New to furniture collection


Mar 22, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I am deeply curious about furniture, and I want to learn more about furniture design.

I’d really like to do a general survey of furniture design, get a sense of the various periods/movements/styles. And then see what period or style interests and appeals to me the most.

Can you recommend some good resources for that? If there is no single resource, I’d be glad to read any number that would give a good overview!

Also - once I do have a period/style/design in my mind, which I love, can you recommend a process/way to find good resources (books, articles, etc.) on that?

Lastly - are there any serious furniture collectors on the forum? It would be great to connect - I would be very interested to know about how you started collecting furniture, the style and period of your interest, any interesting pieces you have collected, etc.

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