moonshiners money

Just found out my great grandfather was a moonshiner who's money was never found he buried it in Mason jars, I know the location of where it could be buried its a heavily wooded area not sure if he lived in nearby house will have to see if owners give permission if they own land. Mainly I'm looking for anyone who's found buried moonshiners money would it most likely be near house or in woods and how deep you think?
I'm looking for a moonshiners buried valuables. I found his buried bottle dump. Not far from where he lived. I know he died unexpectedly his valuables were never reported to being found. His property is 100%farmland now nothing within half a mile in any direction from there except his dump... I know he was for sure wealthy cause I found a beat up 13 rubies pocketwatch case. Just the one hinged metal cover is 7.5 grams 14k gold. Long story short I have same question you have. Where do I look for his stash. U say 100 feet from his still. I assume his dump is not far from where his still was. Been watching "moonshiners" series on t.v. about it but haven't really gotten any leads on where they stash their $$/guns/ECT. There is a river I suspect might have been their travel method, there is an island 1 mile upriver and one less then a quarter mile downriver... Some big trees are around the farmland. I metal detected area but it's so trashy everywhere I gotta narrow search somehow. Have any on here found a moonshiners buried stash before? An actual testimony would be ideal! Help us both out.

For u id suggest to study the location on historical aerial viewer maps website, study the different photos from different years look for trails, and or really covered spots overly protected to keep grandpa safe from feds catching him with satellites. Even if they maybe didn't have satellites then moonshiners are paranoid. Goodluck! If anybody wants to help comment here help us both. Or. Me please thanks :)

I'm looking for a moonshiners buried valuables. I found his buried bottle dump. Not far from where he lived. I know he died unexpectedly his valuables were never reported to being found. His property is 100%farmland now nothing within half a mile in any direction from there except his dump... I know he was for sure wealthy cause I found a beat up 13 rubies pocketwatch case. Just the one hinged metal cover is 7.5 grams 14k gold. Long story short I have same question you have. Where do I look for his stash. U say 100 feet from his still. I assume his dump is not far from where his still was. Been watching "moonshiners" series on t.v. about it but haven't really gotten any leads on where they stash their $$/guns/ECT. There is a river I suspect might have been their travel method, there is an island 1 mile upriver and one less then a quarter mile downriver... Some big trees are around the farmland. I metal detected area but it's so trashy everywhere I gotta narrow search somehow. Have any on here found a moonshiners buried stash before? An actual testimony would be ideal! Help us both out.

For u id suggest to study the location on historical aerial viewer maps website, study the different photos from different years look for trails, and or really covered spots overly protected to keep grandpa safe from feds catching him with satellites. Even if they maybe didn't have satellites then moonshiners are paranoid. Goodluck! If anybody wants to help comment here help us both. Or. Me please thanks :)
Where was the house? As several people have pointed out on this thread, folks who have buried their money like to keep an eye on it. Think about where the moonshiner did business - probably not near the still (which is probably close to a water source). He wouldn't have wanted to let people near where he worked. Perhaps he had a shack or other place to rest away from the home?

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Where was the house? As several people have pointed out on this thread, folks who have buried their money like to keep an eye on it. Think about where the moonshiner did business - probably not near the still (which is probably close to a water source). He wouldn't have wanted to let people near where he worked. Perhaps he had a shack or other place to rest away from the home?

Good luck to all,

The Old Booka

So what ur saying is that if still and river is to the south of his house. Odds are he looked through bedroom window to the north 100 feet or so away would be his buried stash. How deep would logic suggest he buried it? And considering detected goes off 10x per swing cause of all the nails and trash I couldn't simply bribe the current farmer rent a bulldozer and aimlessly dig the whole north part of where his yard used to be. Unless I know it's less then 2 feet deep. Haha actually if he was going back to his stash more often then not it probably isn't deeper then 3 feet.... I want to believe there is a stash here seriously. Id go the dozer route if I narrowed it down to say 50x50 square feet area. No markers or clues are visible anymore cause of farming tho... Hmmm stash isn't in the river or islands cause of line of sight and distance, nothing else remains except the ground I guess. And the trees. If the tree was big enough to stash then could it still be alive today if so it would have to be like 200/250+ years old I'm thinking... Hmmm

For long term storage, I might bury my stash in the woods. If it was a stash that I accessed often, there’s no way I’d put it in the woods where someone might see me digging. I’d bury it in the floor of my cabin or the floor of an out building so no one could see me access it. A small hole a foot deep with a board on top with some dirt over it would be plenty good.

For long term storage, I might bury my stash in the woods. If it was a stash that I accessed often, there’s no way I’d put it in the woods where someone might see me digging. I’d bury it in the floor of my cabin or the floor of an out building so no one could see me access it. A small hole a foot deep with a board on top with some dirt over it would be plenty good.
I found horseshoes I'm thinking now that wherever they hid from the rain he could of hid is stash from the feds

For long term storage, I might bury my stash in the woods. If it was a stash that I accessed often, there’s no way I’d put it in the woods where someone might see me digging. I’d bury it in the floor of my cabin or the floor of an out building so no one could see me access it. A small hole a foot deep with a board on top with some dirt over it would be plenty good.
I see a brick-lined small vault with good bottom drainage and flat rock cover.

