Bucket List


Silver Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Golden Thread
Cache hunters have them tucked away in orders of possibilities with maybe one or two probables.
No exception here, one probable with site finally locked in. Technicalities keep one awake with all
the details of how to go about a recovery. :BangHead: Oh man, if we had known then what we know now
this would be over with already! But do I really want this tingling sensation to end ? ? ?

Oh you probably want to say -- Are you nuts? Just go do it! I keep thinking, what would KvM do if
he were in my shoes. No brainer, he would figure out how to do it flawlessly, no muss, no fuss.
Then he would take credit, showing all his cards.

But times have changed woefully since those happy-go-lucky days. Now you have a mental checklist
of cans and cannots to ponder, to be smart about this big ticket because you know in your heart that
this golden path will never come again.

Realistically, it can only go one of two ways. Either I/we get a GO from the tenant or a flat NO.
Frankn knows better than most the dilemma I/we are in. But my situation is different, I've got the
nearly exact dig-site nailed down after three years of due diligence. I/we have stood next to IT
several times lacking one last detail . . . the metal hand-made outdoor table place directly over X.

The player put it there to keep beeping seekers from finding his gold. His g/f said he put it down
"just out a bit" outside the only picture window before he met the grim reaper quite suddenly.
*One eye witness who gave credible verification the plant went down. PC tubes of unc g/cs he bought
over a substantial time span from J, my long-time friend and hunt buddy.

G/F calls J to help her sell some of players gifts. J saw her one time only when g/f points out X, just
outside. Later, several years had passed, g/f tells J she has Big C, time short, one descendant female.
G/F expires, search begins. J could not remember address, we look and look w/o getting a definite.

Time goes on, finally I peg the casa but DRATS! Hummingbird feeder is full, someone is occupying.
The daughter? Must be. Limbo, etcetera, etcetera. J is far away now, the rightful recipient? Then a
call reveals player advised by J to plant tubes at depth . . . player gives final clue, the odd metal
table outside the window. Speculation: Player could not dig deeply in rocky ground and puts table
over X to elude searchers.

Before seeing the bird feeder I spot the table w/o ciphering prior to J's remembrance of player's
subterfuge table he put together to hide X. At last all the stars line up but like Frankn I have one
more hill to climb. Maybe it's best to forget and remember the one that got away BUT then . . :censored:

Half is better than nothing......perhaps you can work out a deal.

Or if you are young enough, watch it, and wait for your opportunity .

Lots of variables here.

J should know the value of the cache, unless the gf sold them. That would affect my decision.

If it is buried shallow, tipping off the owner may result in her MDing it.

Is the daughter going to sell the house? If so, wait for the new owner (or her to move out).

But if it is sizable, I wouldn't wait too long.

Six figures J says, and appreciating. From me to there is around 200 mi. Believe me when I say nobody
going to find it unless she sells the casa and new owner improves. This is in colonial Spanish country, not
in town, rfd. Adobe outbuilding, I would love to see inside. We thought the player lived there but a neighbor
who knows said it was hers. Player lived in the village, was married, heirs have no claim or knowledge of
cache. We don't think g/f told the daughter, was estranged until the last stages. We do not have daughter's
name or number. I do have a P.O. Box #, that's all.

We all, cache hunters, have tools, research and noses for good leads but few have the instincts for pulling
off a recovery without ruffling feathers. One former member I trust probably could have been quietly
successful but he no longer posts. Next year I'll be 74, God willing and way too old to skip the posse.

J is in worse shape than I am. Guess he wore himself out digging goodies from the ground. So if it gets
done I'm going to be the one doing it. On the ethical side I need to know if daughter has a clue about X.
If so a deal might be struck but I won't be giving specifics until a written agreement is signed.

The actual dig will be over in two shakes of a donkey's tail, but the jack a$$ is getting it done.

I feel your pain! Frank... 111-2 de Vinci.webp

The best approach is to be straightforward and honest. Go directly to the owner and tell them only as much as needed to let them know what you want to do. Most people will never go to the trouble to dig even if you show them where you think a treasure is. Under your circumstances don't tell them anything about the exact spot. 200 miles to drive is NOTHING. Go for it while you still can.

I have not yet been successful at digging up a cache of gold, but I have been VERY successful at getting property owners to let me try. Look them in the eye, shake their hand, and tell them what you want to do. Always offer to split it 50/50. Good luck.

Hey Dog, thanks for responding. Best wishes man. Yes, I think a personal meeting is the right thing
to do. It's been over a year now since I set foot on that place. Times a wasting.

Road trip!

