Metal detecting during the night

Night hunting the beach is great! No sun and no pesky kids swarming over your targets.

Parks and beaches close at 9pm where I'm at. Probably wouldn't want to be there alone after that.

Permissions; Farm Fields; Woods; Sports Fields.

I enjoy doing some night detecting, because it just seems more peaceful. Night is a good time to detect those public places that you may not want to go to during the day because of people around. Could be anywhere really, like schools, parks, curbstrips, beach, construction sites. I've also hit up the courthouse and city country club at night.
During the summer the bugs do come out hardcore at night though, so always carry bugspray!

So have I on occasion. Sure is a lot cooler than in the direct sun.

Beaches are great at night. Sport parks that are remote away from neighborhoods are good night spots as well. (I find that my detector and pinpointer make noises that drives dogs crazy, so hate being out at night and causing dogs to bark like crazy.) I'll also hit areas near cellar holes remote in the deep woods if I have been there many times before and know the lay of the land. Sometimes night detecting gives you a different perspective or you just naturally slow down. (I have same issues with nights being my only available time some weeks.) Be safe, don't break the law, not worth it, and exercise common sense.

Beaches, Resorts, Amusement Parks that I had permission to work where always night time only. Some only gave permission to clean up twice a year four evenings each time. Beach Resorts where nice, if I would find personal items of value I would turn them into to the resort, in turn they would do me favours. They never asked for anything in letting me hunt other than do it late at night, and check in with security. Returning items was just a plus for both of us.

Be sure to check local regs, for instance, some beaches ban artificial light during turtle nest season. Probably frown on digging at night too...

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