Munit Haec et Altera Vincit

New Gold

Full Member
Nov 25, 2014
East Coast
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All Treasure Hunting
Nova Scotia's motto, when translated from latin, is "One defends and the other conquers." This made me think, there's two Scotlands, which defends and which conquers? And defends what?

Obviously through Freemasonry Scotland has conquered much of the world. You would be hard pressed to find a little town in Canada without a Masonic hall. Many people believe that world events are to this day influenced by Freemasonry.

New Scotland hasn't done much conquering. In fact Nova Scotia is one of the poorest provinces in Canada.

So what is it defending?

I'd just like to hear what you guys think this motto means and if it could possibly have any ties to the Oak Island treasure.

Double Headed Eagle, Two Princes, One Crown, One in Europe, One in the New World

The one in America is the Sublime Prince with the greatest royal secret, he is the Eagle-headed warrior, the all seeing watcher, he is seen here standing on the point of reflection, the Cerro Punto in Nova Scotia and drawing his maps to his treasures.....the numbers 4 and 3 signify the numbers of sequenced clues that he is standing on as he charts the movement through the vectors of the map to Nova Scotia with his Square in one hand and his compass in the other

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whereas the other prince are of the lineage of Diana, the Stewarts (sp?), and have Dutch Roots as well dating back to the Hapsburg's rule, and the origins of these symbols, they are supposed to be the diplomats for the Defense of the Crown.

They have no idea what sets they are throwing up. The current house in the UK thinks their two little princes are these two in the Double Headed symbols, and the Queen Mum their "crown".......

They planned all this while the notorious Prince Charles, backs out after birthing the lineage through the Stewart's of Diana's 2 children, and then offing his own Wife (where has he been this Prince Charles, the true heir to the crown, well he is in hiding of course).

The current lineage made its way into the United Kingdom through a series of corruptions, weddings, and other attempts to interbreed between the lineages, creating Designer imposters, to fit into ancient and Masonic symbolism. The Queen claims to be of the lineage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, through the Merovingian lineage of Italy, through the decedents of the Medici Family.

The fakery going on here is akin to the scent of cheap cologne.....LOL

Wow Eldo that is very interesting stuff. I am interested in this "Sublime Prince" that I have seen you mention before. Is this an individual or a group of people? Can you tell me more about this Prince?

Is this all from Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike?

"It was this same remembrance, preserved, or perhaps profaned in the celebrated Order of the Templars, that became for all the secret associations, of the Rose-Croix, of the Illuminati, and of the Hermetic Freemasons, the reason of their strange rites, of their signs more or less conventional, and, above all, of their mutual devotedness and of their power."

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Here's what the Masons/Templars/Priory/Rosicrucians/Hospitalers/Jesuits/Franciscans/Holy See all believe in, without knowing is above them, as it is below them....and that it surrounds them everywhere, this spirit of creation, that is considered a 'magic of old'. Here's how it was created and how it progressed through the years. This is not taken from any book of knowledge that I know in this sequence, but it still covers most of the history behind these symbols and the progress into the encryption in the arts.

Before Christ, the thinkers of the age developed advanced mathematics based on the foundations of Euclidean Geometry, which were inspired by elder thinkers who had questions, and at the time these were the courts of the Elders, the Socratic thinkers, the Cynics, Critics, and Agnosts (meaning 'he who questions').....even though they were of the same 'light' and accepted his teachings after Aristotle and others carried this study, they made him drink Hemlock and the light went out for some time, until the birth of Alexander.

Alexander was born this 'Light'. After setting up the Library at Alexandria, the great Euclid made his dispensations of thought to the world through this great trade empire, and the 'Empirum' began under a mapped exploration and conquest of the known globe, they were the great navigators of the times and created Geometry (GEO = earth, METRY = study of measurement), literally the measurement of the earth, while the original mathematics discovered were 'columnar' math.....using symmetry, and the displacement of mass, the architects of the time in Greece and Rome used these forms of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to engineer their buildings and to create their empires. They created their 'Pillars of Thought' to suspend their 'Books of Wisdom' in the heavens (pillars set on a step temple, with a book of records and wisdom, laid flat as roof, and pyramid above, the DELTA, meaning 'unknown' to the greek mathematicians, was their symbol of the highest degree of wisdom. To Master the Unknown, to Shine through the Ignorance, and it has always been this way in the quest of man to set higher standards and help evolve the whole. That is the Race, against time, the dying of the light.

