More Danger in the Woods than just Snakes!!!


Mar 2, 2011
I have recently gotten back into MDing & scouting for areas of interest I live. I had seen a post concerning confrontations you may find while out MDing !
I had been looking in a area that you are not about to get the cops help or anyone Else if you find yourself in trouble! I had been doing a general search midweek just looking to find what I had been seeing on a 1900 map.
I had been out a couple of hrs an decided to go back to my car after jumping a few deer taking pictures of things of interest for later searches on the net. I had remembered that there had been a large pond/lake that had dried up so I thought I'll just stop on my way out and see whats still there? I walked down the though the woods and ran up on a Homeless guy out here in the middle of 1,000's of acres. ( He hiked in it was miles on foot) I tried to be friendly but I could tell he was a little daffy in the head wearing a Army outfit he said he was with someone that wasn't their at the time but pointing off to a direction away from the area. I had gotten a smell of a deer that had been cleaned somewhere in the location (I'm assuming here) I just smelled a dead deer I never saw one. I hunt a good bit so I have knowledge on that. I left it at that and took off!

It is very dangerous to confront anyone doing stuff that is not lawful Pouching or Growing pot etc. The general idea here is that their are now a # of homeless that have no where to go so they are taking to the woods & living off the land doing their thing. He seemed to be a nice enough guy but the next one may not be.

I would rather deal with a Rattler, than someone that is a little touched in the head, you never know what they will do. It's something that is Real and you may have to make plans as to what your going to do on your next hunt because I think your going to see more of it in the future.
Safe Hunting!

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@ Glasseyed: I feel the same way you do about the South. Too many times folks move here from other places north of us and then try to change our ways or scoff at us.

When that happens, I get offended too! In this case I don't think Seadventure meant any personal disrespect, folks from other places just seem to be unable to stop trying to change

our home and it comes natural to most of them to scoff at us in general. We were raised differently and that's why it can offend us, I suppose. Just my opinion.

Sky Pilot

I live in Louisiana and it is a diverse culture state. I can remember back in the 1950's when my dad referred to my aunt, his sister-in-law, as a "Cooney". She was from South Louisiana and may have taken offense to that. As the years went by "Cooney" became "Coon Ass", which by now has its on flag in the state. The "Coon Ass" culture has taken on a new meaning since I was a kid and they have developed a pride in their heritage. I for one believe that the real "Coon Ass" evolved from Avoyelles, Evangeline, Allen and St Landry Parishes. I feel that the South Louisiana Parishes that rubbed with the Central and North Louisiana is where the term "Coon Ass" evolved. I have never been call a "Coon Ass" by someone other than a "Yankee". I have been called a "Redneck and a "Redbone" by the locals. I have never taken offence by being called these names. I guess that some resent being called out on their true culture in other states may be offensive to them but to me it is a way of life that I am proud of.

On the issue of "rednecks"... I'm originally from NE Florida which is a very interesting blend of old southern culture, a very unique "Florida Culture" and a ton of Yankee transplants. A person is definitely exposed to an array of ways of living, growing up there.

I love guns significantly more than the next guy, bow hunt, fish, prefer trucks to cars... There's a lot about who I am that comes from my Southern roots, but I must admit to no tolerance whatsoever for backwater, no class hicks who cloak themselves in "Southern Pride" to justify being boorish, undesirable, mostly uneducated and unaccomplished low-brow trash. The "redneck" stereotype, like all other stereotypes, exists for a reason.

If you want to be proud of being from the South, OK, do so. I'm from there too and I'm certainly not ashamed of that, but here's an observation I've made since leaving... Folks who take an inordinate amount of "pride" in things they had no hand in determining- their race, their geography, their height, whatever religion they were born into- are invariably people who haven't actually accomplished much on their own, worthy of being proud of.

So...SCAR, if I walked up to you and called you a garboon would you be offended? Just curious because it is simply a term.

and LSMorgan...So based on your reasoning anyone who has pride in themselves have very little accomplishment and have no reason to be proud?

So with that reasoning...I was extremely proud that my son's varsity soccer team made it to the state level. But now that you pointed it out...I really had nothing to do with that and had no control over it so darn it...I actually had nothing to be proud of at all. How foolish, boorish, and just plain stupid of me for such feelings of pride.

To take it even one step further..I at one time had great pride in being from the South and especially being born and raised in the panhandle of Florida. Had I known that pride was obviously my justification for being uneducated, unaccomplished and I guess low-brow trash I might have tried to improve my situation in life and possibly could have lived up to your standards and way of thinking. Also...had I known that a career in the military spanning almost 25 years now and being promoted to the highest level available in my ranking system (Warrant Officer Corp.) was the makings of a low-brow trashy southerner with pride...then I might have gone a different direction in my career choice as well.

