New Video on Quest V80

Pretty good video. For it's price point. it does a lot of functions. Has anyone done an air test just to get an idea of depth?

Check out all the customization settings the V80 has.


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Pretty good video. For it's price point. it does a lot of functions. Has anyone done an air test just to get an idea of depth?

Check out all the customization settings the V80 has.

I paid nearly 1k but I really love the front screen with all the running information. I started with the small coil as I'm in a trashy park, and have been trying to find my wife's grandmothers ring that's been there for 15 years. I've been finding rings with the deus2, v3i, Legend, and the manticore, but not my wife's ring. The small blizzard coil has great separation as all the new machines and though I didn't set it up for a lot of depth, it is comparable to the others. I'm recharging the v80 now and will go out for a abandoned mental hospital grounds and will find out on the large coil. I really love the quest pinpointer that I can't bring myself to want to use the current pointers, and I'm really satisfied with the v80 in a trashy park because of the ease of use and monitoring aspects on the front screen, a lot of information all in one screen. The sensitivity is very suseptible to EMI I've had to run it mostly in the upper 70's to mid 80's. In hyperQ. But functionally it is a very nice operating machine I really enjoy it. I doubt the depth in the large coil isn't going to be manticore or deus2 but for trashy area it'll be great. Also I'm a sucker for black and orange anodized.

I paid nearly 1k but I really love the front screen with all the running information. I started with the small coil as I'm in a trashy park, and have been trying to find my wife's grandmothers ring that's been there for 15 years. I've been finding rings with the deus2, v3i, Legend, and the manticore, but not my wife's ring. The small blizzard coil has great separation as all the new machines and though I didn't set it up for a lot of depth, it is comparable to the others. I'm recharging the v80 now and will go out for a abandoned mental hospital grounds and will find out on the large coil. I really love the quest pinpointer that I can't bring myself to want to use the current pointers, and I'm really satisfied with the v80 in a trashy park because of the ease of use and monitoring aspects on the front screen, a lot of information all in one screen. The sensitivity is very suseptible to EMI I've had to run it mostly in the upper 70's to mid 80's. In hyperQ. But functionally it is a very nice operating machine I really enjoy it. I doubt the depth in the large coil isn't going to be manticore or deus2 but for trashy area it'll be great. Also I'm a sucker for black and orange anodized.
I seen your post on FMD can you please answer the question I ask you over on FMD

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