Misty Morning Excursions


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
It was eerily silent that morning, a misty fog enveloping, like a wraith trying to hide everything in plain sight. The morning sun had risen, only just, and was trying mightily to burn away this vaporous shroud of the passing night. There was hardly a breeze to so much as stir this murk, yet it curled and rolled and wafted as if it were truly a living thing. The mist wetted everything it touched, a kiss of moisture somewhat heavier than the morning dew. Oh for some it was a thing of beauty, for some a minor nuisance. For some it was just another day. There were a few sounds that filtered through this gauzy haze.. the clicks and sizzle of fishing lines being cast out into the still waters of the lake... the low warbles of the contented if still somewhat sleepy ducks and geese slumbering in the grass along the shore.
Yeah BOY! I was EARRRRRRLY! <grin> Hi everyone! Did you miss me? Sorry I've been away so long, just too much work and not enough time to play, or barely anything else. *sigh* I can't imagine I'm alone in this situation though now am I? Oh well I'm here now, and I've got some pictures and a few words to share about my most recent metal detecting outing. Work, Weather and Whatever else may cut down on my "tector" time, but I still get in a little huntin' when I can manage it. Last Saturday a case in point. I knew I had a full schedule for later in the day and the only way I was going to get to do any detecting in was to get up early and get to it as the sun was coming up.
And that's just what I did. I went to a local park that is a favorite in the summer time. On Friday nights the park hosts "Free Friday Flicks" an outdoor showing of recently first run family friendly movies. The movies are free, and there are lots of vendors that show up to offer their wares to the masses. Large crowds of people laying around on the ground watching movies, eating snacks etc etc.. always a good combination for an enterprising coin shooter huh? <grin> But that's not all, this park also sports one the last Imagineering playgrounds in the city of Lexington. a HUGE playground that's almost always full of kiddies and their parents. Ahhh.. the smell of woodchips in the morning! The best time to hunt these gold mines..er.. I mean tot lots. And I was GOOD and EARLY this Saturday. Here's a few pics from that morning..

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... of course kiddies aren't the only creatures that play in the tot lots.. overnight there are little enterprising creatures that come out and try to catch a meal or two.. SPIDERS!!! How many times have you walked face first into a spider web while your head was down and you were detecting? I didn't this day, but I have in the past.. <shuddering> The mist and fog did a number on the webs this morning though.. poor spiders will have to try again at nightfall.

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Spiders aren't the only critters to be found in the woodchips and playground equipment of course.. there are mice too... I dug these two little guys up not far from each other... funny, they look familiar for some reason..

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Chucky Cheese Tokens.. Oh Fun! That other splat of metal is a zinc penny that's been pounded flat.. <shrug> Oh well. Of course there were identifiable coins found as well, not a lot, but hey, I'm not out to get rich, just have fun, mostly <smile>
Well as the sun started winning it's battle to burn off the morning fog, people began arriving at the park, other people than those already out for fishing and metal detecting that is. I'd pretty much finished hunting the playground at that point so I moved on to the far side of the lake to the "Movie Hill". I met an older gentleman coming out of the area carrying his detector and his hunting knife that he uses to dig up his targets. I asked him how he did and he showed me a few things he'd found that morning, an earring, a pair of glasses, and a few coins. He said that he was not really hunting very hard, just out getting some exercise for his heart, a recent heart attack survivor. He wished me luck and I surveyed thehillside. Here are a few composit pictures of the movie hill from this Saturday morning. I walked about halfway up the hill in the "viewing" area and took the pictures.

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I noticed that there were several "butchered"recently dug holes and I could only guess where they'd come from. I filled them back in of course.. *sigh*. Anyway, I began swinging at the bottom of the hill and worked my way back and forth one detector swing width lane at a time across the viewing area. I found a few coins here and there, very few on the surface though, and that still amazes me. I've detected this hill many many times, and I KNOW I'm not the only one hunting here, but still, every time I come here to search I find coins that I have to dig up. Cool! Of course where you find coins, you find trash. Oh MY GOD! I must have had a banner day for pull tabs that Saturday! and not just the newer "modern" pull tabs, but old ones! EVERYWHERE! I only had this handfull of them in my finds bag when I finally got home, but if I found one then I must have found over a hundred of the things this time out! SHEESH! but there were other things too.. a set of vampire clips (ace bandage "stays") some buttons, hair barrettes, a key, wire..

