Lost Civilization of Antarctica

H.P. Lovecraft went there in stories in 1931. His were better. Humans were just an accidental outcome of The Elder Ones presence.

His fiction was better. "At the Mountains of Madness". Good read.

Hi The oldest living culture in the world say you stop talking so much nonsense. TP

Hi The oldest living culture in the world say you stop talking so much nonsense. TP

I think you should try to keep an open mind to the possibilities. If people were like you being that skeptical to all new theories then we'd still believe the world was flat. I'm not asking you to be naive and accept all theories as facts either. Just don't be so quick to judgement.

I don't know about an ancient civilization in Antarctica, but I hope this "global warming" thing hurries up because I am going to mine there when the ice melts.

I don't know about an ancient civilization in Antarctica, but I hope this "global warming" thing hurries up because I am going to mine there when the ice melts.

You're not up on the latest that they're calling it. It's PC to call it climate change and I don't believe in PCness whether the temperatures are rising or not. Group mind think is detrimental to the human race.

I think you should try to keep an open mind to the possibilities. If people were like you being that skeptical to all new theories then we'd still believe the world was flat. I'm not asking you to be naive and accept all theories as facts either. Just don't be so quick to judgement.

Quite a few people STILL believe the world is flat because of wacky theories unsupported by the facts and evidence. Just because something is labeled "New!" and "Improved!" does not mean it is better or more truthful. If a theory does not survive peer scrutiny then maybe it is a poor theory. The scientific method corrects itself; though it may take time (and proper support challenging accepted "wisdom"). Extraordinary theories require extraordinary proof.

Well if the ice does melt I'll have beach front property

One problem - Antartica has been under snow and ice for 34 million years. The last Ice Age was 10,000 yerars ago. There have been several prior. But the ice on Antartica stayed through all of them. There is no where for it to go. It is at a very low level currently and would only have been deeper in "Human" past.

Now, an intelligent race of something that was around 60 to 35 million years ago? There's a thought. Crabs, cuttlefish, some other critter we haven't found yet in the fossil record?

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Logs or pieces of trees have been found in the Antarctic, not likely no changes in millions of years.

"Antartica has been under snow and ice for 34 million years."

Wow! You're such a smart guy! Can YOU prove this statement?

"Antartica has been under snow and ice for 34 million years."

Wow! You're such a smart guy! Can YOU prove this statement?

From Wikipedia:

The icing of Antarctica began in the middle Eocene about 45.5 million years ago[7] and escalated during the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event about 34 million years ago. CO2 levels were then about 760 ppm[8] and had been decreasing from earlier levels in the thousands of ppm. Carbon dioxide decrease, with a tipping point of 600 ppm, was the primary agent forcing Antarctic glaciation.[9] The glaciation was favored by an interval when the Earth's orbit favored cool summers but oxygen isotope ratio cycle marker changes were too large to be explained by Antarctic ice-sheet growth alone indicating an ice age of some size.[10] The opening of the Drake Passage may have played a role as well[11] though models of the changes suggest declining CO2 levels to have been more important.[12]

The Western Antarctic ice sheet declined somewhat during the warm early Pliocene epoch, approximately 5 to 3 million years ago; during this time the Ross Sea opened up.[13] But there was no significant decline in the land-based Eastern Antarctic ice sheet.[14]

From Wikipedia:

The icing of Antarctica began in the middle Eocene about 45.5 million years ago[7] and escalated during the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event about 34 million years ago. CO2 levels were then about 760 ppm[8] and had been decreasing from earlier levels in the thousands of ppm. Carbon dioxide decrease, with a tipping point of 600 ppm, was the primary agent forcing Antarctic glaciation.[9] The glaciation was favored by an interval when the Earth's orbit favored cool summers but oxygen isotope ratio cycle marker changes were too large to be explained by Antarctic ice-sheet growth alone indicating an ice age of some size.[10] The opening of the Drake Passage may have played a role as well[11] though models of the changes suggest declining CO2 levels to have been more important.[12]

The Western Antarctic ice sheet declined somewhat during the warm early Pliocene epoch, approximately 5 to 3 million years ago; during this time the Ross Sea opened up.[13] But there was no significant decline in the land-based Eastern Antarctic ice sheet.[14]

Do you believe everything you read? BTW, I posted the short video because I thought it was interesting, not because I believe or disbelieve it.

I don't know about an ancient civilization in Antarctica, but I hope this "global warming" thing hurries up because I am going to mine there when the ice melts.

While you're at it you can buy some of the mountain property as you'll have one of the last areas still able to support skiing at that point.

I watched 4 min. That was enough. These types of videos are full of words like "if." "Could it be" "Is it possible" "This may have been." and so on. Using this type of wording, you can create any scenario. Example: Is it possible that the first humans were really half man and half beast. Different cultures around the world have figures of half man and half beast. The Egyptians, Mayans almost all have such representations. Add a few myths and some unidentified bones that appear to be a mixture of man and beast and you got yourself the making of video. Could it be possible such creatures existed? Perhaps.

Do you believe everything you read? BTW, I posted the short video because I thought it was interesting, not because I believe or disbelieve it.

I certainly do not believe fictional videos created by folks attempting to become relevant in the world of fictional drama.

"Antartica has been under snow and ice for 34 million years."

Wow! You're such a smart guy! Can YOU prove this statement?

Believe it or not, my nephew frequently flies scientists to Antartica. There they hot-melt drill core samles and, yes, they can date the ice using radiometric isotope dating. The neat thing about scientists is they make careful measurements, publish their work, have peer review pressure, but then other scientists can build on the information. This is the basis of knowledge. Not making crap up.


Those interested in this sort of thing should look into something called "Crust Displacement Theory", developed by Charles Hapgood and allegedly endorsed by Albert Einstein. Hapgood's book "Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings" is all over this Antarctica as well as some other cool stuff along these lines, and is a great read for both the believer and skeptic alike. I count myself on the skeptic side, but anything is possible.

Those interested in this sort of thing should look into something called "Crust Displacement Theory", developed by Charles Hapgood and allegedly endorsed by Albert Einstein. Hapgood's book "Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings" is all over this Antarctica as well as some other cool stuff along these lines, and is a great read for both the believer and skeptic alike. I count myself on the skeptic side, but anything is possible.

Not much credibility regarding hapgood's book. Seems to be just another work of fiction right up there with von daniken, muir, amundsen, and other fiction writers......

"This book proposed a theory of global exploration by a pre-classical undiscovered civilization based on his analysis of this and other ancient and late-medieval maps. More notoriously, these claims were repeated in Erich von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods? (which attributed the knowledge of the coast to extraterrestrials) and Gavin Menzies's 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (which attributed it to supposed Chinese voyages), both of which were roundly denounced by mainstream scholars."

Believe it or not, my nephew frequently flies scientists to Antartica. There they hot-melt drill core samles and, yes, they can date the ice using radiometric isotope dating. The neat thing about scientists is they make careful measurements, publish their work, have peer review pressure, but then other scientists can build on the information. This is the basis of knowledge. Not making crap up.

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Has your nephew ever mentioned a "no fly zone" there?


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