No doubt. I have five cats. I didn't MEAN to have 5 cats...but...My two pets finally died of old age some years back. So first I got Dusty the Irrepressible, who thinks he is King. Solid black rescue cat, then with the death of the 2nd cat I had, my youngest daughter "fixed me up" with a kitten. She got me a purebred Maine coon cat, weighing in at 28 pounds, his name is Littlewhile. He ain't little. Today was his birthday! Vet sent a birthday ecard and we enjoyed canned c at food, at least they did. I had a steak. All was peaceful and tranquil from 2006 to 2010 and my brother died. It took me three weeks but I finally caught his cat in a have-a-heart trap. Thing was half feral. Anyway, that cat, Smokey now thinks HE is king here and him and Dusty hate each others guts. But he likes me and has dethroned Dusty by sleeping next to my face every night (Dusty can't attack him there.)
So this past summer the same said daughter calls me in freak out mode, she is moving to California and can't take all 4 of her cats. Will I drive to Montreal (from Maryland) and get two? No. So we met near Albany, NY and I took the other two home. The two old, overweight and sick ones.
Smoke and Tiger Lily. Smoke has diabetes. That's fun. Spent $3k on the beast since June. But they all like me and the cat wars are great! (sarcasm intended.) But they all like me. So, I keep them forever.