Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

I'll hit you with an older quote:

Proverbs 26:11. "As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly."

Keep posting. But with all that effort it's a shame because you could have spent that time learning instead of chasing rainbows.
Oh Charlie!
I am not sure if your contention arises from not accepting that the Ancient Egyptians had the ability to mold copper into fine threads for jewelry and wire filaments or the manner in which it was reported?

I am under no obligation to "Prove or Explain" my "Hypothesis" or "Theory" to every "Silly Skeptic" here on this "Thread" who lack the "Will, Comprehension, or Ability to Understand...it!"

I am sure you are also familiar with the Bible Verse:

Matthew 7:6​

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them
under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

But you can't toss pebbles and expect folks to believe they are pearls.


Hi KateTheScienceNerd:
Thank you for your question.
Melting Point of Cadmium - 594.22 K (321.07 °C, 609.93 °F)

Yes...Eric did show the mineral Gallium melting in his hand as the melting point for Gallium is very low 302.9146 K (29.7646 °C, 85.5763 °F)
I thought the main problem with it being Gallium is that Gallium is a smelter product from Zinc and was not discovered until late 19th Century.
Maybe the Aztec did smelter Gallium and drilled the Rock Ore to place the refined Gallium into the rocks for transport.
"Gallium liquid expands by 3.10% when it solidifies; therefore, it should not be stored in glass or metal containers because the container may rupture when the gallium changes state."

Further Eternal Lights and Ancient Batteries Research Shows:
A Battery made from Gallium and Nickel (Ni-Ga)...would be a superior Battery than Ni-Cad.
"A novel primary or secondary battery whose active material for the negative electrode is composed of metallic gallium, gallium alloys or gallium oxide has first come into the world.
Gallium has an electrochemical equivalent of 23.24, which is smaller than those of zinc (32.70) and cadmium (56.21). This indicates that when used as an active material for the negative electrode in batteries, gallium has larger capacity per unit mass than zinc and cadmium by respective factors of ca. 1.4 and 2.4. The potential of the reaction; Ga+6OH- =GaO3 3- +3H2 O+3e- is obviously less noble than the voltage of hydrogen evolution and this means that a high-potential battery can be made. Due to the high hydrogen overvoltage of gallium, gallium ions in the solution can be precipitated as metallic gallium by electrodeposition. As a further advantage, no dendrite formation occurs during the electrodeposition unlike in the case of zinc. The high hydrogen overvoltage also contributes to the production of a battery that undergoes only limited self-discharge. What is more, gallium which has no toxicity presents few environmental problems."

Gallium as an Eternal Light:
"Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) fabricated from gallium nitride (GaN) have led to the realization of high-efficiency white solid-state lighting
. Currently, GaN white LEDs exhibit luminous efficacy greater than 150 lm W−1, and external quantum efficiencies higher than 60%.
Is gallium in light bulbs?"

Image result for gallium and light diodes
"They have been used recently to light both Buckingham Palace and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. They are constructed from a semiconductor material called gallium nitride (GaN); it is possible to build laboratory GaN LEDs that are up to 60% efficient – a twelve fold improvement on tungsten bulbs."

Man those early Egyptians were smart...or...Could it Be?...Ancient Aliens were involved!

I will have to change my Hypothesis!


Zinc Map of the World

View attachment 2015649
So the mystery metal is, in fact, NOT cadmium (surprise!), its characteristics are consistent with gallium, and now we're off running with the theory that it was used for gallium nitride eternal lights? :BangHead:

BTW, this gallium topic has been discussed in one of the Blind Frog Ranch threads.

So the mystery metal is, in fact, NOT cadmium (surprise!), its characteristics are consistent with gallium, and now we're off running with the theory that it was used for gallium nitride eternal lights? :BangHead:

BTW, this gallium topic has been discussed in one of the Blind Frog Ranch threads.
Reply: Did they mention...Eternal Lights?

"Ancient Aliens"..."Could it Be?"...Were extraterrestrials involved with the Treasure of Oak Island?
Ancient Aliens Ancient Astronaut Theorists and Robot …Say Yes!

What does Oak Island have in common with Egypt, Israel, Rome, Mexico, Europe, Nova Scotia and Utah USA?
Answer: Eternal Lighting
Eternal lights 2.jpg

My Newest hypothesis came while watching the TV Series....The Mystery of Blind Frog Ranch, along with the TV Series... Beyond Oak Island...The Episode titled "The Lost Josephine Mine".

I do not agree with The Theory of Blind Frog Ranch being....Mexican Aztecs brought their treasures to hide from the Spanish into Utah, and buried these treasures inside the now found underground tunnels.
I believe with the Searchers of the Lost Josephine Mine (located east of the Ranch) that the Aztecs were brought as Slaves by Spanish Conquistadors and used them along with the local Utes to mine gold and silver in the tunnels at Utah.

My Present Hypothesis is the Aztecs may have brought with them 1000’s of lbs. of refined Gallium from Central Mexico to Utah in 1600's log structures, as they were not sure as to the availability of Zinc to refine it from, or later found Zinc while in Utah and added the refined Gallium to their storage.
Either way... Refined Gallium was a very necessarily component to create...Eternal Lighting for their mining practices.

It has been reported that Archeologists believe Eternal Lights were found within pyramids and tunnels around the World, going back 1000's of years
Aztec Temples (Teotihuacan)
Egyptian Temples (Cheops)
Israel (King Solomon’s Temple 9 level Royal Arch)
Rome Italy (Numa Pompilius Temple))
Northern Europe (Rosicrucian’s Tomb Christian Rosenkreuz)
Nova Scotia (Francis Bacon’s Tomb of Illumination on Oak Island)
Tomb of Illumination.jpg

These lights appeared to be made of some sort of battery, powering some sort of light source.

