My Movie

The first scene is for Ted…Moving the Examiner using your hands and wrists takes a lot more than an involuntary twitch. It would also take a lot more control than I seem to have. The question I have is that making it start moving is easy to do. It seems to be bring it to a stop just seems like something that can’t be done.
The second scene shows the Examiner can be made to lock onto the target and stay locked as you walk away. I find no reason why any one would want to do this. But it does show that if Ideomotor Response was controlling the unit you would have to be having a few thousand twitches a second.
The third scene shows me turning SWR’s do nothing knob from 0 to 3 ½. I then go on to show that I have now eliminated 7 ½ oz’s of Silver.
The fourth scene shows me resetting the Examiner including the do nothing knob and degaussing the antenna. Then I show how the Examiner will lock onto Gray Quartz and not the silver. How’s that look AF….It may be my computer or my knowledge of computers that will not let me move the movies from Youtube to T-net. Any help would be appreciated….Art 0018

Art...if you cannot see that YOU are the one making the device move...I feel so sorry for you
I have ask this question about 30 times and get no reply…What is wrong if the Ideomotor is used with a device? You should have read by now that the Ideomotor can be trained or taught to be used by humans. I get 100 % discrimination with the Range Tell. The depth calculations are right and the distance is also correct. You can not deny that the Ranger Tell works…If you deny this fact the only one that gets hurt is you….Every hole I have dug has what I am seeking. That tells me that what I am doing is right…
The only explanation for what you are seeing is your problem not ours…Art

Hello T.N.ers', Art thanks for taking the time to make the videos. The second one was surely better then the first. I personally don,t think you are making the rods move, but I did notice you kind of stopped a couple of times. I would like to see more vids especially of finding an unknown target, but I know the naysayers would think it was set up. I guess that photo of the gold in your pan got you in trouble. I'm new to TN so i don't know all the details. You guys know one funny thing is now Art is on you tube, You're famous Art! Everybody keep up the treasure hunting and good luck. I sure like reading these posts more without all the name calling. Jimmygoat

Hwy Jimmy….I am going to make a full recovery movie. The ground is still frozen and will be for about a month. We have not had many warm days since September. It will be some time but I will do it…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hwy Jimmy….I am going to make a full recovery movie. The ground is still frozen and will be for about a month. We have not had many warm days since September. It will be some time but I will do it…Art
Hey Art, You can come over my way. I've got some interesting targets we can chase. Split 50-50. ;D Good luck, Jimmygoat Oops, forgot about your wife.

Just one question, Art. Did you happen to notice the rock beside your Jeep at anytime during the filming?
I put it there Tommy to help show that the Examiner will discriminate between objects using different frequencies. Before the last two passes I reset the Examiner to pick up Gray Quartz and then made two passes and it ignored the silver and only swung to the quartz. Just before the Examiner gets to the signal line I get like a jerk and pulling sensation. A lot like Trout hitting and hooking themselves. Some time it will move my arm a little because I am completely relax…Have a great day Tommy…I now have frequencies for nearly 100 elements that I can look for …Art

SWR said:
Art...if you cannot see that YOU are the one making the device move...I feel so sorry for you :'(

I concur with your remarks SWR.

Frankly, I find it very difficult to watch these last two videos from Art, knowing that he has so been taken in by the compelling ideomotor effect.

I can only hope that others might see these same videos and reflect very seriously on what they are observing, and if they had any question at all as to what actually causes the RT gimmick to "move" - these videos clearly show it to be equivalent to a bent coat hanger utilizing the old familiar dowsing response.

I am quite saddened to see how Art (and some others) have been fooled by this kind of illusion. Of course, Art is not totally to blame, as some of the responsibility lies with the LRL salesmen.

How sad.... :(

I thought there would be more question.
How can I keep the Examiner pointing forward all the time?
Anyone who has held something with swivel handles or a Dowsing Rod will know what I am talking about. When you first start to use them you spend a lot of time correcting their movements. After a while they will stay pointing forward most of the time. Why does this happen? You have trained your mind to keep them pointing forward using no conscious thought in other words Automatically.

This part is where I get in trouble with a lot of Dowsers and LRL users.
I have been moving up the ladder with different types of LRL’s and MFD’s. Every unit that I have used that require rods the signal line ran from the unit to the object. This is a know fact. By the time I started to lean how to Dowse I had already trained my mind how to react to these man made lines. Without the signal generator I was having a lot of trouble following some of the weak signal lines I was finding.
When I did the experiments in Dr. Doblers papers one fact stood out. The placement of all the experiments were always to the magnetic north and the test object was always to the East. When I tried Dowsing using the cardinal direction every thing came together for me. Now you are thinking what has this to do with the Examiner.
I had tried to use one rod in the past and never was any good using one rod. I was having the same trouble with the Examiner when I would sweep to lock onto the target. So I used the same methods that I was conformable with for the Examiner. It worked for me.

