moccasin last

Jon Stewart

Bronze Member
Jan 11, 2011
Archeologist C.G. Yeager mentions them in a small paragraph in his book and remarked that he has seen only one in a collection and thats IF what he saw was actually a moccasin last. A few years ago I bought one (only artifact that I have ever purchased besides broken arrowheads) from a man that found it on the desert back in the 70's. He had a very large collection of larger artifacts, axe heads, adzes,celts etc, but it was the foot/shoe looking rock that drew my attention so I bought it . While speaking with the seller another man was standing there and said that he also found one out on the desert while deer hunting and it looked just like the one that I bought. I sent a photo of mine to Mr Yeager to get his opinion and he wrote:

"If there were, in fact, moccasin lasts, this would certainly be one. It's without a doubt one of the nicest shaped stones I've ever seen. Also, there does not appear to be "use wear marks" as would be present on a grind stone or mano."

My question has anybody else found one out there?

I would post a photo if I knew how to do it, duh!!! I would be glad to send a photo to anyone that would be interested in looking at it.

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Here is a photo of the vest my mother made me and I beaded 61 years ago when I was twelve. Took me most of the summer to do it and was very hard using the split cowhide leather rather than NA tanned deerhide.

View attachment 1918803

Killer beadwork job. I love it too! I would have worn that while riding my Yamaha 80 back in the 70's! I wore one made of cheap vinyl though.

I started this thread a few years ago with a wondering type post. A few of the answers/replies were of a condescending nature and really uncalled for. Many of us are/were pretty new at collecting and are looking for some sort of guidance. The picture of the moccasin last that I posted was found by a man who found it back in the 70's at an indian site that was loaded with artifacts. His research brought him to the conclusion that it was a last. I followed up with conversations and photos with an actual archeologist who gave me his opinion which was basically "if" they existed. No one really knows for sure. If that rock that I have was used "once" by an indian would that not make it a moccasin last? Unfortunately others posted photos after me and were referred to as having, "vivid imaginations". There have been 5,221 people view this post and only 60 replied. Maybe there is a reason.

I am a flintknapper. If I drop or loose a point today what time frame does it have to go thru before it is considered an artifact and who makes that determination and by what authority?
...According to Webster’s dictionary, an artifact is anything made by human hands, therefore if you make a point, according to Webster, it’s an artifact, it’s just not an ancient one, but that’s another story, now isn’t it,Lol.

not saying anything one way or the other,just posting pics....when you click on them they will turn right side up. IMG_4908.JPGIMG_4907.JPGIMG_4909.JPG

Still just a natural rock. There were no "moccasin lasts".

Sorry, natural rock.

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