πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Carolina
πŸ₯‡ Banner finds
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab Manticore , Tesoro Silver uMax
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Well Folks, I was able to do my good deed for the day today. Long story short..........
I have been detecting at an old farm site for years now. Well, a few months ago I met a young gentleman Ray that deer hunts on the same property. We've run into each other a few times, shot the breeze, and exchanged contact info.
About a week ago he asked me if I would mind looking for his bosses watch that he had lost while planting azalea bushes and laying out pine straw at their place of employment. It had been lost for about a year and a half now. They had previously borrowed a detector and tried to find it, but had no luck in doing so. :dontknow:
Today we met at his work and he showed me the general vicinity where he thought it may be. I had three strikes against me going in: (1) I was getting electrical interference from something around the buildings, (2) Azalea branches are not too easy to get a web type coil around :tongue3:, and (3) there was a good 5"-6" of pine straw on top of the ground as mulch.
Fortunately I like a challenge, and have been pretty lucky in the past finding lost items for people. :thumbsup:
After about 15 minutes of working my way around these shrubs I was starting to lose hope. Then that "BEEP" that we all know and love appeared! After digging through the pine straw I saw the round face of the watch. :occasion18: I'm not sure if Ray or I had the biggest grin, but we were both happy to see the watch. Sure enough the band had come apart at one of the pins.
After a closer look Ray noticed the watch was STILL RUNNING!!! I couldn't believe it. :o
Ray is going to surprise his boss with the watch tomorrow. I'm glad I was able to help. :icon_thumleft:
Sorry for the long-winded short story. :laughing9:


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Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Now thats a cool story, Congrats on your good deed :headbang:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

You are such a good person. I wish you could teach Quindy to be half as nice as you are.

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Cool beans, MM! :icon_thumright: You did good! Maybe.....the boss will be so thrilled to have it back that he'll invite you to come over and detect that 500 acre CW camp! :o ;D

WTG! We're proud of ya!!

Nana :wink:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Gunrunner61 said:
Now thats a cool story, Congrats on your good deed :headbang:

Thanks GR. :thumbsup:
Very much appreciated.

Dman said:
You are such a good person. I wish you could teach Quindy to be half as nice as you are.

I know you didn't just say that D. Wasn't Quindy the one bringing you a bucket to sit on and feeding you grapes? :laughing9:
Thanks buddy. :icon_thumleft:

VOL1266-X said:
I would expect no less from you MM. WTG, Q.

Thanks Q.
I was starting to have my doubts on this one, and right towards the end at the last few bushes I found it! :hello2:

RTDE3 said:
Good Job M.M.! :headbang:
It took a Lickin' & kept on Tickin'!

LOL. I was totally amazed Rob. Must be a good watch. ;D

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

I've said it before, and am going to say it again: You're a good man Charlie Brown! :thumbsup: Breezie

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Well done MM! Its acts like this that move our hobby in the right direction! Well done old chap! Well done!!!

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Papa Bear said:
Well done MM! Its acts like this that move our hobby in the right direction! Well done old chap! Well done!!!

Yep>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He's an old Chap for sure :laughing9: Nice find, Doug. Maybe this year I'll swing by for a cold Coor's :laughing9: Oh, I meant metal detecting first :icon_scratch:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Nana40 said:
Cool beans, MM! :icon_thumright: You did good! Maybe.....the boss will be so thrilled to have it back that he'll invite you to come over and detect that 500 acre CW camp! :o ;D

WTG! We're proud of ya!!

Nana :wink:

Thanks Nana.
I wish I had a 500 acre CW spot! Can you imagine. :o
BTW- I toasted two margaritas in your honor tonight. :laughing9:
(Margarita Miner)

Breezie said:
I've said it before, and am going to say it again: You're a good man Charlie Brown! :thumbsup: Breezie

Thanks Breezie.
I was under pressure, but I pulled through for him. :icon_thumleft:

Papa Bear said:
Well done MM! Its acts like this that move our hobby in the right direction! Well done old chap! Well done!!!

Thanks Papa.
I love the challenge of finding lost articles. Been lucky so far. :icon_thumleft:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Wow! Now that didn't take long to make banner. Congratulations on a well deserved banner Doug. You rock buddy :hello2:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Crazyjarhead said:
Papa Bear said:
Well done MM! Its acts like this that move our hobby in the right direction! Well done old chap! Well done!!!

Yep>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He's an old Chap for sure :laughing9: Nice find, Doug. Maybe this year I'll swing by for a cold Coor's :laughing9: Oh, I meant metal detecting first :icon_scratch:

Coors first is fine. I may find more stuff that way. :laughing9:
Thanks Bubby, :thumbsup:

AA Woodland Detectors said:
Wow! Now that didn't take long to make banner. Congratulations on a well deserved banner Doug. You rock buddy :hello2:

Thanks Mike. The Mighty Tesoro pulled through again. :thumbsup:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Very cool! I found a friends wifes ring one time that was lost for about a year . It does feel good. Awesome that the thing still works. :headbang:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

birdman said:
Very cool! I found a friends wifes ring one time that was lost for about a year . It does feel good. Awesome that the thing still works. :headbang:

Thanks Bird. :thumbsup: Congrats on your ring find too. It's a great feeling knowing you succeeded isn't it? :hello2:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

it's all about the smile you receive when you return something that was lost. kudos to you

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

Sniffer said:
it's all about the smile you receive when you return something that was lost. kudos to you

You got that right Sniffer.

I talked to him (Ray) yesterday, and his boss has been out of the office the last few days so he hasn't been able to present the watch to him yet. I can't wait to hear how that goes. ;D

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

not long winded a bit -- it takes a few words to properly tell a good story --and thats a good story with a happy ending. :thumbsup:

Re: Lost watch found after 1 1/2 years & still running!

ivan salis said:
not long winded a bit -- it takes a few words to properly tell a good story --and thats a good story with a happy ending. :thumbsup:

Thanks Ivan.
That watch was about my 5th successful return. I'm batting 1000 so far. :icon_thumleft:

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