Euclid's ideology revolved around the circle, and the studies of the triangle. The more degrees of the circle you had, the more whole and complete as a person you were. The more radiant and brilliant you became. This began the age of the 'Genius', the shining light of the Genus of Man. A 'Genius' is actually a symbol derived from the same source of the later word Codex, meaning a central focal point, with radii emanating from the middle, the spokes of the wheels are the degrees so to say. This was "The Light" they 'Spoke' of...(no pun intended, the actual meaning supplied as This was the Golden Dawn they spoke of.....the Omega Symbol is this symbol of the Golden Dawn, the end of the darkness and the rising of the Morning Star, the Sun. Lucifer is the Light Bearer to these men, and is considered the one who chases out the darkness of ignorance with his light.
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By the time that the Christ arrived, Alexander (this enlightened, awakened one) had already set up the most advanced schools of thought, built civilizations and set higher standards then had ever manifested before, and the world's many kingdoms, all were influenced by this knowledge. Derived from the Books of Enoch (omitted in King James Version), and the original 'Flower of Life' studies, the Templars guarded the original secrets of creation itself, creation of thought, of the spirit, the faith, of how to build and maintain the Holy Kingdom, invent new tools, and maintain great agricultural stocks, and knew when there were imposters in the ranks of the Kings, who were born of a foreign lineage, or of a family that was not know to be their bloodline. This was instilled in the Knights from Charlemagne's time, and from the First Crusade onwards, all knighted men were to follow the ranks of the Templars in defense of the Kingdom, they were the Guardians of the Faith, and the ones who knew who was following the wishes of their gods and martyrs, and who was exploiting their people as slaves. They were not just the protectors of the innocent, but the Judges of the affairs of the many crowns they serviced, and some say, that because they were so influential in so many nations, that to harm one Knight was to have declared war upon the whole world, that they were servants of a higher order, but lived in humble subservience, to guide the many Kings to the right path.

The next great "Light" was DaVinci, with his Codex and other inventions.....we have another leap in engineering and the advancement of the Italian Renaissance influencing a love of the arts, history, the renewal of old ideals and newer theories of religion, politics, and life itself. As an artist he was the one who figured out ways to encrypt linear and coded sequences and messages into the finer details of his art. This was the first time we are able to see the Medici Family (who employed Davinci) preserving part of their bloodline in the lineage of Jesus and Mary, and the first in the development of a code and sequence to encrypt certain symbols and ideologies of meaning of their order in each of the crafted and gilded artifacts found so far, after these dates.

We see generic hieroglyphic pictograms in the past, but here we finally begin to see the "Mapping" of clues, with a Romantic and Renaissance setting. The same the time these artists were crafting these art pieces, the sailors were charting the New World, and were constantly being met with the natives of the areas. The next major artist is the French Nicolas Poussin, who looks so much like Salvador Dali, I am sure that it is actually him reincarnated !!! LOL. His tales of a garden of delights in the New World, and the Tomb they find is clearly unmistakeable as well. Just look a the alignments, they are a dual map, one of Europe, and one of the New World, complete with a third layer of descriptive drawings and allusions to water trapped wells and other tombs below......just like Oak Island. But the maps also lead one to another location some leagues away, that is the true resting place of the trove in Nova Scotia.

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But the greatest thing these Templars did was to show through symbolism the way to achieve this direction to the new find this area, and to convey the message to the European Templars that their efforts to find the location to bury the Beloved was found, and set up the pit until the Spanish brought it here. To do this they used an ancient symbol called the 'Merica', a five pointed star.

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The Hapsburgs were in Spain when the egg shaped Sublime Prince drawing was created, the one you mentioned. It is used to signify the Birth of the New World in an egg shaped drawing, the charts on the map he is standing on are the numbered sequences for the vector changes in the Poussin Drawing, to show you when to adjust the rotation of the peak vector of the chart. As you rotate this drawing 36 deg., you see the appropriate coast lining up with a convergence point, and you slide it to the next point of convergence to the left, you bounce along the coasts of Europe. The numbers 3 & 4 are of the steps taken, after you align the map to the point of origin @ 1)Giza and charting a course through the 2)Chateau Le Rennes, the vertices' of convergence "under her leg" on the Poussin map. This straight line is used to direct one from Europe in the direction of the Zero Point Island. The charted lines beneath the double headed Sublime Prince, one of the old bearded, and one young are the AO, the Alpha Omega, the beginning at #3 and the end at #4, and the many different rays leading to each star of david are the sequences of the map to get to the Knights Templar Trove from the Zero Point Island.

