breath while doing so.
After all , treasure had to be hid somehow besides dry and accessible and storm proofed.

Are you going to continue to insist CH#1 is not vulnerable by hurricane hydraulics?
Have you ever dug near water? You should try it .


This is the simplest question one could ask; its on private property 2200 miles away in another country. For one. second a 429 foot ramp needs constructing to probably 380 feet long until bedrock in which case a seal need be opened to enter. (Heavy rocks)

The first chamber may be radio active. The second chamber most certainly may be to a moderate degree. In short I have no rights and it isnt a one man job. Any other questions?
Darn it once again the mileage difference between the 2 locations.
Haven't even thought of the modern transportation devices of planes, trains, and the automobiles.

But what I would never of thought about is the construction of such a huge ramp.
Let alone the first chamber maybe radio active. WOW!
I didn't know that this was such a potential problem.
I have to ask how did the Radio active material get there, and what would it look like?

Amazing, that every post on most every treasure forum that has a possible solution, there always seems to be the same excuse.

Darn it once again the mileage difference between the 2 locations.
Haven't even thought of the modern transportation devices of planes, trains, and the automobiles.

But what I would never of thought about is the construction of such a huge ramp.
Let alone the first chamber maybe radio active. WOW!
I didn't know that this was such a potential problem.
I have to ask how did the Radio active material get there, and what would it look like?

Amazing, that every post on most every treasure forum that has a possible solution, there always seems to be the same excuse.
The Ark is a capacitor charged by radium. This is not part of the cipher.

As for your dissatisfaction that people don't trespass and illegally act in foreign illogical as what they find can be confiscated by the govt and charges pressed by the owners. If that is the extent of your objection it is illogical is self imposed. I'll give you the location of "X" and the instructions to burrow at 33 degrees in the direction of 147T.

I'll put a deposit in your canteen account in jail if you try.

Down south they have a saying for people with similar beliefs, ideas and issues: “well bless his heart.”

There are 3 towns in my area and each are 7 miles apart in a straight line. That makes 14 miles with one town at the center and one town at each end. Surely this indicates treasure. I’ve also noticed that traffic slows down upon entering the city limits of each of these towns! Coincidence? You decide. 3 towns with speed declinations from 55 mph to 20 mph at their boundaries. 35 mph change entering town and 35 mph change upon leaving (acceleration to 55 mph). 35 x 2 =70 or 10 more units of the number 7.
One town has a population of 421.
4+2+1 = 7. Where should we start digging?

I actually applaud anyone who can stick to their viewpoint. Many discoveries were made by folks who refused to give up on an idea.
I just need evidence for a conviction, so to speak.

Down south they have a saying for people with similar beliefs, ideas and issues: “well bless his heart.”

There are 3 towns in my area and each are 7 miles apart in a straight line. That makes 14 miles with one town at the center and one town at each end. Surely this indicates treasure. I’ve also noticed that traffic slows down upon entering the city limits of each of these towns! Coincidence? You decide. 3 towns with speed declinations from 55 mph to 20 mph at their boundaries. 35 mph change entering town and 35 mph change upon leaving (acceleration to 55 mph). 35 x 2 =70 or 10 more units of the number 7.
One town has a population of 421.
4+2+1 = 7. Where should we start digging?

I actually applaud anyone who can stick to their viewpoint. Many discoveries were made by folks who refused to give up on an idea. I just need evidence for a conviction, so to speak.
"I actually applaud anyone who can stick to their viewpoint. Many discoveries were made by folks who refused to give up on an idea.
I just need evidence for a conviction, so to speak.

I agree totally with above statement by you. And SIZZLER ADLER even stated that E=MC2 was speculation at one point. But that math was proven to be correct and turned into a factual happening. But he believes his is different for some reason and doesn't like his belief to be labeled as speculation and defends it beyond speculation. Hopefully, somehow he'll think of a way to advance his belief's beyond pen and paper and advance them into fact.

"I actually applaud anyone who can stick to their viewpoint. Many discoveries were made by folks who refused to give up on an idea.
I just need evidence for a conviction, so to speak.

I agree totally with above statement by you. And SIZZLER ADLER even stated that E=MC2 was speculation at one point. But that math was proven to be correct and turned into a factual happening. But he believes his is different for some reason and doesn't like his belief to be labeled as speculation and defends it beyond speculation. Hopefully, somehow he'll think of a way to advance his belief's beyond pen and paper and advance them into fact.
EMC2 was proven by the radioactive monks chiseling through 40 foot of bedrock after a sea voyage of no risk to priceless reliquaries post grand parade of the ark to the docks after watching Templars burned at the stake.

Templar property was transferred to the Knights Hospitaller. By decree. (Note burned at stake type decrees of the era before parading to the docks.)
Who then should be loading ships with timeless treasures? And who insists no one watched?
while watching , who are the members of the Order Of Christ? Or The Military Order Of Christ?
And why wouldn't they secret radioactive monks and treasures below ground where they are instead of risking all by approaching docks? Let alone a sea voyage and what might follow.

But hey. Someone said /rote/dreamed something so it must be.

[Parzival (German pronunciation: [ˈpaʁtsifal]) is a medieval chivalric romance by the poet and knight Wolfram von Eschenbach in Middle High German. The poem, commonly dated to the first quarter of the 13th century, centers on the Arthurian hero Parzival (Percival in English) and his long quest for the Holy Grail following his initial failure to achieve it.]

Just curious…
Why would anyone bury a treasure in a way that makes it nearly impossible to recover? You might as well destroy the treasure. Either way, nobody is going to enjoy it.
Oak Island started as a myth or legend. What gave it such credence? A few rocks and old nails?
I can start a legend too. That doesn’t mean that it will become true in a few decades because there are people who believe.
When you do a little work you will see that none of this is fantasy. There are megalithic stones that tell a story in math. BTW the treasure has remained hidden because the last clue was just discovered a few years ago. No prior story teller had the benefit of its discovery.

My job was to de-cipher the clues left behind and produce a translation. I am in touch with leads in three areas of OI operations. They think its interesting and they found chambers at 210' and 230' as the cipher suggests. (These chambers are empty - red herrings.)

When you ask why I say look at who it was and what they did. You can answer that as their history is well known. There is a 4 panel image attached. To prevent accidental discovery the chambers are just offshore. To access them the depositors left a triangulation: 429/360 w 33, 57 & 90 degree angles. The results of this triangulation is 233' in depth/ A point 360' away down a ramp 429' long.

Read the post again and realize they had skill, priceless artifacts, man power and motivation.

You can see the geography is conducive to this solution as previously stated sub surface flooding isnt an issue on this part of the island.


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How do you know the last clue was discovered a few years ago?
That means there will be no more clues found on the TV show, right?
Otherwise someone will be lying to the viewers IMO. You can’t find more clues after the last one.

How do you know the last clue was discovered a few years ago?
That means there will be no more clues found on the TV show, right?
Otherwise someone will be lying to the viewers IMO. You can’t find more clues after the last one.
You make perfect sense. When Nolan found the Cross there wasnt any context and the founder was less than reputable. Then in 2018 another clue was found, the Chart Taurus. Even so the Cross still had no context nor did Taurus.

However, when the Pyramid was deciphered context was evident in the 3 features and the cast of supporting features.

One, only Doug Crowell, Laird Niven and Scott Barlow know of this cipher besides myself. What they are doing with it is none of my business.

There is still a massive trove of priceless artifacts to recover. However, the War room has abandoned the stones and goes willy nilly here n there without a plan. None of my business either. My job is done.

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