Need help with this area


Nov 14, 2022
Hi all need a litle help with this area there is supost to be a small cashe of gold somewhere in the midle !
Have dowsed with pendulum and a piece of amber i get signals all over also the same with quartz stone i get signals all over
with gold i get a signal in the midle but not all the days .
Would ofc appreciate any help on this.


Have been on the site one time with L rods and got signals all over the place in the marked area but nothink felt 100% that is why i asked for help there is supost to be some gold coins in a metal box maybe 8 to 10 of them ,somewhere in the marked area was hiden in the 1940s .

White arrow is where I get a signal. Green arrows i get junk metal or iron


  • IMG_6176.jpeg
    382 KB · Views: 22
This is where your metal box is.
Its to hot to go dowsing this weekend unfortunatly.
must go later on next week !
any tips when field dowsing i am new to this there is something in the area SOUTH
of the yellow circle like a metal box with a few gold coins in it thats the exact info i have .
Thank you okiedowser 8-)

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