"Redox reactions are the foundation of electrochemical cells, which can generate electrical energy.
An electrochemical cell is a device capable of either generating electrical energy from chemical reactions or using electrical energy to cause chemical reactions. The electrochemical cells which generate an electric current are called voltaic or galvanic cells . A common example of a galvanic cell is a standard 1.5 volt cell meant for consumer use. A battery consists of one or more cells, connected in parallel, series or series-and-parallel pattern."

Gallium added to Nickel form the components of today’s most newest types of longevity batteries Ni-Ga batteries.

"A novel primary or secondary battery whose active material for the negative electrode is composed of metallic gallium, gallium alloys or gallium oxide has first come into the world.
Gallium has an electrochemical equivalent of 23.24, which is smaller than those of zinc (32.70) and cadmium (56.21). This indicates that when used as an active material for the negative electrode in batteries, gallium has larger capacity per unit mass than zinc and cadmium by respective factors of ca. 1.4 and 2.4. The potential of the reaction; Ga+6OH- =GaO3 3- +3H2 O+3e- is obviously less noble than the voltage of hydrogen evolution and this means that a high-potential battery can be made. Due to the high hydrogen overvoltage of gallium, gallium ions in the solution can be precipitated as metallic gallium by electrodeposition. As a further advantage, no dendrite formation occurs during the electrodeposition unlike in the case of zinc. The high hydrogen overvoltage also contributes to the production of a battery that undergoes only limited self-discharge."

US5462821A - Gallium based active material for the negative electrode, a negative electrode using the same, and batteries using said negative electrode - Google Patents

Egyptian pictures show what appears to be a form of Eternal Lights along with batteries.
Eternal Lights Egyptian pyramid-lamps-2montage.jpg

It was reported that pitch torches could not have been used in confined tunnels and that no blacken residual was found within them.
What Discoverers found was a lighting instrument that gave off light.
"The light was describe as coming from a tube and when they broke open this tube it bled Silver-colored liquid similar to Mercury that ran around the floor only to disappear between the cracks."

What could these Eternal Lights have been made of?

Gallium as an Eternal Light:

"Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) fabricated from gallium nitride (GaN) have led to the realization of high-efficiency white solid-state lighting
. Currently, GaN white LEDs exhibit luminous efficacy greater than 150 lm W−1, and external quantum efficiencies higher than 60%.

Is gallium in light bulbs?"

Image result for gallium and light diodes
"They have been used recently to light both Buckingham Palace and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. They are constructed from a semiconductor material called gallium nitride (GaN); it is possible to build laboratory GaN LEDs that are up to 60% efficient – a twelve fold improvement on tungsten bulbs."

Man those early Egyptians were smart...or...Could it Be?...Ancient Aliens were involved!


  • Eternal Lights Egyptian Pyramid-Lamp-main-4-post.jpg
    Eternal Lights Egyptian Pyramid-Lamp-main-4-post.jpg
    111 KB · Views: 53
What archeologist ever “reported” that? Their name and journal or publication, please. I’d like to read that.

The nonsense and absolute fiction posted here continues to make the OP’s claims less credible with each post.

The OP needs to admit that the laginas were much better salesmen at selling absolute fiction in order to convince a cable tv channel to produce a fictional drama show based on their storylines.

The OP needs to admit that the laginas were much better salesmen at selling absolute fiction in order to convince a cable tv channel to produce a fictional drama show based on their storylines.
I think they pitched the search and not any result.

No one ever captures Bigfoot. Has a great video of an interview with a ghost. Finds proof of alien activity on Earth. No one expects a tangible result.

I think they pitched the search and not any result.

No one ever captures Bigfoot. Has a great video of an interview with a ghost. Finds proof of alien activity on Earth. No one expects a tangible result.
Exactly my point. The producers found the lagina’s fictional story along with their staged digs more “sellable” than the stories posted here.

Im just checking in to see what kind of random words robot is putting quotation marks around, and to see if Singlestack and the gang are still shouting from the rooftops about hoaxers and frauds and fooling gullible rich investors.

Im just checking in to see what kind of random words robot is putting quotation marks around, and to see if Singlestack and the gang are still shouting from the rooftops about hoaxers and frauds and fooling gullible rich investors.
Hello Robert
Missed you...and... "Yes"...The Usual Suspects...are still here sticking to me..."Like"...Flies to Honey...and as you can read..."Robotic Shorthand"...is still being used!

Robot still diverting from the fact that he has provided ZERO factual evidence for any of his fantastical claims.
There are those that cling to the very LACK of any credible evidence is, in fact, "proof" of a coverup, or conspiracy. "If we can't prove it, it must have been intentionally hidden. Only we enlightened ones can uncover it"

Could M16 be a Sonic Anomaly?

That is the location of the Freemason's Treasure Vault located in the Constellation Cassiopeia at the North East top of the island.

I have stated that the Constellation Cygnus(Star Deneb) points to this location.

Oak Island M16 2.jpg.png

Oak Island M16.jpg.png

Freemason's Celestial Map March 2020.jpg

The Star Deneb is in Advocate Bay and the main shaft of Cygnus is 19 miles West of Oak Island.

I can definitely tell you that my post is not nonsense. If you were able to locate the Stars in Heaven above down here on the Earth, that is their locations. There are two Worlds one of the Earth and one of the Heavens. There were globes that cast the Stars on the Earth giving their exact locations here on the Earth in the 16th Century. Why don't you research anything yourself. Always saying nonsense on our post. The nonsense is someone saying they know everything with not knowing anything.

Using fictional author's works for your fantastical claims is not solid research.

Even your "templar ship sank near oak island" tale changes each time you post it. Last time the name of the ship didn't match the previous yarn.

As always, please provide factual proof of any of your "treasure found" claims.

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