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Some surface finds, not necessarily all metal detector finds, included the usual assortment of lighters, pens, pencils (promotional items) give aways and other stuff..

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I found more critters.. well one anyway.. a poor little baby seal.. all alone out in the grass. <grin> Another animal to my growing menagerie here on my computer desk.
And there were cars and trucks and a motorcycle. The motorcycle was on the surface, but the vehicles were all dug up.. so they've been there at least a year or more.

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I had to clean up the cars though, so that they could be added to "FRO'S USED CARS" car lot.. <grin>

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Some other more high tech finds include a CD ROM disk (game).. a freebie from Sports Illustrated and Wendy's and a pair of I-pod earbuds (found on opposite sides of the hill)..

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And then there was the bling... Nothing big this weekend, not even a great deal of it.. just a little charm, a "peace" symbol bracelet, a macrame ring (hemp yarn tied in knots around a cut aluminum ring).. and one little itty bitty tinny heart ring.. a SILVER RING!!!! This thing is MINUTE! It had to have belonged to a child.. very very very tiny fingers. check it out.. it's not too small to see the stamped (925) though.. <grin> Yeah.. made my day!..

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Sweet! I love finding silver.. coins or otherwise.. and believe it or not, that little ring was DUG UP! it was down at least 3 inches in the dirt under the grass roots. Cool Huh! Oh well, that was the topper for this past Saturday's metal detector hunt. it was getting rather warm by that point and as I mentioned earlier, I had a full schedule for that afternoon and evening. To be honest I didn't even get a chance to empty my finds bag and sort out my discoveries till about Monday afternoon.. of course it was raining here locally at the time, so instead of getting out to do some detecting, I took pictures and sorted out my finds. Here's the Clad from that day.. not a lot, but I thought it was plenty. Plenty enough to cover my gas, and then some. Got to love a hobby that pays for itself huh?

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Well here it is Wednesday evening, and the KooKoo clock on the wall is chirping out that it's Ten PM and time to call this day over .. and head off to bed to prepare for another work day tomorrow. But I finally got my discoveries shared with you all, from Today's Finds.. even it it wasn't technically from "Today". I'll try to be more prompt in the future.. <laughing> I hope you all get out and get to enjoy the summer weather and this most enjoyable hobby that we share. And as always..

~Happy Hunting~


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Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
allen said:
looks like another good day of detecting for you !!

Yeah it was.. but then, even if all I find are a few pull tabs and nothing else.. it's still a good day! Anyday metal detecting, for however long or short, is a good day.. beats the hell out of NOT getting to get any swing time in. <grin>

~Happy Hunting~


history hunter

Bronze Member
Apr 12, 2007
Menasha WI.
Detector(s) used
Nox 800 AT Max, Mine lab se pro/ Teknetics 7500 / teknetics 8000 / fisher m-scope (aquanut) 1280x/2ea compass relic magnum 6 /compass yukon 77b (professional) /compass yukon 71b
Nice job, silver and some cash!



Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
history hunter said:
Nice job, silver and some cash!

Very VERY tiny silver... but yes "SILVER" <grin> And some gas money I suppose. I'm not getting rich with hunts like this, but then I didn't get started in this hobby thinking I was going to get rich digging up coins. Oh it would be NICE, to be sure! And every find is a treasure certainly, but it's just plain fun to get out and detect.. everything else is a bonus!