Now I will get into my theory of how the Rods or the swing of the Examiner works. I think that we all know the Electricity is still a ever chancing theory so I am in good company. Just exactly how this works is not real clear but here it goes. I know that the energy from these lines enters you body as I have followed thousands of them to the objects. Some how the body makes the rods or LRL lock onto this signal line. You can see by the movie that it will lock onto these objects and stay locked for a distance. My theory is that I am using some kind of Response that I have trained my mind to do. It may be some kind of trained Ideomotor Response but that is a question for people with a lot of brain power to answer.
You all can see that I rather enjoy a good exchange of words but do not like all the other stuff that seems to go along with it. Frankly…I don’t know exactly how this all works but I know that it is real and no one is going to tell me otherwise. I will continue to use my tools that give me 100% discrimination and if they tell me something is at a location it is always there…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I thought there would be more question.
How can I keep the Examiner pointing forward all the time?
Anyone who has held something with swivel handles or a Dowsing Rod will know what I am talking about. When you first start to use them you spend a lot of time correcting their movements. After a while they will stay pointing forward most of the time. Why does this happen? You have trained your mind to keep them pointing forward using no conscious thought in other words Automatically.

This part is where I get in trouble with a lot of Dowsers and LRL users.
I have been moving up the ladder with different types of LRL’s and MFD’s. Every unit that I have used that require rods the signal line ran from the unit to the object. This is a know fact. By the time I started to lean how to Dowse I had already trained my mind how to react to these man made lines. Without the signal generator I was having a lot of trouble following some of the weak signal lines I was finding.
When I did the experiments in Dr. Doblers papers one fact stood out. The placement of all the experiments were always to the magnetic north and the test object was always to the East. When I tried Dowsing using the cardinal direction every thing came together for me. Now you are thinking what has this to do with the Examiner.
I had tried to use one rod in the past and never was any good using one rod. I was having the same trouble with the Examiner when I would sweep to lock onto the target. So I used the same methods that I was conformable with for the Examiner. It worked for me.

Now I will get into my theory of how the Rods or the swing of the Examiner works. I think that we all know the Electricity is still a ever chancing theory so I am in good company. Just exactly how this works is not real clear but here it goes. I know that the energy from these lines enters you body as I have followed thousands of them to the objects. Some how the body makes the rods or LRL lock onto this signal line. You can see by the movie that it will lock onto these objects and stay locked for a distance. My theory is that I am using some kind of Response that I have trained my mind to do. It may be some kind of trained Ideomotor Response but that is a question for people with a lot of brain power to answer.
You all can see that I rather enjoy a good exchange of words but do not like all the other stuff that seems to go along with it. Frankly…I don’t know exactly how this all works but I know that it is real and no one is going to tell me otherwise. I will continue to use my tools that give me 100% discrimination and if they tell me something is at a location it is always there…Art
This being the case, you should be able to walk into any park and find a gold ring under a patch of undisturbed ground, right? Sooooo, go do that and take your video camera with you....

I don't see what the problem is.....

concur with your remarks SWR.

Frankly, I find it very difficult to watch these last two videos from Art, knowing that he has so been taken in by the compelling ideomotor effect.

I can only hope that others might see these same videos and reflect very seriously on what they are observing, and if they had any question at all as to what actually causes the RT gimmick to "move" - these videos clearly show it to be equivalent to a bent coat hanger utilizing the old familiar dowsing response.

I am quite saddened to see how Art (and some others) have been fooled by this kind of illusion. Of course, Art is not totally to blame, as some of the responsibility lies with the LRL salesmen.

How sad....
Yes it is sad Ted… It is a very sad occasion when someone can not face up to the facts of life. The use of the Sub-Conscious Mind is not confined only to Treasure Hunters. Could you walk when you were born? No..It took years for you to train yourself to walk. Do you have to use the conscious mind to take every step? No you don’t as the sub-conscious mind has been trained. Did you ever wonder why some kids could throw and hit a baseball better than you could. Pretty simple. They could train their sub-conscious faster and better than you could. Remember when you first started to drive a car how you would turn to soon or to late. Now you don’t have to even think about this problem as you have trained the sub-conscious to do this for you. I am not the only one who knows about how humans learn because there are thousands of reports on the internet that explain these facts. The knowledge of the our brain functions is still being explored and what was though to be fact 100 years ago are falling like dominoes….Heck Ted..Get out the Dowsing Rods and start to learn again and forget about the term Ideomotor Response...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
concur with your remarks SWR.

Frankly, I find it very difficult to watch these last two videos from Art, knowing that he has so been taken in by the compelling ideomotor effect.

I can only hope that others might see these same videos and reflect very seriously on what they are observing, and if they had any question at all as to what actually causes the RT gimmick to "move" - these videos clearly show it to be equivalent to a bent coat hanger utilizing the old familiar dowsing response.

I am quite saddened to see how Art (and some others) have been fooled by this kind of illusion. Of course, Art is not totally to blame, as some of the responsibility lies with the LRL salesmen.

How sad....

