Marbles Marbles Marbles


Jr. Member
Feb 13, 2024


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Upvote 17
Rocks Cousteau channel on Youtube has alot of info for those older marbles. Nice ones!

I don’t know to much about marbles
But the colors are amazing Jim…
Hello billb

That's fine, I appreciate the comments. I kinda just started myself, marbles that is. I'd say for less than a year now that I've been collecting them. I can say that at times it's a mystery with some of them but others are pretty easy. I always have lots of fun looking them up and posting them to show to everyone. I'll keep the cool vintage ones and sell the others. I'm kinda getting better day by day, it definitely helps, especially with members like yourself and certain sites. You're right though, the colors and certain designs draw me in every time.
I normally collect Steins or Ball jars, oh and Sports cards. Overall just enjoy collecting. 😉
Take care!

Thanks again for your comment

Rocks Cousteau channel on Youtube has alot of info for those older marbles. Nice ones!
Hello FinderTravis

That's great! Thank you so much for the information, it's so appreciated.
Thank you as well for your comments too.
I will be posting more and I have a fair amount of them that are UV.
Take care!

Again thank you!

Most of the marbles shown are more recently manufactured items. The blue/black swirl marble may be older, like 1940s, but I'm not sure. The ones with irridescent sheen ("carnival glass") are nearly always post-1970 and probably later than that. The white/yellow red marble and the white/purple green marble were manufactured outside of the United States, probably 1980s-present.

It takes a while to learn how to reliably distinguish old marbles from newer ones that were made to look old. For example, a company called JABO made millions of old-looking marbles in the 1990s and 2000s, some of which are prized by collectors, and some of which are too common to hold any value.

If anyone here decides to start collecting marbles seriously, the best advice I can give is not to assume values or marble identifications from anything you see for sale on Ebay or other commercial websites. Most of the asking prices are too high and many of the marbles are incorrectly identified. There is a forum website called All About Marbles that is a much better source for information, and I believe the new owner of the site ("Cheese") is a member here on TN.

Most of the marbles shown are more recently manufactured items. The blue/black swirl marble may be older, like 1940s, but I'm not sure. The ones with irridescent sheen ("carnival glass") are nearly always post-1970 and probably later than that. The white/yellow red marble and the white/purple green marble were manufactured outside of the United States, probably 1980s-present.

It takes a while to learn how to reliably distinguish old marbles from newer ones that were made to look old. For example, a company called JABO made millions of old-looking marbles in the 1990s and 2000s, some of which are prized by collectors, and some of which are too common to hold any value.

If anyone here decides to start collecting marbles seriously, the best advice I can give is not to assume values or marble identifications from anything you see for sale on Ebay or other commercial websites. Most of the asking prices are too high and many of the marbles are incorrectly identified. There is a forum website called All About Marbles that is a much better source for information, and I believe the new owner of the site ("Cheese") is a member here on TN.
Hello redden

Great thank you! Appreciate you letting me know about this lot and a GOOD WAKE UP, lol..
Did you happen to see my other lots that I posted?
I could send them to you to look over real quick if you like.
I acquired both of these lots at an antique shop, they were in a Ball jar for really cheap.
The other lot was bought at a different antique shop in a jar as well for not that much either.
I definitely agree with what you said about how much one should educate one's self when collecting these or anything for that matter.
I made that mistake with Ball jars and without educating myself, history and so forth, I ended up wasting some money and in the end it was pretty much junk.

Hello redden

Great thank you! Appreciate you letting me know about this lot and a GOOD WAKE UP, lol..
Did you happen to see my other lots that I posted?
I could send them to you to look over real quick if you like.
I acquired both of these lots at an antique shop, they were in a Ball jar for really cheap.
The other lot was bought at a different antique shop in a jar as well for not that much either.
I definitely agree with what you said about how much one should educate one's self when collecting these or anything for that matter.
I made that mistake with Ball jars and without educating myself, history and so forth, I ended up wasting some money and in the end it was pretty much junk.
I see you mentioned someone by the name cheese. I did some messaging back and forth but found out that they don't really check this site too often.
I also signed up on their website, all about marbles? but for some reason, maybe a technical error, I was unable to complete my account. Really not sure why.
I will contact cheese again later today.

