New from Minelab

Im really hyped for the Manticore tbh, I loved the performance of the 3030 @ Beach and the ability to do my own profiles on Fe/Co which is the game changer for me detecting bi-metal coins we have down here on Mex and still being able to ignore 95% of the ferrous trash BUT its Achilles heel is its weight, after 3-4 hrs I dont feel comfortable swinging the machine and have to constantly take some breaks, at about 6 hrs I'm done.
I can relate to that. I use 3030 95% of time in the water. If I do sand my detect time is reduced a lot.

$1599 in the U.S. I've been out of detecting for about 8 years because I just got tired of digging so much trash. I swore I wasn't going to get back into the hobby unless I could be pretty sure of what I was digging. I learned about the new Manticore coming out and decided I'm going to get one and give it a try again. The target ID seems to have improved tremendously from my old Explorer XS days. I'm just not very patient and am already tired of playing the waiting game to get one. Where is my detector, Minelab?? LOL

$1599 in the U.S. I've been out of detecting for about 8 years because I just got tired of digging so much trash. I swore I wasn't going to get back into the hobby unless I could be pretty sure of what I was digging. I learned about the new Manticore coming out and decided I'm going to get one and give it a try again. The target ID seems to have improved tremendously from my old Explorer XS days. I'm just not very patient and am already tired of playing the waiting game to get one. Where is my detector, Minelab?? LOL
Yes this is one of reasons I got the CTX3030's.
Still get pesky ring pulls and some of the new material bottle tops can give a good signal. But much better than not knowing at all. Will be interesting to see how the manicor compares for target ID

$1599 in the U.S. I've been out of detecting for about 8 years because I just got tired of digging so much trash. I swore I wasn't going to get back into the hobby unless I could be pretty sure of what I was digging. I learned about the new Manticore coming out and decided I'm going to get one and give it a try again. The target ID seems to have improved tremendously from my old Explorer XS days. I'm just not very patient and am already tired of playing the waiting game to get one. Where is my detector, Minelab?? LOL
If you think you can avoid trash while metal detecting, you've picked the wrong hobby. Until the technology can analyze the type of metal and/or determine shape, you're going to dig just about as much trash as previous models. Conductivity of the metal in the targets hasn't changed, and neither has the fact that detectors still base everything on that conductivity difference.

Yes this is one of reasons I got the CTX3030's.
Still get pesky ring pulls and some of the new material bottle tops can give a good signal. But much better than not knowing at all. Will be interesting to see how the manicor compares for target ID
It doesn't sound like the TID of the Manticore is going to help much in getting rid of the aluminum cans and pull tabs but I'm hoping the Target Trace is going to provide some help such as you are experiencing with the CTX3030. From watching videos of the Manticore I don't think it is going to be very easy to identify pull tabs vs a gold ring. The target trace is just not that sophisticated on identifying the shape of a target. You would think in the 10 years after the CTX came out they would have progressed further in this area of identification.

I'll give the Manticore a try when it comes out but I'm not too excited that it is going to give me the capability that I want.

There has been some chatter on other forums about Minelab having completed getting the Manticore finishing touches done. Also, the number of new videos of Minelab reps showing it have diminished greatly. Supposedly there are some demos going on at the dealers in Europe. A Minelab engineer supposedly also let slip that they want to get it in buyer's hands before Christmas.

This tells me that the release date or announcement of it is imminent. Something could even come this week. I'll be really surprised if we don't hear something before the 1st week of December.

They are also talking about the Manticore being a generational shift in how we do metal detecting. The videos out so far seem to be very vague on several key functions of the Manticore so it may have some abilities that are going to surprise us. We'll see soon.

Sounds like the wait is almost over. I found a video from Gold Rat Prospecting Supplies in Australia telling customers that today (6 days ago) was the last day they were taking pre-orders for the Manticore. He said anyone not getting their order in today will have to wait until the second shipments come. He also said he has a tentative release date of the end of November and a delivery date of Mid December.

My guess is they had a pile of pre-orders (maybe more than expected), leading them to pause videos for a bit. It's just a guess but per that Aussie preorder video saying deposit orders would be in a later batch, it sort of makes sense. Don't know what number I am on Bart's list but can hardly wait.

Well the lcd is interesting.
Built in light
The bottom half of lcd gives a lot of information, a bit like ctx3030
A splash of colour
Carbon shafts
Battery in handle
I have a Nokta Makro Legend, it has a built in light, lots of information, Carbon lower shaft, more options than I really want or need, rechargeable battery and a slide in rechargeable battery pack to keep going with a full charge if needed. Also is waterproof and Multi Freq. I have the Minelab EQ 800, but now seem to prefer the Legend. It is built tougher I feel. The new Manticore? Looks really good so far, although again, infro. on it IS limited. Will I buy it? See how my friend does with his, and I must realize that I am now 70, and have body parts that hurt all day every day, Sooo.....for $1600 I should stay with what I have. I SHOULD stay with what I have. (Sometimes, not always easy being me)

Sprailroad, I hear you. My knees are about gone. If I were you I'd wait till April or so when folks have a chance to try them out.
Smokey, I have a feeling I'll be waiting longer than that. We both have good machines. We'll see.