Yes it is sad Ted… It is a very sad occasion when someone can not face up to the facts of life. The use of the Sub-Conscious Mind is not confined only to Treasure Hunters. Could you walk when you were born? No..It took years for you to train yourself to walk. Do you have to use the conscious mind to take every step? No you don’t as the sub-conscious mind has been trained. Did you ever wonder why some kids could throw and hit a baseball better than you could. Pretty simple. They could train their sub-conscious faster and better than you could. Remember when you first started to drive a car how you would turn to soon or to late. Now you don’t have to even think about this problem as you have trained the sub-conscious to do this for you. I am not the only one who knows about how humans learn because there are thousands of reports on the internet that explain these facts. The knowledge of the our brain functions is still being explored and what was though to be fact 100 years ago are falling like dominoes….Heck Ted..Get out the Dowsing Rods and start to learn again and forget about the term Ideomotor Response...Art
Taking a turn in your vehicle is not a subconscience motion, Art. Neither is turning your LRL.....

This being the case, you should be able to walk into any park and find a gold ring under a patch of undisturbed ground, right? Sooooo, go do that and take your video camera with you....
When I hunt in a park I feel like I am cheating by using a MFD. I was out on a road named “Out Our Way this AM. There are so many gold signals that it is very hard to follow the lines. I did find one Silver Signal that may be traceable. It was under 1 oz and is probably a coin. I have to be standing on the target for ID function to work properly. It was 500 feet from where I was. Since I am stuck using a Tripod I will have to make a few adjustments. Next time I go out there I will find the East-West signal line and take a photo to the west.. Then I will go back about 30 feet and again find the North-south signal line. I will again take a photo to my north just for documentation. Putting them on a Google Map should give me a good idea of where to put the Tripod.
We are tied up most of this week with Doctors appointments with some of them being 5 hours so this will be a long process.....Art

"There are so many gold signals..." Darn, I never seem to find gold and I'm actually LOOKING for it. I'd even settle for more silver, one coin at a time if the coin god is willing!!! I guess some folks must have cleaned out this area than moved west. Maybe I'll switch from the plastic coat hangers to metal ones. I must be doing something wrong, somehow.

aarthrj3811 said:
Just one question, Art. Did you happen to notice the rock beside your Jeep at anytime during the filming?
I put it there Tommy to help show that the Examiner will discriminate between objects using different frequencies. Before the last two passes I reset the Examiner to pick up Gray Quartz and then made two passes and it ignored the silver and only swung to the quartz. Just before the Examiner gets to the signal line I get like a jerk and pulling sensation. A lot like Trout hitting and hooking themselves. Some time it will move my arm a little because I am completely relax…Have a great day Tommy…I now have frequencies for nearly 100 elements that I can look for …Art

Thanks. The commentary on your videos is a bit sparse.

"There are so many gold signals..." Darn, I never seem to find gold and I'm actually LOOKING for it. I'd even settle for more silver, one coin at a time if the coin god is willing!!! I guess some folks must have cleaned out this area than moved west. Maybe I'll switch from the plastic coat hangers to metal ones. I must be doing something wrong, somehow.
Hey Dave…This spot is an Ancient River Bed. It is over 300 feet wide. There is all kinds of micro-gold near the top and most of the bigger stuff is on the bedrock that is 15 feet from the surface. I put the GPS readings on here some place in case some one wanted to check it out. It will make a person’s hands hurt with L Rods or a LRL in 5 minutes as the rods will continue opening and closing….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
This being the case, you should be able to walk into any park and find a gold ring under a patch of undisturbed ground, right? Sooooo, go do that and take your video camera with you....
When I hunt in a park I feel like I am cheating by using a MFD. I was out on a road named “Out Our Way this AM. There are so many gold signals that it is very hard to follow the lines. I did find one Silver Signal that may be traceable. It was under 1 oz and is probably a coin. I have to be standing on the target for ID function to work properly. It was 500 feet from where I was. Since I am stuck using a Tripod I will have to make a few adjustments. Next time I go out there I will find the East-West signal line and take a photo to the west.. Then I will go back about 30 feet and again find the North-south signal line. I will again take a photo to my north just for documentation. Putting them on a Google Map should give me a good idea of where to put the Tripod.
We are tied up most of this week with Doctors appointments with some of them being 5 hours so this will be a long process.....Art
When I hunt in a park I feel like I am cheating by using a MFD.
Art, I've obviously never been too concerned about your feelings. Soooo, go cheat at a park and find a gold ring that you (nor anyone you're with) had any knowledge of being there. And do us all a favor, don't "find" a ring in the sand at the volleyball pit or tot-lot. Why? Because it's impossible to tell if sand has been disturbed or not.

When I hunt in a park I feel like I am cheating by using a MFD.
Art, I've obviously never been too concerned about your feelings. Soooo, go cheat at a park and find a gold ring that you (nor anyone you're with) had any knowledge of being there. And do us all a favor, don't "find" a ring in the sand at the volleyball pit or tot-lot. Why? Because it's impossible to tell if sand has been disturbed or not.
What a rant AF…Are you hipper. How’s your breathing? I have been finding treasure even before you were born…Art

Art, I switched off you a couple of years ago because of countless inconsistancies in your 4 thousand odd posts.
Every one who has half a brain knows that the Ranger Tell product is a fraud and anyone with a quarter of a brain who listens to your dribble and purchases a Ranger Tell should be able to sue you in conjunction with Ranger Tell for fraud by default.
Max ( Dowser 501)

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