Looking for a Boat yard & Slip - Sebastian area


New Member
Oct 10, 2006
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Golden Thread
Coastal, NC
Detector(s) used
Garrett Infinium LS, Garret Seahunter MK II, Geometrics 882, Marine Sonic SS
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Looking for a Boat yard & Slip - Sebastian area

Can anyone reccomend a good boat yard in or near the Sebastian area that allows owners to do their own repairs?

Also looking for a reasonably priced slip in the Sebastian area for a 40ish foot boat, any suggestions?

Any comments or recommendations would be welcomed. If you have comments on places to avoid please PM me?

Re: Looking for a Boat yard & Slip - Sebastian area


contact paul at finns marina in sebastian.slips run from 9 bux a foot for long term.alittle higher for month to month.you can work on your boat there.i have my boat at finns,plus work on other yacht owners boats as well.paul is working today,he leaves around 3pm.he usally gets there around 11am.my boat is the only treasure boat there so far.you can park your boat next to mine.the slips are all cleared of left over hurricane debris.plus you can live on your boat there a few weeks out of the month.

paul,finns marina,sebastian
his cell ph number 321-514-3851

Re: Looking for a Boat yard & Slip - Sebastian area

Hi Bud-...The only local (to Sebastion ) marinas left
where you can haul out and actually work on blowers, bottoms, transducers, etc are down south (not far) in Port Fierce. You can choose Riverside,
Cracker Boy, or Taylor Creek. I recommend Cracker Boy. They have a good (although expensive) ships store providing just about everything you'll need, and West Marine is just up the hill so you can pick up , or order any specialty items. I've had my boats in there several times, and I can vouch for their efficiency and conditions. Haul out and block up with a pressure wash of the bottom is about $250.
depending on length (per ft.) Mine is 42, $250. Then, its a daily rate till you're done. Safe area, fenced and locked at night, with patrols. No live aboards. Man....I should get a commission for this......hahah Just trying tohelp, dude. Good luck!
Its a nice, working boat yard, welders, mechanics, painters, fibreglass repairs (all subcontractors) are
crawlin all over the place, and they'll come over and look and give you an estimate. CAUTION: This
is peak season now till May...better call if you want to get in there. (*&^%$ I can't find their card..
Oh: 772-466-7031 "Cracker Boy Boat Works".
As far as slips..depends where you'll be working.
If you're up off Sebastion Inlet (Corrigans, Cabin, etc) then Finns would be my choice, as earlier said.
Anywhere south, well..they're here, but many to chase down and choose from. A few actually on the inlet, smaller places are less expesive. I can be more specific, if you PM me. Better get on it, bud, its that time of year and everybody is out there getting set up! In an emergency, for a SHORT time,
we could agree on parking it at my dock....but I have to be careful, the snooty neighbors will start complaining if its not a "pretty" boat (ie; scrappy lookin workboat, which we all have) hahaha....

Re: Looking for a Boat yard & Slip - Sebastian area

Brad.....I forgot.there is a small haul-out marina just north of Sebastion on US-1...Fisheye probably knows the name, I bet. I looked at a big steel boat there in the '90's, but I havn't been there since.
um, is or maybe WAS....I havn't been there since the hurricanes......Mike

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