- #1
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Cache hunters have them tucked away in orders of possibilities with maybe one or two probables.
No exception here, one probable with site finally locked in. Technicalities keep one awake with all
the details of how to go about a recovery.
Oh man, if we had known then what we know now
this would be over with already! But do I really want this tingling sensation to end ? ? ?
Oh you probably want to say -- Are you nuts? Just go do it! I keep thinking, what would KvM do if
he were in my shoes. No brainer, he would figure out how to do it flawlessly, no muss, no fuss.
Then he would take credit, showing all his cards.
But times have changed woefully since those happy-go-lucky days. Now you have a mental checklist
of cans and cannots to ponder, to be smart about this big ticket because you know in your heart that
this golden path will never come again.
Realistically, it can only go one of two ways. Either I/we get a GO from the tenant or a flat NO.
Frankn knows better than most the dilemma I/we are in. But my situation is different, I've got the
nearly exact dig-site nailed down after three years of due diligence. I/we have stood next to IT
several times lacking one last detail . . . the metal hand-made outdoor table place directly over X.
The player put it there to keep beeping seekers from finding his gold. His g/f said he put it down
"just out a bit" outside the only picture window before he met the grim reaper quite suddenly.
*One eye witness who gave credible verification the plant went down. PC tubes of unc g/cs he bought
over a substantial time span from J, my long-time friend and hunt buddy.
G/F calls J to help her sell some of players gifts. J saw her one time only when g/f points out X, just
outside. Later, several years had passed, g/f tells J she has Big C, time short, one descendant female.
G/F expires, search begins. J could not remember address, we look and look w/o getting a definite.
Time goes on, finally I peg the casa but DRATS! Hummingbird feeder is full, someone is occupying.
The daughter? Must be. Limbo, etcetera, etcetera. J is far away now, the rightful recipient? Then a
call reveals player advised by J to plant tubes at depth . . . player gives final clue, the odd metal
table outside the window. Speculation: Player could not dig deeply in rocky ground and puts table
over X to elude searchers.
Before seeing the bird feeder I spot the table w/o ciphering prior to J's remembrance of player's
subterfuge table he put together to hide X. At last all the stars line up but like Frankn I have one
more hill to climb. Maybe it's best to forget and remember the one that got away BUT then . .
No exception here, one probable with site finally locked in. Technicalities keep one awake with all
the details of how to go about a recovery.

this would be over with already! But do I really want this tingling sensation to end ? ? ?
Oh you probably want to say -- Are you nuts? Just go do it! I keep thinking, what would KvM do if
he were in my shoes. No brainer, he would figure out how to do it flawlessly, no muss, no fuss.
Then he would take credit, showing all his cards.
But times have changed woefully since those happy-go-lucky days. Now you have a mental checklist
of cans and cannots to ponder, to be smart about this big ticket because you know in your heart that
this golden path will never come again.
Realistically, it can only go one of two ways. Either I/we get a GO from the tenant or a flat NO.
Frankn knows better than most the dilemma I/we are in. But my situation is different, I've got the
nearly exact dig-site nailed down after three years of due diligence. I/we have stood next to IT
several times lacking one last detail . . . the metal hand-made outdoor table place directly over X.
The player put it there to keep beeping seekers from finding his gold. His g/f said he put it down
"just out a bit" outside the only picture window before he met the grim reaper quite suddenly.
*One eye witness who gave credible verification the plant went down. PC tubes of unc g/cs he bought
over a substantial time span from J, my long-time friend and hunt buddy.
G/F calls J to help her sell some of players gifts. J saw her one time only when g/f points out X, just
outside. Later, several years had passed, g/f tells J she has Big C, time short, one descendant female.
G/F expires, search begins. J could not remember address, we look and look w/o getting a definite.
Time goes on, finally I peg the casa but DRATS! Hummingbird feeder is full, someone is occupying.
The daughter? Must be. Limbo, etcetera, etcetera. J is far away now, the rightful recipient? Then a
call reveals player advised by J to plant tubes at depth . . . player gives final clue, the odd metal
table outside the window. Speculation: Player could not dig deeply in rocky ground and puts table
over X to elude searchers.
Before seeing the bird feeder I spot the table w/o ciphering prior to J's remembrance of player's
subterfuge table he put together to hide X. At last all the stars line up but like Frankn I have one
more hill to climb. Maybe it's best to forget and remember the one that got away BUT then . .