Again I thank you for providing me with that all that information. Very appreciated for that!
Real quick, I did find out that a good majority of the marbles that I bought are UV, really cool seeing them glow. I can send you some pictures before and under the light.

Take care!

You're better off posting marbles for identification at All About Marbles, even though it's exciting to see them in Today's Finds as well. Personally, I turn to marble hunting when metal detecting is not working out (or the ground is frozen). "Cheese" (Chuck) is an expert level collector who seldom misidentifies a marble, so you're in good hands with whatever he says.

As for marbles that glow under UV, they generally fall into two categories: older ones that were produced before WW2, and newer ones that were produced after 1990. While the glow can be helpful in identifying certain marbles, it is not an indicator of value. Most of the "Classics" marbles produced by JABO in the 1990s glow under UV, but they are still bought and sold in bulk and have low values on an individual basis. Finding an entire jar of marbles that glows (and they seem to be new) is a good sign that you might have just bought a jar of 1990s JABO marbles.

I picked one up recently in a creek it was identified as a Bennington which dates back to the Civil War era. A soldier might of lost it. History shows they camped in the area I found it. I keep them if I find them. Nice collection

Finding old marbles is much like anything else in the relic hunting realm: location location. Old landfills and bottle dumps would be my first go to, old home sites is a great second best. Old playgrounds might be sweet too, bring a little spade, sifter and be methodical. Back alleys might be worth some investigation, you find random things of various ages in places like that. I'm not a marble person but I think they look like good collecting, they're very pretty. Pontil marks would be the first thing I'd be looking for, just like the bottles I love to collect.

You got a good collection going, stay after them!

Thank you!
I picked one up recently in a creek it was identified as a Bennington which dates back to the Civil War era. A soldier might of lost it. History shows they camped in the area I found it. I keep them if I find them. Nice collection
Hello Creekside

That's cool! Good find!! My son has a blue/brown.
Wow! I can just imagine what other things were found or buried there. It's cool being in the area that they once were. Do you go over there often?
Who knows maybe you'll find other things around there.
Please keep in touch and let me know if you come across anything else. Definitely exciting to hear. I'll be posting some more cool ones that I have.
Thank you very much for sharing that with me.
Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.

Take care!

Finding old marbles is much like anything else in the relic hunting realm: location location. Old landfills and bottle dumps would be my first go to, old home sites is a great second best. Old playgrounds might be sweet too, bring a little spade, sifter and be methodical. Back alleys might be worth some investigation, you find random things of various ages in places like that. I'm not a marble person but I think they look like good collecting, they're very pretty. Pontil marks would be the first thing I'd be looking for, just like the bottles I love to collect.

That's definitely true. I'm going to have to start doing that every now and then.
I hear you about marbles, they definitely are. The design/color, some definitely draw more attention than others. Like anything else, can get very expensive.
I do have a good amount of these with various marks and and some without. I'm definitely keeping the vintage ones for myself and something to pass on to my boys. I'll probably toss those other ones on one of these auction sites and maybe save up for a lot or something, I don't know, lol..
I see you collect bottles, I seen some really nice ones out there.
I also have some vintage Ball jars and vintage Steins.
Let's keep in touch if that's alright and talk about your bottles and or my jars, lol..
You're absolutely right! I love collecting too, lol.. My room is an antique shop, lol..
Good talking to you!
Take care!

Sorry, I'll be posting more in the next couple of days.


You got a good collection going, stay after them!

Thank you! I'm learning more and more about these. I'm also weeding out the newer ones and putting the vintage ones aside.
Definitely more knowledgeable than when I first started with the help of members like yourself.
Definitely enjoy collecting and someday who knows me or you might uncover that BIG find someday.
Kinda like Indy, from the movie. Okay, not that big of a treasure but you know what I mean, lol..
Have fun! treasure hunting.
Take care!


