Oak Island Treasure in the US

Mark Wright

Jr. Member
Sep 8, 2022
Chicago, IL
Primary Interest:
I have no desire to hide my discoveries even if it leads to nowhere. Someone might find something useful. I've been told that I need to keep my posts short, so I'll try to do that.
This is conjecture, Fantasy, etc., Please do not use this information in the real world. Do not go onto private property. (12 million people live within an hour's drive.)

Four pointers indicate that the Oak Island question is answered in the US. I stand by my previous thread because, even considering the "debunked" Zena documents, her products led me to this and other discoveries.

Four Degrees:
The Boat Stone was found in 1932(?) during the construction of a highway near Westford, Mass. Carved into the stone is an old sailing ship, an arrow and the number 184. Using that number, I discovered that an azimuth of 184 degrees from a boulder on the north beach reveals a pointer to the South Beach Corner stone. I then applied the same process from a point in Westford, Ma. with similar results. The big difference is that Oak Island distances are measured in feet while Westford's are in miles.

The "Four" degrees appeared to help locate points of interest, so I applied it to Oak Island. I added 4 degrees north to the angle of the 867-foot body of Nolan's Cross. Using Google Maps, I extended both lines all the way to the US. The 4-degree line intersected the Boat Stone line in Rhode Island while the Nolan's Cross line went out to sea.

I researched the property where the lines intersected and discovered a small, oddly shaped (.75 acres), isolated, piece of land that is in the middle of a swamp. A river that empties into the ocean is the west boundary. Looking at the property boundaries, I noticed that the line between East Greenwich and North Kingstown was at an odd angle, a 4-degree angle. Why did the deciding officials go approximately 250 feet past a perfectly reasonable vertical straight line in favor of a line that tilts west 4 degrees?

Is it a coincidence that:
  • the Boat Stone uses 4 degrees west of south to point at the Road Island Miner property from the north,
  • the Boat Stone uses 4 degrees west of south to point at the Oak Island South Beach Corner Stone from the north,
  • the southeast corner of East Greenwich metropolitan area has a 356-degree angle (4-degrees west of north) that points at the “Miner” property from the south,
  • the angle between Nolan’s Cross head to the Rhode Island “Miner” property and Nolan’s Cross Vertical Bar is 4 degrees?
  • Does the intersection of the Boat Stone azimuth and the Oak Island azimuth mean that the “X” marks the spot.
How many random 4-degree events give something meaning.

I find it interesting that the name of the deceased owner of the property was “Miner”. Does a “miner” mean that there’s a mine.

Does Rhode Island's shape resemble Oak Islands?


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Why start a new thread when you have one going already on this subject.
Just asking.

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Mark.....you should know......you can't hide from these guys, SSW will seek you out :laughing7:

Why start a new thread when you have one going already on this subject.
Just asking.
Number 1: Ignorance. During my life I have participated in a total of 1 forums and you have seen 100% of my involvement. I'm aware that there are rules, etc. but I don't know what they are. I have moderate experience with electronics, computers and programming but technology will eliminate everything else in your life. I just made a decision not to play. As you can see, I've fallen off the wagon.
2. I have a lot of information on both potential sites. I considered adding Rhode Island to the Oak Island thread but worried that talking about 2 locations might cause confusion especially if comments are separated by time. Memory and similar situations may frustrate and confuse the readers.
3. I started to name the thread "Potential Rhode Island Site" but thought that my fans would want a connection to Oak Island.
4. Singlestack Wonder pointed out many of my sources have been discredited. All I can do is use whatever I can find and is available. My biggest issue is getting the actual location of items. All I can hope for is that the margin of error is close enough to give correct/useful data.

So here I am...


LOL...here we go again.
Fantasy ;-)

We must have different understanding of some words because I agree with your arguments. These are the words I use to describe my efforts.
  • Conjecture (con·jec·ture) NOUN: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information:
  • Theory (the·o·ry) NOUN: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained
  • Supposition (sup·po·si·tion) NOUN: an uncertain belief
This is the word you've used to describe my post.

Fantasy (fan·ta·sy) NOUN: the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable:
  • Impossible (im·pos·si·ble) ADJECTIVE: not able to occur, exist, or be done:
  • Improbable (im·prob·a·ble) ADJECTIVE: not likely to be true or to happen:
  • Definitions source: Oxford Languages, https://languages.oup.com/
The definition of "improbable" means that there is a statistical probability that the event will be true or happen between 10.6% and 25.3% of the time.

Based on this information, you are saying that it is impossible (0% probability) that tunnels are in the area I identified or that there is a statistical 1 in 4 chance that there are tunnels present.

By definition, I'm using the 1 in 4 chances that there may be something. Are you absolutely certain (100%) that tunnels or treasures do not exist in those areas? Or on Oak Island? Or in Rhode Island? You can always believe whatever you want and I’ll pretty much try to agree with most of it. If you are absolutely, 100% certain that I’m wrong, show me your proof. If you don’t want to or don’t have any, why do you care if I’m deluding myself? If I’m delusional, you would have a hard time convincing me with proof. Without proof… well.

