Lead Ingot


Jr. Member
Aug 25, 2019
Albuquerque NM
Detector(s) used
Garrett 400, Simplex+
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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I sell all my lead except for some dive weights. I have a local buyer that pays $1 lb. for it. Good fishing weights can go for even more if you're willing to spend the time sorting and selling them in smaller quantities.

I sell all my lead except for some dive weights. I have a local buyer that pays $1 lb. for it. Good fishing weights can go for even more if you're willing to spend the time sorting and selling them in smaller quantities.
I save all the lead I find at the beach. My local scrap yard offered me 5 cents a pound, needless to say I still have my lead.

I save all the lead I find at the beach. My local scrap yard offered me 5 cents a pound, needless to say I still have my lead.
Yeah it’s a lot of work. I save all my scraps. Haven’t done anything with it yet, including sorting it out.

I sell all my lead except for some dive weights. I have a local buyer that pays $1 lb. for it. Good fishing weights can go for even more if you're willing to spend the time sorting and selling them in smaller quantities.
One dollar a Lb. sounds like a great deal for lead! I have a bunch of scrap metal that I have just left since I started detecting 5 years ago. I guess I better start sorting and get rid of it (scrap) before the wife puts it in the trash can.

My wife would shoot me if I kept all my scrap garbage metal ha ha ha

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My wife would shoot me if I kept all my scrap garage metal ha ha ha
If you take her out to a nice dinner with the proceeds, she might change her mind! :laughing7: :icon_thumright:

If you take her out to a nice dinner with the proceeds, she might change her mind! :laughing7: :icon_thumright:
What can I get for $0.75 ?
Help me out here guys ha ha ha

I save all the lead I find at the beach. My local scrap yard offered me 5 cents a pound, needless to say I still have my lead.
Time to go to an honest scrap yard.

I save all the lead I find at the beach. My local scrap yard offered me 5 cents a pound, needless to say I still have my lead.

This is from your area.

Put an ad on Craig's List or similar. There are guys out there that make custom fishing weights and bullets that will pay more than most scrap yards.

Put an ad on Craig's List or similar. There are guys out there that make custom fishing weights and bullets that will pay more than most scrap yards.
Now there’s an idea! I’ll post it this weekend on CL. Thank you!

Is that 0.01 cents a pound ? wow that sucks
Could be for the paste weights that are being used on the rims today.
Also the rim lead weights have the steel retainer clip.
So that makes them irony lead which lowers the price.
Yes the scrap yards have an advantage over the seller as it takes another process to melt and recovery the lead.

Could be for the paste weights that are being used on the rims today.
Also the rim lead weights have the steel retainer clip.
So that makes them irony lead which lowers the price.
Yes the scrap yards have an advantage over the seller as it takes another process to melt and recovery the lead.
Who the hell would save and sell lead for a penny ? Oh wait... there are guys here... hahaha
Hell for that I would leave it where I found it, knowing some other sap was going to come along and dig it up.... ha ha ha

Who the hell would save and sell lead for a penny ? Oh wait... there are guys here... hahaha
Hell for that I would leave it where I found it, knowing some other sap was going to come along and dig it up.... ha ha ha
A famous line in history:
"A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned"
Coined by Benjamin Franklin

I worked on pennies for nearly a decade-and when one deals in millions of them yearly they add up to something.
Was I totally daft in the penny or two per pound way of thinking?
Retired before my 48th year

Somebody said early in my scrap days-Jim you can deal with little weight and a large margin-or deal in lots of weight and a low margin.

That lead was probably mined in Missouri by the American Smelting and Refining Company. ASARCO had a silver, lead, zinc, gold mine in Leadville, Colorado for many years and was a very active customer of mine in the 1990s. They had also lead mines in Missouri and copper mines in Arizona https://www.theirminesourstories.org/post/asarco-grupo-mexico-chronology

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