Membership in Bloombergs anti-gun group was kiss of death

I agree! I'm sure there are no mayors who are traitors to our constitution. Though there are some who favor gun control.

It is part of every mayor's oath to protect and defend our constitution, attacking the citizen's 2nd amendment rights is a violation and a betrayal of that oath and as such a traitor to our constitution....

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

NF, ol' bloomers still tells those that are dumb enough to listen that an AR15 will fire 100 rounds with a single trigger pull. Should someone that ignorant about a subject have a position or use their millions of dollars to promote their position and spread that ignorance to the flock?

The fact that Bloomberg is a billionaire and none of us are, tells us he's not ignorant about anything. The point isn't and never was how many shots an AR15 can deliver on a single pull. Regarding the AR15, the flock, as you call it, believes this weapon has no utility purpose such as self defense or hunting. It is an offensive weapon. One used to attack in a military situation. They are right.

Doesn't mean it isn't a lot of fun to play with one!

That said i'm not for banning it in any way.

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It is part of every mayor's oath to protect and defend our constitution, attacking the citizen's 2nd amendment rights is a violation and a betrayal of that oath and as such a traitor to our constitution....

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

The point is that your post about the 24 mayors losing their reelection bids lacks context. That context being 24 out of how many Bloomberg members running for reelection? I'm sure the NRA has those numbers. Why didn't they publish them?

It matters that they didn't. If those numbers were supportive of the cause the NRA would be all over it. Yet, it's not. Why? because the overall numbers don't support the cause. The NRA can publish the number 24 without context and claim victory. With context? Not so much! if they could have they would have. The would have because it makes a stronger case in support of their message.

NF, Bloomers IS ignorant about the capabitity of AR15's. Either that or he is overstating its capability to sway the beliefs of the flock. That's how they work. I'm all for, "If you like your AR15, you can keep your AR15..............period!" :)

Sir you are thinking of the SAR. DAR is the womens branch. Of course that was probably another one of your snide "hidden" insults.. See below... If you're going to throw insults at us at least get your facts straight. So MY ancestors are traitors ? No wonder you act the way you do. You feel the good men who wrote the constitution of this country are traitors... That blows my mind but explains ALOT. If you hate this country and all it stands for so much, then comrade, maybe you should LEAVE ! No wonder you and your kind are so intent on destroying it. I commend you for being the only one to admit it. And while you're throwing insults that are clearly directed at me aren't you one of the guys crying to the mods that I'm "picking on you" ? Make up your mind man. You want to scrap we can scrap, you want to be a victim then stop hiding and throwing sucker punches.

Were the signatories of the Constitution not traitors in the eyes of the King? Would they not have been hanged had the American Revolution not been fought and won?

Seems you may need to adjust your perspective in order to fully comprehend what PWP is saying before you go on a personal tirade against him.

Were the signatories of the Constitution not traitors in the eyes of the King? Would they not have been hanged had the American Revolution not been fought and won?

Seems you may need to adjust your perspective in order to fully comprehend what PWP is saying before you go on a personal tirade against him.
First you say on another thread that it's not your place to answer for him and now you're over here doing it. At least someone is responding. He certainly hasn't been back to explain his comments. I wasn't aware that Pip was a British citizen. Now I understand his disdain for OUR founding fathers and those of us who respect them. Are you also a British citizen ? Maybe Obama is British too since NONE of you have one ounce of respect for the Constitution or those who died protecting it.

Tories vs Whigs.
Loyalists vs Revolutionists.
Fence riders vs Extremists.
Crown vs upstart colonies.
Governors vs governors.


the second amendment is not the only portion of the constitution...nor is it the most important.
persons with a fixation on weapons and killing are deviants in need of medical care. imo.

amendments one and four are far more important to liberty than weapons...any rock or sharp stick can be used to kill.
unlike some people, I earned my right to my opinions...

First you say on another thread that it's not your place to answer for him and now you're over here doing it. At least someone is responding. He certainly hasn't been back to explain his comments. I wasn't aware that Pip was a British citizen. Now I understand his disdain for OUR founding fathers and those of us who respect them. Are you also a British citizen ? Maybe Obama is British too since NONE of you have one ounce of respect for the Constitution or those who died protecting it.