Hello BDD
Hope things are going your way.

lastleg-One of the dogs that is in my avatar picture fell down this evening. It is because he is not wanting to eat and his body is shutting down. He is now on his "lastlegs" and we will soon be putting him to sleep. Time is flying by and we are all getting old. You can't keep putting things off till tomorrow because you may not get another chance. Go for it now while you can.

vor-Two major networks are making the decision tomorrow as to whether to go with our treasure show. Big things are about to happen. Also a friend of mines multi-multi millionaire father died last week. My friend has been wanting to back me full time to go treasure hunting and maybe now is the time. I am not counting on anything. There are many incredible things happening in my life but I have found it is not always a good thing to share my story on T-Net.

Take your poor sick dog to your vet today.

How It All Started

After J retired he moved to the mountains and started setting up at a flea market. He sold mostly coins
and relics he found detecting. People would come by wanting coins he didn't have displayed. That's how
he met the player, an eccentric author with an abrasive manner. He became J's favorite customer for
years, even when the market closed and J had to travel 80 miles to another flea market on weekends.

The player came to trust J, ordering batches and sending J a blank check for him to place the orders.
J got his commission keeping the arrangement going almost until the players heart attack.

At some point the player asked J how to hide his collection in a way impervious to metal detectors. J
told him to dig with a post hole digger a deep hole and secure the coins in pvc pipes sealed and
planted vertically. J had learned that trick in a magazine. So when the player up and died J figured
that was the way it was done. J had previously met g/f but was at her home once but assumed it
belonged to player. I found out differently on one of my scouting ventures.

All that to say: The best leads are first person accounts. And they are not found in magazines or
libraries or historical records.

Take your poor sick dog to your vet today.

Thanks for the advice but there comes a time to let them go. My wife works at a vet office. A week ago our dog was transported by pet ambulance to a specialist in Tampa. He is now on about a half dozen medications and the advice was to see how he does over the next week. He has not gotten any better and may actually be worse. Unless you are in another persons shoes you don't know the whole story and perhaps should keep your advice to yourself.

I only brought up the dog story as a reminder to us all that we only have a limited amount of time to try to accomplish our "bucket list", which is what this thread may be about.

lastleg-I completely agree with your last comment.

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So the tube is buried in the g/f's yard? Do you know the player's heir?

Glad things are looking up in the TH ventures. Tough deal on the dog. That's why I don't want more than I already have.


Vor, Yes, just a few yards from the window facing west. This has no relation to the Fenn, but on the
same long trail north. I have not done a search on family of player, if he had any beside the jilted wife.
I consider them not in the ballpark. Remember the player was hiding X from them for reasons unknown.

Dog I know how it feels to lose your pup friends, two broke my heart.

Vor, Yes, just a few yards from the window facing west...

I was trying to ask if it was buried in the girlfriend's yard or his property. Was asking in order to figure out who is the legal owner. If it is his, his estate had to pass down to someone, though probably not yet probated.

Vor, The property belonged to the g/f. We started this on the assumption the player owned it but I was
told in no uncertain terms it belonged to her. This neighbor had no use for him like a lot others. The place
is very hard to find. The last time J was in the village we drove past it three times and never could locate.
I did a sat search before and knew the window faced west. While J/wife were nearby we made two trips
over the mountains and never could find it.

A year or so later I went a-looking and saw a man driving down the slope so I got out of my vehicle and
asked where the player ( I had his name and also the g/f's). He told me and said it was not his house
and that she owned it. Maybe he bought it for her and gave her the deed, or maybe it was hers all along.

Actually I didn't want to show up at the appraisal office asking questions about him although I was advised
to do so. Some instinct said don't and I didn't. I found the right place on my own. If some think I should
expose myself to liability I would rather back off and leave it lay.

I figure it's a two-man job and expect to stay in vicinity about 5-6 days.

Then it is owned by the heirs and only J can substantiate.
That or finders keeper if no heirs. If remote, no problem.
Its just waiting on you.


I bet you could talk your way in, but then the cut would be four ways. Would you settle for 1/10th?

I have NEVER been a greedy person. I usually work twice as hard as everybody else. I would love to dig up some treasure with you. I have no problem talking to landowners. I am 57 years old and everybody says I come across as a very honest person. If you are convinced the treasure is there just go for it. If you need someone to help you get permission and to help you dig, I'm your man. There are at least 12 T-Net members that have met me, you can ask any of them about me. Some people think I talk to much but they don't have a clue about how much I DON'T tell them. If you are really serious let me know.

I am not sure about your math as to how a four way cut gets me 1/10 but I am not really that concerned about it. I am always up for an adventure.

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