Metal Detecting and Dogs


Full Member
Nov 11, 2013
El Cerrito CA
Detector(s) used
AT Pro and BH SS II
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
This is not really about metal detecting. It's more about what would you do while metal detecting and this happens?

Today at the park I was happily on my knees digging a hole when I looked up and saw a large dog charging me. I quickly stood up and put my search coil out and held the dog at bay. The dog was barking and showing it's teeth. My metal detector worked really well to keep the dog from biting my legs. I now know why lion tamers use chairs...
The owner of the dog came from around a tree and was talking on her cell phone. when she saw what was happening she yelled at me and said "Stop doing that with that thing, you're freaking him out". I said your dog is attacking me and that's kind of freaking me out! She casually walked over and put the leash on and pulled the still barking and growling dog away.
The park is clearly posted that "you must have your dog on a leash".

This is the second time I've been attacked by a dog in my short time metal detecting. :(
What would you do?

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I would have called animal control about a possible vicious dog. What if it had been a kid? I train dogs and am a certified canine behavior specialist. I don't tolerate stuff like that. Your dog should always be under control when out in public.

Would have called animal control or police and little miss attitude would have some questions to answer and some fines to pay. What if it had been a kid SD you said what if you hadn't reacted in time to protect yourself? Instead you get lip from this woman and its because she got away with it that I can almost guarantee it will happen again and possibly the outcome wont be so nice.

This is why (for the most part) when I'm detecting I'm carrying my 45.

I live in a low populated area. We also have a leash law. Mostly because of people like this. I love dogs. Have two of my own. This dog is clearly a reflection of its owner. Just like kids, obedience Start's at home. She would have got a ear full.

I would still call the police, and suggest they keep an eye on this park for the woman and her dog. Chances are, she'll be there again, and probably with her unleashed dog.

I very much dislike stepping in dog POOP...takes for ever scrapping it off your boots! It's rather cool having one lick your face while retrieving a target though.

GOD Bless


I might have done the same as the OP, or done as she asked. Pull out the Lesche, put down the MD prepared to defend myself. Not a dog person nor do I respect many Dog Owners, they are normally rude and think everyone loves dogs and want other peoples dogs jumping on them and sniffin their privates.. Dogs are not the problem, it is normally the owners. ..sitting in vets office.. "OH Look "King" there's a kitty in the box.. go Sniff it.. " Just want to beat these brain dead twits with a dog leash.. Sorry touch subject.. and not had my coffee yet.

I might have done the same as the OP, or done as she asked. Pull out the Lesche, put down the MD prepared to defend myself. Not a dog person nor do I respect many Dog Owners, they are normally rude and think everyone loves dogs and want other peoples dogs jumping on them and sniffin their privates.. Dogs are not the problem, it is normally the owners. ..sitting in vets office.. "OH Look "King" there's a kitty in the box.. go Sniff it.. " Just want to beat these brain dead twits with a dog leash.. Sorry touch subject.. and not had my coffee yet.

I know what your saying, but bad dog owners are just like bad metal detect-est. The bad apples ruin it for everyone. We have the same type in this hobby. Makes it hard on the people who try and do things right.

Original poster here.
I live on the east side of the San Francisco Bay Area. In the last 10 years I have seen a massive increase in bad dog owners here.
I am also a dog lover. We just had to put down our 13 year old German Shepherd recently. she was a good girl and never showed any aggression towards a human.

I very much dislike stepping in dog POOP...takes for ever scrapping it off your boots!

Don't get me started on people NOT picking up after their dogs.
There is one trail in particular in Tilden Park that you cannot walk more than 10 feet without seeing a pile of dog poop. This trail is part of a protected watershed area! I am tempted to put a Trail Cam there to see what kind of footage I can get. I already have a video from my my Dash Cam of a lady letting her dog poop right in front of my children's school and walking away. I was thinking about starting a YouTube channel for Bad Dog Owners. I think this is a more widespread problem than just the Bay Area. We recently went to Lake Tahoe and there is a trail that leads down to the lake, it was very snowy but we hiked down anyway and there was pile after pile of dog poop on the trail. when the snow melts all this dog poop runs down into the lake.

I imagine people who don't pick up after their dogs or don't obey leash laws must be related to the people who don't back fill their holes while metal detecting.

What do you guys think about a Bad Dog Owner YouTube channel?
I wish I would have had on a GoPro to capture this dog attacking me.

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I would call the police and have them be on the lookout for the wicked witch and Toto. Was metal detecting permitted in the park? Just curious,some don't allow it.

I would call the police and have them be on the lookout for the wicked witch and Toto. Was metal detecting permitted in the park? Just curious,some don't allow it.

I have a permit to metal detect in this park.

All dogs have to be on a leash in our parks except the dog parks ,but even there ya need to pick up after your dog. When they gotta go, they go. No doubt the sounds from metal detector attracted the dog. You weren't use headphones either were you?

All dogs have to be on a leash in our parks except the dog parks ,but even there ya need to pick up after your dog. When they gotta go, they go. No doubt the sounds from metal detector attracted the dog. You weren't use headphones either were you?

I always use headphones.
The fact that I had headphones scares me even more. I just happened to look up when I did.

Where I live we shoot critters like that.

Always carrying concealed because of these kinds of things happening. It is getting worse as more and more people who own dogs should not own dogs or have children. The way a dog acts is a direct reflection on the owner. An owner with no respect for others will have a dog with the same attitude. It is a fact jack!! So my Judge with #6 bird shot discourages most mean dogs at 10 feet and the 225 grain hollow point seals the deal if the 6 shot does not work. I have trained and bred Labrador's all my life. I love dogs, but will not put up with a dog that is not controlled by its owner. Leash or no leash!
Call me if you need an exterminator. Hopefully this individual has not produced any children.

ALLWAYS carry the strongest MACE you can buy while out/about,or a pistol(w/license) and don't be afraid to use the mace at all.Sad to say but you will find it's a must nowadays for your SAFETY being alone and away from any help.....

This is not really about metal detecting. It's more about what would you do while metal detecting and this happens?

Today at the park I was happily on my knees digging a hole when I looked up and saw a large dog charging me. I quickly stood up and put my search coil out and held the dog at bay. The dog was barking and showing it's teeth. My metal detector worked really well to keep the dog from biting my legs. I now know why lion tamers use chairs...
The owner of the dog came from around a tree and was talking on her cell phone. when she saw what was happening she yelled at me and said "Stop doing that with that thing, you're freaking him out". I said your dog is attacking me and that's kind of freaking me out! She casually walked over and put the leash on and pulled the still barking and growling dog away.
The park is clearly posted that "you must have your dog on a leash".

This is the second time I've been attacked by a dog in my short time metal detecting. :(
What would you do?

Nah... there's nothing you should do, other than what you did. The only thing I'd suggest is to loudly yell "That's why we have LEASH LAWS!!!"

From the dog's point of view, you're a VERY strange thing. Every dog that I've come across while MD'ing, doesn't have a clue what I am. They're very nervous and often will come up and growl and bark. I simply hold out my hand downward, and they get a sniff. Then they happily jaunt off after confirming that I'm not a monster.

Still UNNERVING. One of my friends has two St. Bernards, and he LOVES to unleash them while I'm at the park. The dogs happily jaunt over to say hello. Its enough to make me wet myself, so I completely get it.

Waving off is ok. I wouldn't even remotely consider what you did to be in bad form!

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