I'm not really sure if you caught all the sarcasm above...I'm sure you did since you are of the high-brow non-trashy southerners with "no" pride, but I think everything you just wrote and I wasted five mintues of my life reading and responding to is a joke!. Oh well...I reckon I will go back and cloak myself in Southern pride and look around for a spare whiskey jug and corn cob pipe.

GlassyEyed, guess I am just an uneducated southern redneck cause I never heard the term garboon before. I am never offended by anything of a verbal nature directed at me. I would have to take that as a sign of weakness on my part. I negotiate multi-million dollar deals quite often and you can't be successful in doing what I do by showing your weak side.

I and my TH pard have been scouring the back roads of AZ desert for last couple of months and we have noticed lots of homeless types and many families camping in the remote areas. Haven't seen any labs (meth type) but a few lab dogs. It looks like the economy is driving people into the wilderness as they can't afford hotels and have no home or apt or friends to stay with.

Always pays to be careful around anyone in the words or desert. Here in AZ lots of drug runners bringing up the garbage from Mexico and most of them carry full autos.
BTW - I am ALWAYS carrying and so is my TH friend.

GlassyEyed said:
and LSMorgan...So based on your reasoning anyone who has pride in themselves have very little accomplishment and have no reason to be proud?

No, but your jumping into that line of reason based on what I said does kind of reiterate an unfortunate fact; that the education system in the South isn't the greatest. You're having some grave reading comprehension issues that most adults of ordinary intelligence wouldn't be having.

There's a world of difference between ordinary "self esteem" and taking pride in something that you had nothing to do with. Those who are quick to indulge in that sort of thing (for example, taking pride in being born black, or taking pride in being born white, taking "pride" in being born in Alabama or taking "pride" in being born in Massachusetts) are, as a regular matter of course, people who haven't achieved much worth being proud of...

Should I feel "proud" that I live in Chicago? Or, if I move from Chicago back to Florida, should I then feel "proud" that I'm living in Florida? How about if I moved to Roanoke, Virginia? Do I then take pride in being a Virginian? And what if I sell my Mercedes and buy a Honda. Should I then be "proud" that I drive a Honda?

There's pride, then there's foolish pride.
Foolish pride is what's going on when you take "pride" in something as immaterial as being born somewhere. It's just as idiotic when someone from the South does it as when someone from the Northeast looks down on you because of where they were born compared to where you were born. It's why the Navy tells the kid in charge of mopping the boiler room that he's "in charge of maintaining a multimillion dollar piece of equipment".

Foolish pride is what it is.

LSMorgan said:
GlassyEyed said:
and LSMorgan...So based on your reasoning anyone who has pride in themselves have very little accomplishment and have no reason to be proud?

No, but your jumping into that line of reason based on what I said does kind of reiterate an unfortunate fact; that the education system in the South isn't the greatest. You're having some grave reading comprehension issues that most adults of ordinary intelligence wouldn't be having.

There's a world of difference between ordinary "self esteem" and taking pride in something that you had nothing to do with. Those who are quick to indulge in that sort of thing (for example, taking pride in being born black, or taking pride in being born white, taking "pride" in being born in Alabama or taking "pride" in being born in Massachusetts) are, as a regular matter of course, people who haven't achieved much worth being proud of...

Should I feel "proud" that I live in Chicago? Or, if I move from Chicago back to Florida, should I then feel "proud" that I'm living in Florida? How about if I moved to Roanoke, Virginia? Do I then take pride in being a Virginian? And what if I sell my Mercedes and buy a Honda. Should I then be "proud" that I drive a Honda?

There's pride, then there's foolish pride.
Foolish pride is what's going on when you take "pride" in something as immaterial as being born somewhere. It's just as idiotic when someone from the South does it as when someone from the Northeast looks down on you because of where they were born compared to where you were born. It's why the Navy tells the kid in charge of mopping the boiler room that he's "in charge of maintaining a multimillion dollar piece of equipment".

Foolish pride is what it is.

I do obviously have the world figured out and apparently you are much smarter than the ordinary person. I bow to your intelligence and keen insight on human nature.

I will publically state that I am extremely proud of the fact I am a born and raised Southerner and Floridian. I am very proud of the history there that my ancestors and past Floridians have helped to create. Its called history/heritage for a reason may have no say so as to where and what you were born as, but there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be proud of what you are.

You guys can demean anything you like by calling names and spouting off about intelligence or lack there of...that's what makes this country so great...freedom to do most anything you want within reason and law...including freedom of speech. I'll keep my foolish pride and boorish uneducated keep your holier than thou, smarter than all attitude. We will all be still living our same lives and carry on.

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