You are over-thinking it.

You are over-thinking it.
It was nice of you to come to his defense especially since he is STILL avoiding the question. Good comeback dragging the King of England into it. How does this explain his disdain for the patriotic organizations like the DAR and the SAR and his insults directed towards their members? I missed that part..... Or maybe that was just intended to be an insult meant for me ? Nah, can't be. That's against the rules.. Gee I sure hope Mr white paws dosn't send me another rude insulting PM like last time..

the second amendment is not the only portion of the constitution...nor is it the most important.
persons with a fixation on weapons and killing are deviants in need of medical care. imo.

amendments one and four are far more important to liberty than weapons...any rock or sharp stick can be used to kill.
unlike some people, I earned my right to my opinions...
I earned the right to my opinion as well. I'm a veteran and I'm assuming you might be as well based on this comment ? If so thank you. Seriously. The only problem I have with this is that I was brought up with the idea that the entire Constitution was important. Not just the parts I like.

The Constitution is like a fine, tightly woven garment but, once any part of it is unraveled, it must be fixed immediately or it will come apart entirely.
I don't have a "fixation" on weapons but I do have a "fixation" on my rights, ALL of them!

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the second amendment is not the only portion of the constitution...nor is it the most important.
persons with a fixation on weapons and killing are deviants in need of medical care. imo.

amendments one and four are far more important to liberty than weapons...any rock or sharp stick can be used to kill.
unlike some people, I earned my right to my opinions...

With out the 2nd the rest of the admendment in BOR are not worth the paper they are written on, the 2nd is what defends them all, let's see you defend the first and forth with sticks and rocks.

I also EARNED my right.

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

The colonists who rebelled against the king were traitors to the king just like people who attack our rights under our Constitution are traitors to our Constitution.

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

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My wife is a naturalized citizen and she has the same rights to her opinion....

Serving in military service to our country does not entitle us to more rights, only in the right to say we earned the right to express our opinion.

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

With out the 2nd the rest of the admendment in BOR are not worth the paper they are written on, the 2nd is what defends them all, let's see you defend the first and forth with sticks and rocks.

I also EARNED my right.

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

defend against who? ( or is it whom?)

And about this earned right that is being talked about here - I don't like that from any vets. I don't use it, and can't stand when others believe it gives them more of a voice, or a higher standing. We are all Americans. We all have the same rights. We are all equal. if the vets on this board believe their service gives them moral authority we can start parsing it down by who saw active combat and who served in support functions on some non battlefield post. We can get right down who had the most wounds or the most metals. IOW, we can get ridiculous. Those of us who chose to, can be proud of their service without using it as a club to control the conversation. Regardless, none of it gives us the moral high ground or the louder voice.

TH this is not directed at you or anyone in particular. I hear this here as well as on the street and other forums. As vets some of us did what we were forced to do. others got themselves in over their heads. And others had the time of their lives. But we all came thru it and here we are. Equal one and all.

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defend against who? ( or is it whom?)

And about this earned right that is being talked about here - I don't like that from any vets. I don't use it, and can't stand when others believe it gives them more of a voice, or a higher standing. We are all Americans. We all have the same rights. We are all equal. if the vets on this board believe their service gives them moral authority we can start parsing it down by who saw active combat and who served in support functions on some non battlefield post. We can get right down who had the most wounds or the most metals. IOW, we can get ridiculous. Those of us who chose to, can be proud of their service without using it as a club to control the conversation. Regardless, none of it gives us the moral high ground or the louder voice.

TH this is not directed at you or anyone in particular. I hear this here as well as on the street and other forums. As vets some of us did what we were forced to do. others got themselves in over their heads. And others had the time of their lives. But we all came thru it and here we are. Equal one and all.

NF did you not see my post above yours???

My wife is a naturalized citizen and she has the same rights to her opinion....

Serving in military service to our country does not entitle us to more rights, only in the right to say we earned the right to express our opinion.

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

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