I actually do appreciate your comments. I’m certain that I have some degree of tunnel vision. It’s hard enough for me to catch grammatical errors on things that I write let alone logic or contextual errors. You have a lot of experience so I look forward to your critiques.

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Number 1: Ignorance. During my life I have participated in a total of 1 forums and you have seen 100% of my involvement. I'm aware that there are rules, etc. but I don't know what they are. I have moderate experience with electronics, computers and programming but technology will eliminate everything else in your life. I just made a decision not to play. As you can see, I've fallen off the wagon.
2. I have a lot of information on both potential sites. I considered adding Rhode Island to the Oak Island thread but worried that talking about 2 locations might cause confusion especially if comments are separated by time. Memory and similar situations may frustrate and confuse the readers.
3. I started to name the thread "Potential Rhode Island Site" but thought that my fans would want a connection to Oak Island.
4. Singlestack Wonder pointed out many of my sources have been discredited. All I can do is use whatever I can find and is available. My biggest issue is getting the actual location of items. All I can hope for is that the margin of error is close enough to give correct/useful data.

So here I am...

So this thread is not about a Oak Island treasure but a Rhode Island treasure. Got it!

So this thread is not about a Oak Island treasure but a Rhode Island treasure. Got it!
Yes. There are paths leading to Rhode Island from Oak Island. The argument could be made that finding a treasure on Oak Island would allow the searchers to declare "Victory!" and they would never think about going further.

"This is conjecture, Fantasy, etc.,"

I think everyone worked that out already.

Have you tried some of the FB groups that like this kind of stuff?

You might get a better response there.

Another path to RI.

The attachments show the key land features when moving from Smith’s Cove to the Miner Plot. A technique similar to how the South Pole is located using the Southern Cross shows a very precise correlation.

To find the south pole, the observer multiplies the length of the Southern Cross’ by 4 to get the location on the horizon where the south pole would be. In this case, dividing the distance from the Miner Plot to Smith’s Cove distance by the Overton/Smith’s Cove distance gives the number 4 with a high degree of accuracy. It is very highly probable that this correlation is not natural. It also indicates a likely knowledge of the south pole system since the number 4 is critical to both.

Distance from Smith’s Cove to Overton Stone: 103.66 miles or 166.73 km
Distance from Smith’s Cove to Miner Plot: 414.77 miles or 667.51 km

Miner Plot / Smith’s Cove distance Overton Stone / Smith’s Cove distance
414.77 miles / 103.66 miles = 4.001254 667.51 km / 166.73 km = 4.00354


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"This is conjecture, Fantasy, etc.,"

I think everyone worked that out already.

Have you tried some of the FB groups that like this kind of stuff?

You might get a better response there.
I'm sorry. I don't use a computer very much. What's "FB groips"?

Nolan’s Anchor

This interpretation of the Oak Island boulders is that the original boulder formation is a map that starts at the Overton Stone and ends at the Hunt’s River (Miner) property. The discovery of the central boulder infers that another boulder could also be present as indicated. Using the known distance from Nolan’s Cross head (or Smith’s Cove boulder) to the Overton Stone, the Anchor Map lands lands directly on the Miner property.


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Here is a pdf file with more info.

I'm looking forward to freeman and Singlestack Wonder's answers to the questions on the last page.


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I have no desire to hide my discoveries even if it leads to nowhere. Someone might find something useful. I've been told that I need to keep my posts short, so I'll try to do that.
This is conjecture, Fantasy, etc., Please do not use this information in the real world. Do not go onto private property. (12 million people live within an hour's drive.)

Four pointers indicate that the Oak Island question is answered in the US. I stand by my previous thread because, even considering the "debunked" Zena documents, her products led me to this and other discoveries.

Four Degrees:
The Boat Stone was found in 1932(?) during the construction of a highway near Westford, Mass. Carved into the stone is an old sailing ship, an arrow and the number 184. Using that number, I discovered that an azimuth of 184 degrees from a boulder on the north beach reveals a pointer to the South Beach Corner stone. I then applied the same process from a point in Westford, Ma. with similar results. The big difference is that Oak Island distances are measured in feet while Westford's are in miles.

The "Four" degrees appeared to help locate points of interest, so I applied it to Oak Island. I added 4 degrees north to the angle of the 867-foot body of Nolan's Cross. Using Google Maps, I extended both lines all the way to the US. The 4-degree line intersected the Boat Stone line in Rhode Island while the Nolan's Cross line went out to sea.

I researched the property where the lines intersected and discovered a small, oddly shaped (.75 acres), isolated, piece of land that is in the middle of a swamp. A river that empties into the ocean is the west boundary. Looking at the property boundaries, I noticed that the line between East Greenwich and North Kingstown was at an odd angle, a 4-degree angle. Why did the deciding officials go approximately 250 feet past a perfectly reasonable vertical straight line in favor of a line that tilts west 4 degrees?

