Old sayings

i dont need help ? i need understanding !

Maybe. You might benefit from getting a Talking to. Or Getting your clock cleaned. Pretty clever hiw I worked that in huh?
An old coach used to say Have a good day. If you want to.

OMG that would of scared the bajeebers out of me. i bet your traumatized for life after that experience. i have a real good story that happened to me in grade school that would give you a real good laugh. cant tell ya here. cuz i would really be ostracized . as if i'm not shunned enough. but if ya want stop by for a beer i'd be glad to share it

Let's hear your story. As long as it ain't obscene it will be ok here.
I wasn't traumatized for life.

Let's hear your story. As long as it ain't obscene it will be ok here.
I wasn't traumatized for life.
i dont know you personally, but dont believe ya. what i experienced in school does effect you for life. nope cant tell ya here. i've experienced enough ridicule. some would perceive it as border obscene. "odd jobs" has commented to me about what i say ? he would'nt say on here. so i'll assume he might be a bit offended. just to point out though somebody did say the word masturbate on national tv
sunday night. so if you dont want to come by for a beer you'll just have to use your imagination. lol

a boob once told me ? life is what you make it. so i've assessed it over the years. boobs dont know they're boobs unless you tell them so

only way 3 people can keep a secret is if 2 of em are dead...

I don't think it was an actual "whale" but I heard people say, "I'll whale the tar out of you." Pronounced whale.
Thinking Nomad got the tar whaled out of him by more than a few nuns :laughing9:
Oh that somehow reminds me. Rode hard and put up wet.

It's "wale" without the "H". It is a verb, means to raise welts, such as the slang "waling on someone".

A wale, noun, singular, is part of a concrete form. To "wale a form" verb, means to apply walers. Walers plural, are the horizontal stiffening members of a form, while the vertical stiffening members perpendicular to the walers are called stiffbacks.

i will share this with ya. its not obscene. when i was in grade school i swear some of the nuns ? now mind you they wore the penguin suits then. some of them were men ? do you know why ? see who can guess ?

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