
Sr. Member
May 2, 2007
Detector(s) used
I Have a small bottle shop on the north shore of LK Mich In Arcadia Mich. Today I was setting There in the shop napping and a gentelmen came in and asked me if I was was the man that owned a metal detector. Before I could say yes he said his wife had just lost her 5000.00 dolor wedding ring on the beach in Peerport and could I please come down and look for it. I said yes but I only have about an hour because I had told my wife I would take her out to supper. He said it would be worth 40.00 dollars if I could find it. Well Peerport is about 6 mile south of Arcadia So Locked up the bottle shop and jumped in my truck and they followed me down to the Peerport beach. When we got there he showed me the aria that the ring had been lost in . About 8 of his family was setting around it. I had no more started to swing the detector when I got a load strong signal.I have never heard a signal from gold and really taught it was a bottle cap. I picked one scoop of sand and was still getting a signal so I scooped again After the fourth scoop I was nearly into the black sand but what ever it was it was in my scoop. I got down to the last cup of sand when the ring fell out. I heard 8 people give a real big sigh. The guy reached for his wallet but I told him I didn't want his money. I said this is what we do . Told them to have a great vacation and walked away with them thanking me in the back ground.

wow, thats great story!


great story ! i know that gave you a good feeling to, glad you found it for them and i hope someday i may be of help like that to someone, a very big congrats to you ! ;)

awesome job..everyone should have the feeling you get when you find something sentimental for someone.....i was at the beach i normally water hunt and i was out in the water doing what i do and this middle aged woman waved me down....i came over and she said "My mother just lost her ring is there any way you....." i cut her off right by saying "of course" was in about knee deep water and her mother was in hysterics on here hands and knees grabbing up hand fulls of pebbles, sand and shells .....first swing i got the signal bent down and got a hand full and there it was....i could understand why she was so was a about a half inch wide band with a cluster on top about the size of my fingernail.......they were extrememly relieved and offeed me $20 which i didnt take.....told her i just wanted to hear what gold sounded like on my MD lol......good thing i was there that day....if another MDer or even myself had come out the next day and found that ....WOW!!!!

I laud the kindness and the philosophy of "this is what we do." I would have been happy to accept his offer of $40; it would still have been an extraordinary kindness and I like the expression "don't muzzle the ox while he's treading the grain." There is no shame in accepting a reward, especially since it was such an expensive ring. Had they lost it, their insurance company would have probably compensated them well for it.

He offers you 40 bucks to to close your shop and drive miles out of your way to find the $5000 ring he lost.Is he kidding! What a cheapstake.And what a good guy guy you are.

You know and I know that the family will always remember you as the guy who went out of his way to find her ring.
That is truly priceless. ;D

Hi Bottles!

Excellent work! Just think what this world would be like if everyone else did a good deed! Your 2nd gold will even be better...with diamonds! :D


That is a really nice story! Thanx for telling it. May you find tons of gold for your good deed!


You are one of the best my friend and it is good to see there are still people out there like you!!! You make us all look good with this awesome act of kindness. I am really happy you were able to find it for them.

Congrats to you and I hope, besides feeling very good, you are rewarded with tons of positive karma and good luck.


People like you make this world a wonderful place to live ! we need more like you , good job ! you will be rewarded for this good deed at some point .......


Act of kindness is repaid ten fold... You got some coming!!

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