Old Frame of South Texas points


Sep 1, 2012
Houston TX
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Bought this frame over 35 yrs. ago An 80 yr. old lady, Hunted points her whole life, 30 miles outside freer Tx. Paid 1,000.00 for it. Never showed it, except to arrowhead book guy, but I wouldn't take out of frame. some are easy to identify, others not so much. Feel free. Mrs whitaker best day hunting she found 180 whole points .comments welcome, Doug Ps, what kind is the needle one, fish barb?


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1st - Welcome Aboard! Take a look at FORUM: TEXAS for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to your state.
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I believe and can’t swear to it but those look like African points from Africa. They are collectable just not expensive. They used to be cheap but like everything else they have gone up in value. Just not $1000 value

I believe and can’t swear to it but those look like African points from Africa. They are collectable just not expensive. They used to be cheap but like everything else they have gone up in value. Just not $1000 value
I bought them from the finder, The husband had a nice frame also, just not as nice, and me buying them caused alot of trouble! He was hollering front room she's not selling them, we left. get back to friends house 30 min later , she calls and says, Their mine, I want to sell. says husband went to store, be gone 1 hr. If you want them come on back. We did. never talked to her again, I'm sure she had alot of stuff but I thought her husband would be a problem. Doug

I bought them from the finder, The husband had a nice frame also, just not as nice, and me buying them caused alot of trouble! He was hollering front room she's not selling them, we left. get back to friends house 30 min later , she calls and says, Their mine, I want to sell. says husband went to store, be gone 1 hr. If you want them come on back. We did. never talked to her again, I'm sure she had alot of stuff but I thought her husband would be a problem. Doug
You asked for opinions and I gave you the truth. Anytime you buy you have the chance of being scammed. I buy once in a while and have gotten the short end of the stick before. Sorry
But they are collectible still just not sure on the value


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You asked for opinions and I gave you the truth. Anytime you buy you have the chance of being scammed. I buy once in a while and have gotten the short end of the stick before. Sorry
But they are collectible still just not sure on the value
I have too! E-Bay.You're opinion's fine, but these were bought 35 or more years ago, befour internet.Mrs. wittiker called these her best " bird points" but I see about 3 knives. She just hunted at the right time , long ago, and right place, s. Texas. There were no high fences, and she knew all the ranch owners, plus nobody wanted indian stuff. One problem is their just to nice. Not all, but alot. Iwould like to take to show, but never make-it. Thanks for reply, Doug

I have several large frames of African Neolithic points and though several in this frame resemble them, most do not. Also a lot of the Neolithic points are made from some very pretty materials. My opinion is these are genuine Texas points but I'm not a Texas collector. Here's some Neolithic's you can compare them with.


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I have several large frames of African Neolithic points and though several in this frame resemble them, most do not. Also a lot of the Neolithic points are made from some very pretty materials. My opinion is these are genuine Texas points but I'm not a Texas collector. Here's some Neolithic's you can compare them with.
Relic Grubber should know I wonder why he isn’t responding

I have several large frames of African Neolithic points and though several in this frame resemble them, most do not. Also a lot of the Neolithic points are made from some very pretty materials. My opinion is these are genuine Texas points but I'm not a Texas collector. Here's some Neolithic's you can compare them with.
Thanks, I only had time to ask about Y shaped center one before husband started to hollar. She said she found it on finger of dirt in a dry wash, heavy rain would have washed it away, Doug

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