~Happy Hunting~



Sr. Member
Oct 3, 2008
Western Pennsylvania
Detector(s) used
E Trac
Nothing like a good day of detecting especially after a long hiatus. Good finds and get out more often! :icon_thumleft:

PS: If you spent less time writing, describing the fog and spiders and such......you would have more time for detecting :laughing9:



Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
davew0710 said:
Nothing like a good day of detecting especially after a long hiatus. Good finds and get out more often! :icon_thumleft:

PS: If you spent less time writing, describing the fog and spiders and such......you would have more time for detecting :laughing9:

Too true my friend, too very true.. however, I usually write when it's dark or the weather is otherwise uncooperative. Besides.. I like to write too. <grin> Thanks for the suggestion though.. I'll take it under advisement. Now if work would just cooperate and I might have some free time to actually get out and hunt.. *sigh*

~Happy Hunting~



Sr. Member
Oct 3, 2008
Western Pennsylvania
Detector(s) used
E Trac
Frodov said:
davew0710 said:
Nothing like a good day of detecting especially after a long hiatus. Good finds and get out more often! :icon_thumleft:

PS: If you spent less time writing, describing the fog and spiders and such......you would have more time for detecting :laughing9:

Too true my friend, too very true.. however, I usually write when it's dark or the weather is otherwise uncooperative. Besides.. I like to write too. <grin>


May you always detect as well as you write.



Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
davew0710 said:
Frodov said:
davew0710 said:
Nothing like a good day of detecting especially after a long hiatus. Good finds and get out more often! :icon_thumleft:

PS: If you spent less time writing, describing the fog and spiders and such......you would have more time for detecting :laughing9:

Too true my friend, too very true.. however, I usually write when it's dark or the weather is otherwise uncooperative. Besides.. I like to write too. <grin>


May you always detect as well as you write.

Why thank you Dave! And if I may, I'd amend that wish with " ..and may you have the time to do both." <grin> Here it is Saturday morning, a nice refreshing rain has just passed through my town. (temps in the mid 90's yesterday and 80+% humidity).. and I sit at the computer AT WORK. Weekend overtime! Oh Joy! Not that I'll be at the computer all day, no, just getting my work orders and planning my maintenance duties at the moment, I'll be inside, around and/or up under machines the rest of the day.. 110+ degrees with 80+% humidity... *sigh* Like walking into a steam oven! By 3:00 this afternoon, all I'll have on my mind is a tall cool glass of iced tea, a nice cleansing shower, and then some shade or even air conditioned comfort of my basement (man cave). Perhaps, if it's not raining this afternoon/evening, after the heat of the day has passed, I might venture out to one of my hunting spots.. a park, a playground, a totlot? Got a family reunion to attend tomorrow, so there'll probably be no detecting on Sunday.. *sigh* I need another vacation! <grin>

Here's hoping that the rest of you get to get out and enjoy our hobby, and as always..

~Happy Hunting~



Full Member
Feb 14, 2008
Morning,from the misty Va mountains...we have missed you...and,I think the "BANNER" quest for tabs and 'Junque' and other goodies is in close running between you and Mumzie who posts in Beach and Shallow Water...she just keeps plugging along...HH


Sr. Member
Mar 12, 2009
Detector(s) used
ace 250
Nice digs,Having a good time is what its all about.To bad everyone doest fill their holes right at least you were there to cover for him.WTG



Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Fla-Gal said:
Morning,from the misty Va mountains...we have missed you...and,I think the "BANNER" quest for tabs and 'Junque' and other goodies is in close running between you and Mumzie who posts in Beach and Shallow Water...she just keeps plugging along...HH

Now there's a thought... a banner photo of.. a pile of pull tabs! <laughing> Certainly a sight that most every metal detectorist would recognize anyway. Right? <grin> I still say that I'm going to take all the silver and gold I've found detecting so far (not really a lot mind you) and melt it down and have it made into either gold or silver "pull tabs". I'll put them on a chain and wear them everywhere! Of course, only a fellow "D'Tector" would get the joke. <laughing>

~Happy Hunting~



Silver Member
Mar 27, 2007
SW Michigan
Detector(s) used
Explorer SE
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Nice pile of coins, Frodov. :hello2: Great story and nice spider web pic. :thumbsup:

Keep diging!

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