moonshiners money


Sr. Member
Jul 15, 2013
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Hickory NC
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Just found out my great grandfather was a moonshiner who's money was never found he buried it in Mason jars, I know the location of where it could be buried its a heavily wooded area not sure if he lived in nearby house will have to see if owners give permission if they own land. Mainly I'm looking for anyone who's found buried moonshiners money would it most likely be near house or in woods and how deep you think?

would be all speculation.

Did he spend most of his time at the Still or at home ?
if he practically lived at the still, he probably kept it there.
However depending on his mind-set, he may have been afraid
if he got raided the would look for it.
not to mention if he feared being robbed when away,
he may have buried it where he felt more safe.

So most likely wouldn't help much here that I see.

search every place you can get permission for, & Good Luck :thumbsup:

Wouldn't know I don't think the still would be so close to the road but could be wrong doesn't seem like a good place for one I think he lived in house nearby but have to confirm when he died plowing a field nearby heard he had 1000 in his pocket but more was supposed to be buried.

Wouldn't know I don't think the still would be so close to the road but could be wrong doesn't seem like a good place for one I think he lived in house nearby but have to confirm when he died plowing a field nearby heard he had 1000 in his pocket but more was supposed to be buried.

I wouldn't believe it would be close to a Main road.
If it's off a Side road Maybe.
also check the history of the road if you haven't.
Is it possible the road has been Re-routed ?

I.don't think so only road through area.

When searching, think of places that are out of the sight of others.

IMO most caches are in the home, buried in the basement floor, wall, crawl space, attic, places they can be easily protected.

Out buildings are good places too, chicken coops, barns, etc.

Searching even an acre of woods thoroughly is no easy task, and when you are talking dozens of acres with no clues, it is practically impossible.

House first, out buildings, yard, woods. Good Luck.

Great Grand dad may had bury his money in many locations. Did you ask any of his family members? Good luck. Keep in touch.


My aunt just recently told me story of where its supposed to be supposedly its never been found but no one had metal detectors in the old days to look with.

sounds like its time to find out where he lived an the still site , grab a dector an just get after it .

I know the area don't think he would have put still there so close to road but he had a house there but have to find current owners of land.

Maybe he left some moonshine behind.

As I always say and practice Get the Vibes of the Area --- Go out no detector and just look , sit think , try to get the idea if you were the person hiding the Cache What would be your approach?
Always look for some sort of LANDMARK , My self I perfer stone walls or large rocks , Trees unless very old ( over 100 years ) are deceptive, since what looks old today might have only been a sapling back in the day
When doing old property I always sit by a front door or window because while the cache might be buried, It was usually placed where An " eye could be kept on it "
Get the vibes, might take a few hours but you will see the property in a different light
Good Luck

Look for small depressions on the land most jars I have found the land above the jar has sunk an inch or so. The ground sinks around objects and many years later its noticeable after practice looking for it.

And a word of advice, a lot of the times the shine folks would booby trap their stash. Be careful out there. And good luck.

The same thing with big time drug dealers.

I.don't think so only road through area.

You will be looking for a creek not a road. It will be very close to water.(The still)

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He did have a man made pond put in.

Most Moonshiners would bury their' money 50 to 100 yards from where their' still was located so that they could make moonshine and still keep a pretty good eye on their' money! Once you have permission to search the property, look for the location of where he had his' still. There should be some evidence of it still in the woods (i.e. some Copper pieces to the still, old rusted out galvanized buckets, old jars or broken glass, etc.). Once you find where the still was located, then search a circle out to about 100 yards starting about 25 yard out from the site of the still. Many folks would bury their' money around a big tree and visible large rocks! I would probably start searching from the roots of big trees out to about 10 to 15 yards from the trees and around large rocks out to about 10 to 15 yards from the rocks. However, you might want to search patterns but make sure to search the entire circle from 25 yards to 100 yards from the still. I doubt that he would have buried it closer to the still or near his' home as this is where thieves would first look but who knows!

Back in the 1920's or 1930's Bootleggers that lived in a home that once sat on the property where my nephew now lives, buried a 55 gallon drum nearly full of Nickels, yep that is right, I wrote Nickels! Seems kind of odd doesn't it??!! Well, my nephew and a friend were looking around the old homesite (the house is just a pile of burnt rubble now) where the Bootlegger lived and searching towards the old barn on the property. About mid-way between the old house and barn, my nephews' friend stepped into hole. When they looked into the hole with a flashlight, they could see all of these round disks amongst the debris of the rusted out drum lid and dirt. They went back to my' nephew's house and got a shovel, went back and dug the top half of the barrel out. They scooped out more than six 5 gallon buckets of Nickels from the old rusted out drum but aren't sure they got all of them. The Nickels were almost black from being stored in the rusted out drum and from being in the ground so long. I asked him what they did with the Nickels and he said that they rolled them, took them to the Bank and cashed them in, never checking them for Dates or whether they were Jefferson, Buffalo Nickels or Liberty "V" Nickels. Yes, I felt like kicking him in the butt when he told me that but I did not! I plan to go back to the site with my nephew and metal detect the whole area to see if we can find more of the Nickels or more 55 gallon drums loaded with coins.

Good luck! I hope you find your Grandfather's stash of money!


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It is probably in jars, and they will probably have zinc lids. The money is probably in paper bills, so the zinc is what you are gunning for. You are going to have to scan fast and cover a lot of territory with no discrimination. Frank... PS: it won't be deep, probably 6to8" to the top of the lid.

111-1 profile.webp

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Copper pipe for a moonshine still you say?

Hmmm, I was out sweeping my yard (2.8 acres, mostly wooded) with Ocalasix a few weeks back and we found a length of copper pipe about 1/2 inch in diameter and a foot and a half in length. I wondered what it could be for since to my knowledge there was never a house near that spot. Found a couple lengths of plastic garden hose too. I was thinking some kind of irrigation for crops or cattle, but even that didn't seem likely. Could it be possible that someone had a still and left those items behind?

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