Is it a coincidence that:
  • the Boat Stone uses 4 degrees west of south to point at the Road Island Miner property from the north,
  • the Boat Stone uses 4 degrees west of south to point at the Oak Island South Beach Corner Stone from the north,
  • the southeast corner of East Greenwich metropolitan area has a 356-degree angle (4-degrees west of north) that points at the “Miner” property from the south,
  • the angle between Nolan’s Cross head to the Rhode Island “Miner” property and Nolan’s Cross Vertical Bar is 4 degrees?
  • Does the intersection of the Boat Stone azimuth and the Oak Island azimuth mean that the “X” marks the spot.
How many random 4-degree events give something meaning.

I find it interesting that the name of the deceased owner of the property was “Miner”. Does a “miner” mean that there’s a mine.

Does Rhode Island's shape resemble Oak Islands?
Above my pay grade, and I understand the mystery of it all and connecting the dots. I’m just trying to see if they’re really going to do the BIG BIG DIG and shut off all the water points so they can bring everything up.

The Entire Island was a generational Industrial Scale operation spanning centuries of ongoing work and I suspect if not much is recovered after that then the Usual Suspect Families et al have been hard at work sometime ago to conceal the historical archives and what is there or been moved from there already. (if moved already) I can only think of 2 or 3 sources who would possess it today.

I stopped following this thread as there wasn't anything in it but made up 'alignments' of the order of joining two random dots then saying the resultant straight line somehow had meaning.

Let me look at this 'last page" first.

Hmm, yep, just more random made up assemblages .

It comes down to this; all the theories about where the treasure is......are just random made up ideas based on nothing.

There was one spot and one spot only where the treasure could be and this 'Mark Wright' has to accept this because in simple terms it shows the 'last page' is more random made stuff.

The search commenced due to the suspicion that a circular depression on the island over which hung a rope/block?

So one place only. You get it? It is a fundamental basic, not, "We think a treasure is here somewhere on the island" but "This spot is where the treasure is so we need to dig here".

And that is why everyone smiles and nods at the 'theorists' that come in before some B team member is videoed doing a cursory search of the area they nominated before it's never looked at again.

They aren't worried about triangles or the distance of this dot to that dot is 414 miles and this means it's a palindromic number etc.

They don't care, there is one place and one place only.

And here is them doing it as we speak. There aren't interested in searching all those places the 'theories' come up with.

Anything that theorises the search site is really somewhere else but at the historical Money Pit location is known to be made up and based on nothing but imagination.

OAK 1.jpg

OAK 1A.jpg

OAK 2.jpg

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I stopped following this thread as there wasn't anything in it but made up 'alignments' of the order of joining two random dots then saying the resultant straight line somehow had meaning.

Let me look at this 'last page" first.

Hmm, yep, just more random made up assemblages .

It comes down to this; all the theories about where the treasure is......are just random made up ideas based on nothing.

There was one spot and one spot only where the treasure could be and this 'Mark Wright' has to accept this because in simple terms it shows the 'last page' is more random made stuff.

The search commenced due to the suspicion that a circular depression on the island over which hung a rope/block?

So one place only. You get it? It is a fundamental basic, not, "We think a treasure is here somewhere on the island" but "This spot is where the treasure is so we need to dig here".

And that is why everyone smiles and nods at the 'theorists' that come in before some B team member is videoed doing a cursory search of the area they nominated before it's never looked at again.

They aren't worried about triangles or the distance of this dot to that dot is 414 miles and this means it's a palindromic number etc.

They don't care, there is one place and one place only.

And here is them doing it as we speak. There aren't interested in searching all those places the 'theories' come up with.

Anything that theorises the search site is really somewhere else but at the historical Money Pit location is known to be made up and based on nothing but imagination.

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You talkin to me ?
du fuh?

Nothing on the island but remnants of previous digs, most of which were by hoaxers as well.


I stopped following this thread as there wasn't anything in it but made up 'alignments' of the order of joining two random dots then saying the resultant straight line somehow had meaning.

Let me look at this 'last page" first.

Hmm, yep, just more random made up assemblages .

It comes down to this; all the theories about where the treasure is......are just random made up ideas based on nothing.

There was one spot and one spot only where the treasure could be and this 'Mark Wright' has to accept this because in simple terms it shows the 'last page' is more random made stuff.

The search commenced due to the suspicion that a circular depression on the island over which hung a rope/block?

So one place only. You get it? It is a fundamental basic, not, "We think a treasure is here somewhere on the island" but "This spot is where the treasure is so we need to dig here".

And that is why everyone smiles and nods at the 'theorists' that come in before some B team member is videoed doing a cursory search of the area they nominated before it's never looked at again.

They aren't worried about triangles or the distance of this dot to that dot is 414 miles and this means it's a palindromic number etc.

They don't care, there is one place and one place only.

And here is them doing it as we speak. There aren't interested in searching all those places the 'theories' come up with.

Anything that theorises the search site is really somewhere else but at the historical Money Pit location is known to be made up and based on nothing but imagination.

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Are the water trucks there so the laginas can fill up their new holes and claim flood tunnels did it?

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