I see a brick-lined small vault with good bottom drainage and flat rock cover
I see it too! Is there 4 walls there or just two or three? How big is the rock? Like 4 feet by 4feet? So the floor drains. This means that there has to be elevated somewhat above surroundings. I'm gonna manifest the hell out of what u just said. Im close to something big I can feel it. I'm confident my copper l rods will bring me there. I am lucky. I am not a treasure hunter I'm a treasure finder. What else do you see smell taste hear? Who else is there?

I see it too! Is there 4 walls there or just two or three? How big is the rock? Like 4 feet by 4feet? So the floor drains. This means that there has to be elevated somewhat above surroundings. I'm gonna manifest the hell out of what u just said. Im close to something big I can feel it. I'm confident my copper l rods will bring me there. I am lucky. I am not a treasure hunter I'm a treasure finder. What else do you see smell taste hear? Who else is there?
U manifest this with me and I'll digg it. After I'll help manifest some forgotten stash location near you. So you can digg it. Don't bullshit me tho cuz I'm gullible and ain't got nobody so as amusing as it might be it would mess me up emotionally.

I'm looking for a moonshiners buried valuables. I found his buried bottle dump. Not far from where he lived. I know he died unexpectedly his valuables were never reported to being found. His property is 100%farmland now nothing within half a mile in any direction from there except his dump... I know he was for sure wealthy cause I found a beat up 13 rubies pocketwatch case. Just the one hinged metal cover is 7.5 grams 14k gold. Long story short I have same question you have. Where do I look for his stash. U say 100 feet from his still. I assume his dump is not far from where his still was. Been watching "moonshiners" series on t.v. about it but haven't really gotten any leads on where they stash their $$/guns/ECT. There is a river I suspect might have been their travel method, there is an island 1 mile upriver and one less then a quarter mile downriver... Some big trees are around the farmland. I metal detected area but it's so trashy everywhere I gotta narrow search somehow. Have any on here found a moonshiners buried stash before? An actual testimony would be ideal! Help us both out.

For u id suggest to study the location on historical aerial viewer maps website, study the different photos from different years look for trails, and or really covered spots overly protected to keep grandpa safe from feds catching him with satellites. Even if they maybe didn't have satellites then moonshiners are paranoid. Goodluck! If anybody wants to help comment here help us both. Or. Me please thanks :)
Hire a dowser. That's a surefire way to find treasure. 😂

Never pay upfront - offer the dowser a fair split of the find.
I'm fairly confident in my skills with copper rods. Same thing right? And id rather not meet arrange meeting total stranger for them to be a fed or robb the loot! Haha speaking of divination would I really want to see and really want to learn is how to throw rocks to predict the future! I'm not sure exactly what it's called anymore I think it's just a form of divination I was reading about historical treasure hunters from long long ago did have a bag of rocks and bones and wood all little ones reach and grab a few then throw them on the ground based off of the way they landed group drawer if one went further from the rest they interpret that somehow into a prediction. Some people were successful enough that it was a thing. As a rockhound I think I'd enjoy everything about that haha. Not sure how it would help me find this stashed loot tho.

would be all speculation.

Did he spend most of his time at the Still or at home ?
if he practically lived at the still, he probably kept it there.
However depending on his mind-set, he may have been afraid
if he got raided the would look for it.
not to mention if he feared being robbed when away,
he may have buried it where he felt more safe.

So most likely wouldn't help much here that I see.

search every place you can get permission for, & Good Luck :thumbsup:
As far as I can tell home or the still back then around here you never went to far from the farm cause of responsibilitys, and methods of travel ECT. But the bottle dump is under half a mile from where his house sat. Not far from house was multiple buildings but shedsized... 90% sure he had a barn or larger building tho to keep his horses or ox for his wagon... From what I've read about moon shining in Minnesota then was that here was about the safest place to do it. The blind pigs were paid to look the other way, and they were good at it haha. When they stopped being blind they started being targeted... And if they survived somehow, then hitmen would just come back... Seriously was a different world before the radio! Criminals had it made then!

Is the pond still there? It's a long shot, but the hider could have converted his money to gold and silver (coinage), so he could hide it under water.
Even if the pond is no longer there, it shouldn't be difficult to find the depression where it use to be.
My maps go back to 1950 he was gone before then. Id estimate it's been untouched for 105 years +/- 10 years. I'm imagining what you're saying and trying to figure out how he'd reclaim it if he put it in the pond it had to be in a bag or a vessel you have to swim for it have to remarked or maybe a large chain connected to it... Dang it now you making me really want to spend the money and get a legit magnet fishing setup, My first attempt at getting one failed miserably when it was misleadingly less magnetic and powerful then expected. When there is more ice I will surely have to explore the closest island downriver from there. Islands have always been a hot spot for treasure. Plus if I'm lucky I won't even get my feet wet. And I'll have great visibility through brush, no bugs either ECT...

