Minelabs New Metal Detector???


Jr. Member
Jul 11, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

It was only unveiled Sept, 16 in the U.K., I do not think it will be available here for some months yet, it has a lot of interest, including mine, the showing and information about it has been in general only, would still like to see much more infro. along with thorough demonstrations.

Hello, I am curious if I read the wrong thing or not but I been waiting for Minelabs new Equinox its supposed to have been out by the 16th of this month September 2017. Yet its not out yet I cant even purchase it, was there an issue I must have read wrong...

It wasn't released on the 16th, it was revealed to the public on the 16th. I am suppose to have a chance to physically test one today, will post on it later if I it comes through.

It wasn't released on the 16th, it was revealed to the public on the 16th. I am suppose to have a chance to physically test one today, will post on it later if I it comes through.

Lucky dog, I hope you do! let us know!

I have heard that the new Minelab Equinox may replace the Safari. I hope that with it's release and all the Hulabaloo, that it will help to drive down the cost of the Safari a bit. We'll see.

I have heard that the new Minelab Equinox may replace the Safari. I hope that with it's release and all the Hulabaloo, that it will help to drive down the cost of the Safari a bit. We'll see.

I'm willing to bet it will replace the X-Terra lineup, not the Safari.

I'm willing to bet it will replace the X-Terra lineup, not the Safari.

I agree. I think of all the detectors Minelab currently makes the Xterra line is the most likely one the Equinox would replace. It is in the same price range and would make it obsolete more than the Safari.

It wasn't released on the 16th, it was revealed to the public on the 16th. I am suppose to have a chance to physically test one today, will post on it later if I it comes through.

Looking forward to your input! I'm really fired up about this one. Especially the 800...

I had a chance to play with Equinox 800 today and I can happily vouch for the fact it does find small gold chains using 20 kHz freq, It had no problem seeing a thin 14k herring bone chain. I didn't bury chain real deep, only about 4 inches but it was seeing it with no problem and chain was stretched out straight, not in a ball, tiny clasp and no charm on it. It want replace the 3030 or Etrac but it will certainly have a place in my arsenal.

It is also like the excal in that it sees a gold ring with a piece of iron rebar inside ring if you turn 90° and rescan after the null in desc mode, the iron can also be discriminated out too and see a coin or gold ring under the iron. Earphones on 800 are nice and very comfortable.

I only played with it about 30 mins and wasn't able to take to the beach, maybe next time.

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I had a chance to play with Equinox 800 today and I can happily vouch for the fact it does find small gold chains using 20 kHz freq, It had no problem seeing a thin 14k herring bone chain. I didn't bury chain real deep, only about 4 inches but it was seeing it with no problem and chain was stretched out straight, not in a ball, tiny clasp and no charm on it. It want replace the 3030 or Etrac but it will certainly have a place in my arsenal.

It is also like the excal in that it sees a gold ring with a piece of iron rebar inside ring if you turn 90° and rescan after the null in desc mode, the iron can also be discriminated out too and see a coin or gold ring under the iron. Earphones on 800 are nice and very comfortable.

I only played with it about 30 mins and wasn't able to take to the beach, maybe next time.

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Congrats on the test run with the Equinox and thanks for the review. I doubt very much if I will be adding it to my arsenal.
How did the machine balance and what kind of weight are we talking about?

It weighs 2.8 lbs, and since everything is in front of you a little front heavy but that can be fixed by owners if it bothers them by adding rear extension rod.

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Good review. Thanks for posting.
Hearing more reviews from folks who don't have a dog in the fight is what I am waiting on. (hearing from dealers and folks on the ML payroll are good, but nothing beats reviews from experienced unprejudiced detectorists)

Thanks for the review, I am looking forward to this detector hitting the shelves. It looks like Minelab has a winner.

I'm not prejudice and I'm not a dealer, I wasn't posting a review, only commenting on a 30 min test. I am a Minelab fan though, although I hated the GoFind series I do own multiple Minelabs and have owned others in the past.

I currently own 4 excals, 3030, sov gt and Xterra 705. I have owned Whites,Troy, Tesoros and still own a Fisher 1235x. I want commit to the Equinox till I can see its performance on salt water beaches but I was impressed with it in the short time I tested it.

I don't think the Equinox will replace the 3030 or the excal, it most likely could replace the Safari as there is only $100 difference in the two, or it could drive its price down, only time will tell. The Safari is a real good detector, but no back light. The reason I sold it and bought the Etrac was the owner was in middle of divorce, needed cash quickly and sold it for $800. I sold Etrac to buy the 3030 to upgrade.

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I'm not prejudice and I'm not a dealer, I wasn't posting a review, only commenting on a 30 min test. ...

I think you misread my post. I was thanking you for an unbiased report. You did give a short review of your opinions and I count it as a + for the Eq.

I think you misread my post. I was thanking you for an unbiased report. You did give a short review of your opinions and I count it as a + for the Eq.
My apologies for misreading it sir.

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