My bank does not want CRHers

At least its a plan, I don't see you posting any solutions or advice to the OP's $5 fee.

The only thing your plan will do is get the bank as a whole mad at him and get his account closed, not just the one branch. If the OP or even YOU read back a couple months on the board, you would see another very similar situation that ended quite poorly for the CRHer. Another reason for putting you on ignore, other than the fact that you haven't done any reading of past posts, is your "Homie" attempt at being "street" or "thug" is way past annoying. It was novel when Em first started up with it, you are just a nuisance. Feel free to reply all you want, because you just went on my ignore list also.

She told me that all B of A charge a fee for ordering halves. Which banks do you guys use?
She is lieing to you. When I was in my prime i bought 3 boxes of halves a week from my BofA and was never charged any fees.

A tiny little mom and pop bank might have box fees because they can not get a good contract with their armored carrier. Big banks get good contracts.

I just recently started myself. I have not found banks that tried to charge me fees but I HAVE found banks that are not very pleased about the process.... but as posted above, when this happens just move onto another bank and use them as a dump bank.

I compiled a list of 75 banks in a 10 mile radius and started calling them for spare halves... I got the feel for the tellers, how they operate, willingness, etc. I came across a local bank today that not only does not mind it, but ENCOURAGES it. They OFFERED to take my name and number and to use me exclusively when they get halves in (and supposedly they get a lot) so they can get rid of them... SCORE.

NjStacker22 said:
I came across a local bank today that not only does not mind it, but ENCOURAGES it. They OFFERED to take my name and number and to use me exclusively when they get halves in (and supposedly they get a lot) so they can get rid of them... SCORE.

Not to burst your bubble but I also started recently and that has happened to me. In many cases when they get a lot in they're someone else's dumped coins. I can think of 2 banks that happened to me. I reluctantly accepted but kept my poker face and checked the coins to no avail and dumped the coins at a different bank with a different coin provider. All part of the learning process, but hopefully in your case it works out in your favor.


Not to burst your bubble but I also started recently and that has happened to me. In many cases when they get a lot in they're someone else's dumped coins. I can think of 2 banks that happened to me. I reluctantly accepted but kept my poker face and checked the coins to no avail and dumped the coins at a different bank with a different coin provider. All part of the learning process, but hopefully in your case it works out in your favor.


I was SUPER excited for the first 30 seconds and than that exact thought hit me. So, I asked. She told me that they come in from all over. Bunch of randoms bring in 4-5 at a clip.

So... I could be getting turned over coins but I certainly hope not. Only time will tell :occasion14:

A little update.

The bank rep. said they would order first 3 boxes as a customer courtesy and not charge the fee. The coins were machine rolled by Dunbar and they were all skunks.

sharp_hunter said:
A little update.

The bank rep. said they would order first 3 boxes as a customer courtesy and not charge the fee. The coins were machine rolled by Dunbar and they were all skunks.

That stinks.

If it makes you feel better,TD denied me a box of halves today :/

Glad to see that you did not get pressured into paying $5 per box. If I had to pay $5 a box, this would be called an expense and not a hobby.

NjStacker22 said:
That stinks.

If it makes you feel better,TD denied me a box of halves today :/

From what I understand all TD's will order any coin except halves. I have bought what they had of halves in the vault though.

I've ordered and received 120+ boxes from my local BofA with no fee. I deal across 3 branches, ordering halves from one and picking up boxes and CWR's at the other two, and have never been made to feel like I am an inconvenience. One branch is closing next year and I hope to be able to buy out the vault to save them the hassle of shipping how ever many boxes of whatever. Not a happy camper though, I admit, because I use them for payroll deposits and to pick up boxes of dimes, nickels, cents and quarters, nevermind CWR's. Not to mention my paychecks are drawn on that branch!


I opened an account with them when I was out of town on vacation. That Personal Banker asked managers to confirm that they could order boxes for me, and they confirmed I could order halves with no fees.

When I got home after that I went to one branch near my home and they were very nice and ordered 10 boxes. I went to another branch down the road and she said that she couldn't order boxes of halves, but when I politely told her other branches ordered boxes for me she ordered 4 boxes.

Generally you have to be courteous, a bit charming, and plan ahead what to say. And sometimes you have to order from another branch and revisit ordering from Branch #1 at a later date.

10 boxes at one branch could get you cut off easily.

From what I understand all TD's will order any coin except halves. I have bought what they had of halves in the vault though.

That is true. Some guy ordered 20 boxes from each branch, and they changed company policy.

I bank through TD and I have two local branches. Two told me no and one was more than accommodating. Put an order in for 2 boxes today. This is a first time for me.

Only downside, I have to travel to the hood to get them. Think I'm going to bring a bookbag to put the boxes in so I don't have to walk to my car with them out in the open lol

I use B of A and the lady usually gets 2-3 boxes for me even if I only ask for one. Drop them. Dump there.

I bank through TD and I have two local branches. Two told me no and one was more than accommodating. Put an order in for 2 boxes today. This is a first time for me.

Only downside, I have to travel to the hood to get them. Think I'm going to bring a bookbag to put the boxes in so I don't have to walk to my car with them out in the open lol

Better bring a loaded gun too.

Well I figure if someone steals them they won't be able to run that fast... so I'll have some time to jump in my jeep and mow them down :thumbsup:

With as many people as I see that dump into TD banks, I'm surprised so many people order boxes form banks that get supplied through TD. I would think the supply is totally watered down. I don't have TD banks in my area luckily so don't have this problem.

solielj said:
With as many people as I see that dump into TD banks, I'm surprised so many people order boxes form banks that get supplied through TD. I would think the supply is totally watered down. I don't have TD banks in my area luckily so don't have this problem.

Which coin service supplies to TD Banks in your area?

I actually pay fees at one bank I use because they have boxes no one else uses. It has been my experience where I live that when a bank easily orders boxes , more and more collectors start getting boxes until our welcome is worn out and we are cut off.

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