"they never heard anything about buried money when he died"
"the Guy showing me around wanted to be sure I'm done searching before I left on to my next hunt I guess."

Wouldn't know I don't think the still would be so close to the road but could be wrong doesn't seem like a good place for one I think he lived in house nearby but have to confirm when he died plowing a field nearby heard he had 1000 in his pocket but more was supposed to be buried
There is a road not too far from dump now, but then there was not. The farm that was there and nearby sheds are gone replaced with tilled farmland. The house has been gone since it burned down during a big fire... And the blind pigs were good at what their jobs so he never got raided. And the sources I read about claimed they knew about his operation but didn't support it or care. He must have bootlegged his moonshine elsewhere.

Copper pipe for a moonshine still you say?

Hmmm, I was out sweeping my yard (2.8 acres, mostly wooded) with Ocalasix a few weeks back and we found a length of copper pipe about 1/2 inch in diameter and a foot and a half in length. I wondered what it could be for since to my knowledge there was never a house near that spot. Found a couple lengths of plastic garden hose too. I was thinking some kind of irrigation for crops or cattle, but even that didn't seem likely. Could it be possible that someone had a still and left those items behind
I found large galvanized tubs and copper pipes and lots of horseshoes of different sizes along with other shoes and bricks and charcoal and nails... List goes on, everything I've read about finding at a still site I've found now... Except a full bottle, and his buried stash. Was wondering how tall a tree grows and 110 years if he stash it at elbow height would that be 5 ft higher now? Oaks are nearby...

It is probably in jars, and they will probably have zinc lids. The money is probably in paper bills, so the zinc is what you are gunning for. You are going to have to scan fast and cover a lot of territory with no discrimination. Frank... PS: it won't be deep, probably 6to8" to the top of the lid.

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Well that means the tiller could have hit it already. So trashy detecting there I suspect altered ground... Perhaps after the fire the bulldozed over and buried his markers and made his stash deeper so he had no choice but to leave it. Somebody else was mentioning a buried square chamber with some sort of drainage and a large flat rock cover. If there's water there under the rock the copper rod should lead me to it cuz when I use them inside they leave me the toilet every time. I can find a toilet I tell ya! Haha

Most Moonshiners would bury their' money 50 to 100 yards from where their' still was located so that they could make moonshine and still keep a pretty good eye on their' money! Once you have permission to search the property, look for the location of where he had his' still. There should be some evidence of it still in the woods (i.e. some Copper pieces to the still, old rusted out galvanized buckets, old jars or broken glass, etc.). Once you find where the still was located, then search a circle out to about 100 yards starting about 25 yard out from the site of the still. Many folks would bury their' money around a big tree and visible large rocks! I would probably start searching from the roots of big trees out to about 10 to 15 yards from the trees and around large rocks out to about 10 to 15 yards from the rocks. However, you might want to search patterns but make sure to search the entire circle from 25 yards to 100 yards from the still. I doubt that he would have buried it closer to the still or near his' home as this is where thieves would first look but who knows!

Back in the 1920's or 1930's Bootleggers that lived in a home that once sat on the property where my nephew now lives, buried a 55 gallon drum nearly full of Nickels, yep that is right, I wrote Nickels! Seems kind of odd doesn't it??!! Well, my nephew and a friend were looking around the old homesite (the house is just a pile of burnt rubble now) where the Bootlegger lived and searching towards the old barn on the property. About mid-way between the old house and barn, my nephews' friend stepped into hole. When they looked into the hole with a flashlight, they could see all of these round disks amongst the debris of the rusted out drum lid and dirt. They went back to my' nephew's house and got a shovel, went back and dug the top half of the barrel out. They scooped out more than six 5 gallon buckets of Nickels from the old rusted out drum but aren't sure they got all of them. The Nickels were almost black from being stored in the rusted out drum and from being in the ground so long. I asked him what they did with the Nickels and he said that they rolled them, took them to the Bank and cashed them in, never checking them for Dates or whether they were Jefferson, Buffalo Nickels or Liberty "V" Nickels. Yes, I felt like kicking him in the butt when he told me that but I did not! I plan to go back to the site with my nephew and metal detect the whole area to see if we can find more of the Nickels or more 55 gallon drums loaded with coins.

Good luck! I hope you find your Grandfather's stash of money!

Man he found buried treasure and spent what like 4-6 hours rolling them, then gave them to those greedy local bankers? I suspect maybe the think they did that. Cuz as a banker not sure if even accept those dirty mature rolled nickel roles seems sketchy. And if they showed anybody they would have stopped them. Perhaps they're discouraging you from looking for the treasure yourself if you go back with some copper rods or detector and find it and then don't be strange about it post some photos and cut me in for my help haha. Also I've heard this story about 50 or 100 yd from the still how come there's no photos of this I can't find a single testimony or actual treasure story of a person going to the still going that distance digging and finding something just stories :/

You will be looking for a creek not a road. It will be very close to water.(The still)
Could they have natural spring water or well or something like that or was rivers and creeks just that much cleaner than? Seems unlikely since everyone through their trash in the river ...

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