Metal Detector Dealers in Connecticut.

Tony is actually in Granby now but you can still get ahold of him at the same number i believe , he's a good guy too.

Thank you gents and thank you lafatlife for the PM.

this was posted on another forum from Tony at T.C.Metal detectors .

" Hi everyone. I just wanted you all to know that if you are finding it difficult to contact me at my business number I have two other numbers to call. I am still in the process of setting up my new shop and moving. Its been busy and trying to juggle a few things.
If you do not get me at my 860-623-1153 number, PLEASE call my cell phone at 860-916-2506 or my new place at 860-844-1218. ALL calls will be returned I assure you. Also, we are currently finally getting in back ordered items such as scoops and diggers as well as a few other items that have benn difficult lately to restock. I appreciate your paitience. THANK YOU !!!! "

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