View attachment 1085562 the intersecting point from giza through le rennes

After you get to the Zero Point in NS, the map has been rotated a complete 180, and it is upside down, as you are looking at a diamond with many rays of a treasure radiating upward, that has those markings laid in an arrangement on the islands and surrounding land can chart each one precisely and they are crafted to appear as the astrological symbols appear in the drawing. Each one a hint for clarification of what you are looking for, a series of points to layout the whole area, and begin the quest.

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There were no written languages of these tribes they met, and only certain nations kept records of their interactions, but there was a huge discovery coming to light about the "New World", and only a few knew about it by now.......

that they had made their base of operations here and they traded wisdom with the Natives.....encrypting their codes even in Native Symbols........

View attachment 1085566 The two symbols, the globe, and the native symbol above are very close to symbolizing the greater globe and 8 continental empires, as well as being influential in dividing the Mi'kmaq into 8 tribes within their Confederacy or union of Tribes and Bands under a greater order.

This is how they know the 'God King' who returns will be the great Quetzal, the feathered serpent, The Green Dragon, the Robed and Bearded Man who was written to return by the Aztecs...........

both the Mi'kmaw tribes and the Aztec/Mayas were able to meet these original Templars, and they were foretold to rule in the 6th solar cycle, which began after the "end of the world" in Dec 12, 2012

I am sure the formation of the symbols found in Bedford Basin are reminiscent of the first Templars meeting with the Mi'kmaq, and that the subsequent markings and coded items were used to guide further expeditions there at a later time, whereas the following missions there ended up being Spanish/Hapsburg, and later clues and guide markings were crafted by the Hapsburg Dynasty in Spain in the early 1600's.

This was all to escape the Papal Persecution in the Vatican and it still is going on today........WOW.......

To think they want this squelched so they dont get caught being bloody liars throughout all of AD history as we know it....

Thanks for answering my question... Now I have a thousand more.

Is the "Sublime Prince" Really a "Prince and a Princess"?

"The Rebis image first appeared in the work Azoth of the Philosophers by Basil Valentine in 1613."

"The Rebis (from the Latin res bina, meaning double matter) is the end product of the alchemical magnum opus or great work. After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body."

My "theory" is this picture represents the "Male" and "Female" union of mankind with the "Heart" represented as "Rebis".

The "Freemasons" referred to this "Male/Female Union" to be the "Double Star Gamma Cassiopeia" the only visible "Optical Double Star" in the "Constellation Cassiopeia" and denotes the "Freemason's Marker" for their "Treasure Vault" located on "Oak Island".



  • Celestial Map.jpg
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I am sure we could all make more sense of your photos.......


Its connection is interpreting them by blowing them up so large as to stretching across the screen, and I have to download them to view them....or else they are HUMUNGOUS.....

when I press CTRL + Scroll Wheel the mouse to shrink or enlarge the screen pics, to see them at normal screen size (flatscreen), the words are so small its funny.....

normal pics for the website size post blogs like this ones format are 680x480 up to around 1200x900 pixels max......without showing them so big that you have to use the scroll bars

just saying it makes it hard to grasp his point, which has validity, if its huge

the one pic is 3,229px × 2,479px.......thats like the size of the layout of a blueprint that we used in the firms way back when.....LOL

You have never heard "Bigger is Better"?

Its connection is interpreting them by blowing them up so large as to stretching across the screen, and I have to download them to view them....or else they are HUMUNGOUS.....

when I press CTRL + Scroll Wheel the mouse to shrink or enlarge the screen pics, to see them at normal screen size (flatscreen), the words are so small its funny.....

normal pics for the website size post blogs like this ones format are 680x480 up to around 1200x900 pixels max......without showing them so big that you have to use the scroll bars

just saying it makes it hard to grasp his point, which has validity, if its huge

the one pic is 3,229px × 2,479px.......thats like the size of the layout of a blueprint that we used in the firms way back when.....LOL

"Sorry" Eldo, "Sometimes", I like to get my "Point Across"!

"Sublime Prince" meaning of "4" Degrees and "3" Degrees

Could the inserted "4" and "3" be "Degrees" on the "Freemason's Compass" pointing to the "Star Marker" for the Star " Gamma Cassiopeia" where their "Treasure Vault" is "Buried"?

The Center of the compass starts at 0 and proceeds 1, 2 , 3 ,4

With 3 and 4 Pointing to Gamma Cassiopeia!

Oak Island -  3- 4 meaning.gif


Celestial Map.jpg

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This should explain the measurements and the basic way to create the vertex or peak angle of the vectors.......

To interface these into the Poussin Codes.......

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