Jr. Member
I'm looking for a moonshiners buried valuables. I found his buried bottle dump. Not far from where he lived. I know he died unexpectedly his valuables were never reported to being found. His property is 100%farmland now nothing within half a mile in any direction from there except his dump... I know he was for sure wealthy cause I found a beat up 13 rubies pocketwatch case. Just the one hinged metal cover is 7.5 grams 14k gold. Long story short I have same question you have. Where do I look for his stash. U say 100 feet from his still. I assume his dump is not far from where his still was. Been watching "moonshiners" series on t.v. about it but haven't really gotten any leads on where they stash their $$/guns/ECT. There is a river I suspect might have been their travel method, there is an island 1 mile upriver and one less then a quarter mile downriver... Some big trees are around the farmland. I metal detected area but it's so trashy everywhere I gotta narrow search somehow. Have any on here found a moonshiners buried stash before? An actual testimony would be ideal! Help us both out.Just found out my great grandfather was a moonshiner who's money was never found he buried it in Mason jars, I know the location of where it could be buried its a heavily wooded area not sure if he lived in nearby house will have to see if owners give permission if they own land. Mainly I'm looking for anyone who's found buried moonshiners money would it most likely be near house or in woods and how deep you think?
For u id suggest to study the location on historical aerial viewer maps website, study the different photos from different years look for trails, and or really covered spots overly protected to keep grandpa safe from feds catching him with satellites. Even if they maybe didn't have satellites then moonshiners are paranoid. Goodluck! If anybody wants to help comment here help us both. Or. Me please thanks