Need recommendation


Dec 27, 2023
I'm a novice in the realm of metal/gold detecting and contemplating the purchase of a new gold detector device.
My preference leans towards the Garret GTI 2500 equipped with the TreasureHound EagleEye Coil. My primary focus is on researching old tombs and uncovering hidden treasures in mountainous regions.
Can the Garret effectively meet my requirements? I'm particularly interested in its ability to detect objects at depths ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4 meters.

Budget: 2000 Eur (max)

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I'm a novice in the realm of metal/gold detecting and contemplating the purchase of a new gold detector device.
My preference leans towards the Garret GTI 2500 equipped with the TreasureHound EagleEye Coil. My primary focus is on researching old tombs and uncovering hidden treasures in mountainous regions.
Can the Garret effectively meet my requirements? I'm particularly interested in its ability to detect objects at depths ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4 meters.

Budget: 2000 Eur (max)
2.5 to 4 meters 😳 😳 😳

What is the maximum detection depth of the Garret GTI 2500? In my research, I came across information suggesting it's around 3.5 meters. Can you confirm if this is accurate?

What is the maximum detection depth of the Garret GTI 2500? In my research, I came across information suggesting it's around 3.5 meters. Can you confirm if this is accurate?
Maybe something the size of a vehicle. In using metal detectors, size matters. If you're trying to detect a coin or ring, you'd have a hard time doing that at a half meter. As the target size gets bigger, the deeper it can be detected, but, you may have to use a different machine to accomplish that. For "deep seeking" machines, they can detect an object 6-7 meters deep, but, it has to be a very big item, such as the vehicle I mentioned, or, an underground metal tank, etc. For something the size of a cell phone, maybe a meter or two in favorable ground. Smaller that a cigarette pack and the deep seeking machines won't even see the target. Conventional detectors, even with a huge coil will have a problem with any average size target deeper than one meter. What size object are you trying to find? and what makes you think it's buried that deep?

I'm a novice in the realm of metal/gold detecting and contemplating the purchase of a new gold detector device.
My preference leans towards the Garret GTI 2500 equipped with the TreasureHound EagleEye Coil. My primary focus is on researching old tombs and uncovering hidden treasures in mountainous regions.
Can the Garret effectively meet my requirements? I'm particularly interested in its ability to detect objects at depths ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4 meters.

Budget: 2000 Eur (max)
Well if your going to be digging up the first part of what you want to be digging up, I probably wouldn't be advertising and results of the digging.
For reasons beyond our wants seem to frowned on by the powers to be.

My primary focus is on researching old tombs and uncovering hidden treasures in mountainous regions.
Just a tip/suggestion/help.

If youtube videos has inspired your interest in doing treasure hunting-take these posted up videos with a big grain of salt. (Most are created for the generation of clicks/likes to generate an income off the posted video)

There is no machine that can tell you that you are digging up gold. NONE!
It can tell you it MIGHT be gold, but not for sure, period, with NO exceptions!
I've often wondered...if there was a machine that could confirm a buried object was many people would carry a metal detector turned on all the time. Every dog walker, every jogger, every hiker in the hills....EVERYONE!

There is no machine that can tell you that you are digging up gold. NONE!
It can tell you it MIGHT be gold, but not for sure, period, with NO exceptions!
I've often wondered...if there was a machine that could confirm a buried object was many people would carry a metal detector turned on all the time. Every dog walker, every jogger, every hiker in the hills....EVERYONE!
yup, you're right 😊

There is no machine that can tell you that you are digging up gold. NONE!
It can tell you it MIGHT be gold, but not for sure, period, with NO exceptions!
I've often wondered...if there was a machine that could confirm a buried object was many people would carry a metal detector turned on all the time. Every dog walker, every jogger, every hiker in the hills....EVERYONE!
Sunbathers would have it real bad... no space on the beach to just lay there because of all the detectorists.

I am doing research about 3d imaging scanners, do they really work or they are only good scammers. To be specific
Nokta Invenio and OKM

There is no machine that can tell you that you are digging up gold. NONE
Agreed. I run a Nox 800 mainly. I found a 28.5 gram 14k gold bracelet that id'd as a 12 on the screen. This week I found a piece of an aluminum can that also came up as a 12. Just shows no detector is a psychic, and you must dig every repeatable signal.

Finding a target at 4m would require target size 0,5m x 0,5m minimum and a fairly good detector. The Garrett 2500 is definetly the wrong tool for that. I would stay away fom OKM, specially if you have litle experience, nokta's Invenio might do it, but i do not belive it. Get a decent PI such as Lorenz or maybe something cheaper, such as Pirate deep scan or Detech SSP 5100. You should order 1.5m x 1.5m and 2.0m x 2.0m extra frame coils too.

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