It doesn't sound like the TID of the Manticore is going to help much in getting rid of the aluminum cans and pull tabs but I'm hoping the Target Trace is going to provide some help such as you are experiencing with the CTX3030. From watching videos of the Manticore I don't think it is going to be very easy to identify pull tabs vs a gold ring. The target trace is just not that sophisticated on identifying the shape of a target. You would think in the 10 years after the CTX came out they would have progressed further in this area of identification.

I'll give the Manticore a try when it comes out but I'm not too excited that it is going to give me the capability that I want.
Calling the Manticore's ability to produce "plots" on a 2-D screen a "target trace" seems to be confusing people; the name "target trace" seems as though it may be implying to some that it is actually "tracing the shape of the target that is in the ground." This is NOT what is happening. This is NOT what "target trace" is.

Target trace is simply a plot of "snapshots" that the machine is taking, of the ID of the target. Since the ID on the Manticore consists of a "ferrous" ID AND a "conductive" ID, you can think of each target as having a calculated x and y ID (i.e. you can think of it, in mathematical terms, as an x,y coordinate pair).

Meanwhile, you can consider the 2D display as an x,y coordinate system, with "ferrous" on the y-axis, and "conductive" on the x-axis. SO -- with the mathematical understanding in place, all that target trace actually is, is a plot of successive snapshots of the ID of the target (the x and y variables, i.e. ferrous ID and conductive ID) plotted on the coordinate system. Each "plot" of the ID representing one "snapshot," lingers on the screen for a set period of time, say, 10 seconds (I'm not sure of the actual time Minelab chose, but let's use 10 seconds for the sake of discussion).

So -- as you sweep a target, and the machine plots numerous, successive snapshots of the target ID (x,y pair) on the screen, you can see how these plots "accumulate" into a "shape." And you can imagine that if the ID algorithms of the machine are highly accurate, AND if the target is round, lying flat, and non-ferrous, you can see how all of the ID plots would be in a small, circular spot on the screen. The fact that the PLOT is round, AND the TARGET happens to be round, is an "indirect" relationship. It's not a case where the machine is plotting the ACTUAL shape of the target, like a ground-penetrating radar or something, it's just that since a round, non-ferrous object usually offers a consistent ID, then multiple snapshots of the ID of the target, plotted on the screen, would show up as a small, round, dot.

Meanwhile, an object like a nail, will usually NOT offer a consistent ID, in successive snapshots. Instead, the ID of a nail will generally bounce around -- and thus the "trace" of these successive snapshots will NOT be a small, circular dot, but instead a smeared-out series of plotted points, representing the "bouncing around" of the nail's ID. Of course, sometimes, that "smear" will be sort of "linear," but again -- it's just an INDIRECT relationship to the shape of the nail, not a direct "reading" of the nail's actual shape.

Hopefully, this helps to clear things up a bit for those who are wondering what "target trace" is all about.


I want to see what plots rings look like and compare them to pull tabs and others. I'm getting the Mcore for it's increased Depth, separation, elimination of EMI and hopefully Multi Freq+ If it does most of this I'll be more than happy.

You are right, of course, Steve. There will be a lot of testing with the Target Trace to see how well it is going to provide target identification. Hopefully target ID on the Manticore has been improved enough to provide much useful information in the plot. We'll see since Minelab seems to have gone into "radio silence" on the Manticore.
I'm hoping the TT provides some evidence that aluminum is under the coil. Possibly the TT will be more of a line than a circle on aluminum. I suspect it isn't going to be that helpful with aluminum, though.

You are right, of course, Steve. There will be a lot of testing with the Target Trace to see how well it is going to provide target identification. Hopefully target ID on the Manticore has been improved enough to provide much useful information in the plot. We'll see since Minelab seems to have gone into "radio silence" on the Manticore.
I'm hoping the TT provides some evidence that aluminum is under the coil. Possibly the TT will be more of a line than a circle on aluminum. I suspect it isn't going to be that helpful with aluminum, though.
pspr -- I suspect it will depend upon what KIND of aluminum. A "ring pull," for instance, will (I'm almost certain) be indistiguishable from a gold ring of similar VDI. Meanwhile, a beaver tail MIGHT show some "elongation" (since they typically read slightly higher in one direction, than they do when swept at 90 degrees), but it will probably be VERY subtle. Can slaw, now, on the other hand, might at times show a bit more variance in ID -- and thus more of a "smear" on target trace. But, in general, an aluminum, ring-shaped item will be indistinguishable from gold, I'm essentially certain.


Can't argue with that, Steve. Until we get one in our hands we won't know for sure about the subtilties of the Manticore.

I would like to see just how it all works as well. I have a similar thing on the Legend, both ferrous and non- ferrous bars to use for deciding to dig or not. Dug a lot of trash just to see how well it worked, and it worked pretty good. For the new Minelab, it may work even way better, don't know yet. For $1600 I expect it to.

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