New focus on my other hobby.


Silver Member
Jan 11, 2023
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Makro Simplex+
A while back I shared a photo of some of my whittling. It gets me through the days when I can’t get out, due to weather, etc. Here are my latest. Although it’s FAR from obvious, these are sort of an homage to many of the great folks I’ve “met” on T Net. Here’s how (L to R): The parrot reminds me of members who don’t worry about weather. They beach hunt and dive, year round. The Conquistador: So many in search of Cobs and Spanish shipwreck booty. The little blue guy is my version of a ship’s captain. The (unpainted) Wizard reminds me of the magic we all feel when seeking the unknown, whether a mine, a bottle or an arrowhead. The orange-hatted man, is my version of a proper British gentleman. I’ve met a few, male and female Brits on T Net and am better for doing so. Finally a hillbilly. I nearly put him in camouflage overalls, but enough of that! LOL. He is me, and many other great people who relate to the redneck/hillbilly label. Have a great day. The next big find is just around the corner!👍🏼


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