You're better off posting marbles for identification at All About Marbles, even though it's exciting to see them in Today's Finds as well. Personally, I turn to marble hunting when metal detecting is not working out (or the ground is frozen). "Cheese" (Chuck) is an expert level collector who seldom misidentifies a marble, so you're in good hands with whatever he says.

As for marbles that glow under UV, they generally fall into two categories: older ones that were produced before WW2, and newer ones that were produced after 1990. While the glow can be helpful in identifying certain marbles, it is not an indicator of value. Most of the "Classics" marbles produced by JABO in the 1990s glow under UV, but they are still bought and sold in bulk and have low values on an individual basis. Finding an entire jar of marbles that glows (and they seem to be new) is a good sign that you might have just bought a jar of 1990s JABO marbles.

Thank you! That makes perfect sense.
I'll still post here and there on TN seeing my Wife and I come across other finds, not just marbles, lol.. but we'll send the majority of them to All About Marbles.
I still have to get in touch with Chuck about having trouble with his website.
Hmm.. regarding those UV marbles. Thank you again, that's very helpful. They are cool looking though. I hope to have some of the older ones but if not then I'll know what to look for next time.
Regarding the second lot. After messaging him I hope to be able to separate those vintage ones from the newer ones and take some history from that as well. Sorry, and better educated.
Always GOOD! talking to you and again thank you for your time/information.
I'll keep in touch when I find something out and if I come across any other finds, besides marbles.
Oops! I almost forgot to mention. I just sold the Ball jar and three marbles from the first lot. Pretty much took care of what I spent on the entire jar and I got, HOPEFULLY? lol.. some vintage marbles.
Take care!


Thank you!

Hello Creekside

That's cool! Good find!! My son has a blue/brown.
Wow! I can just imagine what other things were found or buried there. It's cool being in the area that they once were. Do you go over there often?
Who knows maybe you'll find other things around there.
Please keep in touch and let me know if you come across anything else. Definitely exciting to hear. I'll be posting some more cool ones that I have.
Thank you very much for sharing that with me.
Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.

Take care!
I have permission to metal detect but I’m more of a point hunter. By August when I’ve found all the arrowheads I will probably swing the MD. I know of a couple spots that has old homesites due to the red bricks I find in the creek. I do have a MD just don’t use it much. If I get to that swinging mode and find anything worth posting I will put them up. I find plenty of 1920s trash so there might be a gold coin hiding in the woods waiting for me to find it. We will see

I have permission to metal detect but I’m more of a point hunter. By August when I’ve found all the arrowheads I will probably swing the MD. I know of a couple spots that has old homesites due to the red bricks I find in the creek. I do have a MD just don’t use it much. If I get to that swinging mode and find anything worth posting I will put them up. I find plenty of 1920s trash so there might be a gold coin hiding in the woods waiting for me to find it. We will see

Well thats good, you don't want to get in trouble or anything. I'm sorry, point hunter?
Some arrowheads are really cool looking and I've only seen a small amount. But then there's those others that I've seen at museums or online and I'm like WOW! I wish I had that one, lol..
Good luck using the MD, I hope that you find something BIG. Please let me/TN posted on more finds. I look forward to what some members find. I can hardly wait to see what you find as well. Wish I could be there helping you find stuff. I'd stay out of the way, of course but just being there and seeing you find something would be GREAT!
Take care!
Always good talking to you!



Well thats good, you don't want to get in trouble or anything. I'm sorry, point hunter?
Some arrowheads are really cool looking and I've only seen a small amount. But then there's those others that I've seen at museums or online and I'm like WOW! I wish I had that one, lol..
Good luck using the MD, I hope that you find something BIG. Please let me/TN posted on more finds. I look forward to what some members find. I can hardly wait to see what you find as well. Wish I could be there helping you find stuff. I'd stay out of the way, of course but just being there and seeing you find something would be GREAT!
Take care!
Always good talking to you!

Here’s a wow factor


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