My First Privy Dig /need advice for diggin the Second

nova treasure

Bronze Member
Mar 2, 2008
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Relic Hunting
I haven't been out much this Summer swinging or bottle hunting, so I am glad to finally share my first opportunity. It's not the best of finds, but my Passion for History is always set on high.

First off, I have been wanting to dig my first privy and starting with my own here at home seemed like the right place to begin. My home was built in the 1850's and in the very historical city limits. I had high hopes of some Awesome finds. I figured there might be several sites here because of the age, so I wanted my ole buddy HillBilly to share in with the dig and add his knowledge of privy diggin. He started probing in various areas and within a few minutes he called out that he thought he found it. We started digging and started hitting glass at about 3 ft. I just knew some good 19th century bottles would be shown at any moment. Well that part turned out disappointing as after about 7ft and finding the bottom, we found that this pit was 1900's giving up about 12 bottles and a old insulator. My Daughter and son screened all the dirt as we dug and found a few marbles to go with the bottle finds. We probed all around the area and never found any other sites I have a old shed about 8ft from the pit we dug out that is beneath a huge tree and wondering if the older pit might be under the shed :dontknow:.

Any extra advice from some experienced Privy diggers on what there thoughts might be about why I am not finding a earlier pit, I would really appreiciate it.


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that insulator is for radio antenna...marble collectors call em dog bone insulators was prob made by alley agate in pennsboro wv...too bad its broke...i sell em eaisly for 10$ at marble bout a close up of the marbles....

It would help if you could show picture of your back yard. Is there any lilacs or an apple tree. Some out houses are just really hard to find.

duffytrash said:
that insulator is for radio antenna...marble collectors call em dog bone insulators was prob made by alley agate in pennsboro wv...too bad its broke...i sell em eaisly for 10$ at marble bout a close up of the marbles....

Thanks Duffy for the info, here is a closeup of the marbles.


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Nice clay and bennington marble. How far away from the original back door did you find this one? Should be no more than 50 feet away from that. Sometimes the older pits are the closest to the home and the newer ones farther away, but not always. If it was indeed built in the 1850's you should have a minimum of 4 or 5 decent sized pits there. Keep probing and look for a very subtle change in strata. You should have wood ash in the pits that feel a bit different than coal ash. The older the pit the less will be in them usually. :thumbsup: jas

How far away from the original back door did you find this one? Should be no more than 50 feet away from that. Sometimes the older pits are the closest to the home and the newer ones farther away, but not always. If it was indeed built in the 1850's you should have a minimum of 4 or 5 decent sized pits there. Keep probing and look for a very subtle change in strata. You should have wood ash in the pits that feel a bit different than coal ash. The older the pit the less will be in them usually. :thumbsup: jas
Thanks, I was hoping to see you reply. The privy site we dug is about 50 ft from the original backdoor. I have found a sanborn map that shows what i guess is the privy in 1899. there are two lots here so I roughly measured to the back of the house lot and over. the measurements actually come up short to the privy we dug, so hopefully with more probing I will find the older privy. I need to buy me a probe.

Hey Nova, try this site. They should be able to hook you up.

Probes that I use everyday!! They have found hundreds of privies. Goodluck it sounds like you are closing in on them. They have to be out there somewhere. :thumbsup: jgas

jgas said:
Hey Nova, try this site. They should be able to hook you up.

Probes that I use everyday!! They have found hundreds of privies. Goodluck it sounds like you are closing in on them. They have to be out there somewhere. :thumbsup: jgas

Thank ya, Probe has been ordered and on the way.

jgas said:
Hey Nova, try this site. They should be able to hook you up.

Probes that I use everyday!! They have found hundreds of privies. Goodluck it sounds like you are closing in on them. They have to be out there somewhere. :thumbsup: jgas

Well I probed and found another privy, actually I believe it's a 2 holer because of finding the wall liner. The part that has me confused is that i can sink the probe in two places about a ft apart and almost against the wall liner. through the remainder 40 inches or so wide by 6ft long area you can feel a crunch layer but can't sink the probe at all. any advice for this by anyone? this privy is 10 steps away from the last privy I dug. here is a pic , I flagged the wall liner and the 2 flags that are closes together is where the probe sank and inside the liner.

Thanks, Bill


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DIG IT! :tongue3:

If you are feeling the crunch/ use layer stop probing and dig it. You dont want to poke through an eagle flask! As far as the liner goes, do you mean the walls of the pit. Is it a cement liner or wood or stone?? If there is any inconsistency in the strata( layering) then thats a dead giveaway that you have a pit. Or at least something to investigate. I would be digging that in a heart beat. How long of a probe did ya get? You can sometimes feel the bottom and it usually is harder than rock! Let me know how ya do. I think you will master it in no time! Goodluck, jgas

jgas said:
DIG IT! :tongue3:

If you are feeling the crunch/ use layer stop probing and dig it. You dont want to poke through an eagle flask! As far as the liner goes, do you mean the walls of the pit. Is it a cement liner or wood or stone?? If there is any inconsistency in the strata( layering) then thats a dead giveaway that you have a pit. Or at least something to investigate. I would be digging that in a heart beat. How long of a probe did ya get? You can sometimes feel the bottom and it usually is harder than rock! Let me know how ya do. I think you will master it in no time! Goodluck, jgas

Thanks, yes the walls of the pit, I actually think these walls are stone (by probing), the last pit was wood structure and i thought it would have been the oldest? It definitely has inconsistency in the layer. I can hardly wait to dig it, but will wait until my ole buddy hillbilly is available for the dig, hopefully tomorrow weather and work permitting.
I bought a 4 1/2 ft probe,handle hits right at my chest so better handling i figure.

I Greatly Appreciate your advice and enjoy the conversation on privy diggin. I have a couple more pits in the area to dig that should yield some really nice finds with the history of the places. So hopefully some nice bottle post are in my near future.

Can't wait to see what ya bring up Nova! Goodluck and be safe out there :thumbsup: jgas

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