One in Five Divorces Blamed on Facebook

Are relationships temporary by nature? Is polygamy an attempt to solve a problem by legitimizing a need? Are old relationships the sickest (Replaced with nauseous) relationships. Is our future like "Brave New World" where we carry a contraception belt and have sex like a conversation?

I had mentioned pornography before. When it was legalized I wondered what the long term effects might be. I think we are seeing those effects now.
Indulging in fantasies of any type, good,bad can be a trap Isn't it all seduction? Don't the actions by people like Son Of Sam begin with mental indulgence?
A good thing about being young, is a person has a lot more answers.

Testosterone too! You don't want to live in a thought/emotion world,how can you avoid accidents when your body is in the moment,and,your mind is somewhere else,we could walk into all kinds of catastrophes eyes wide open and not even see it.

I think FB can definitely be dangerous for a marriage. A few years ago I friended a guy on FB that was in my spinning class because he seems like a really nice guy. Several times. I would be online and he would pop up in chat and talk to me. Nothing was ever sexual in nature but it still felt wrong to me so I simply off the chat feature. I found out later he had been through some type of addiction program and I wondered if he had some type of Internet addiction.

I think FB can definitely be dangerous for a marriage. A few years ago I friended a guy on FB that was in my spinning class because he seems like a really nice guy. Several times. I would be online and he would pop up in chat and talk to me. Nothing was ever sexual in nature but it still felt wrong to me so I simply off the chat feature. I found out later he had been through some type of addiction program and I wondered if he had some type of Internet addiction.

I am glad to see you used your innate sense of wrong,other wise known as conscience,as Jiminy Cricket said,let your conscience be your guide,best moral story ever wrote. GodBless you Girl Chris

I am glad to see you used your innate sense of wrong,other wise known as conscience,as Jiminy Cricket said,let your conscience be your guide,best moral story ever wrote. GodBless you Girl Chris

Chris,I put myself in the place of my husband and how he would feel if he knew I was chatting with a man,even about the weather. I know I would not like it one bit if he was doing the same,no matter how innocuous.

Chris,I put myself in the place of my husband and how he would feel if he knew I was chatting with a man,even about the weather. I know I would not like it one bit if he was doing the same,no matter how innocuous.

I'll be,a Woman that thinks like Her Husband,God Bless you Girl!

Lol...i'm an expert in this stuff! :)

Let me tell you....facebook, as mentioned here for divorce rate, is the very tip of the iceberg! If there is a computer in your home then your marriage/relationship is in VERY dangerous waters! (and that's without what your kids do on theirs!)

FB, twitter, etc are the interactive sites of choice for the normal, everyday innocent folks.My experience is with the old Yahoo chat rooms and later, blogs. I suppose it can be the same with FB and those mentioned today, i only use it to see what my friends are babbling about, but back then it was just Yahoo. From my very first day online ever....right upto today, everything is based around strangers wanting sexual activity from strangers! Doesn't matter in what form, that's all many, especially men, were/are interested in.
The most lethal tool in the online world is ....the webcam! I've seen women who worship their husbands and take their kids to church on sundays, lose ALL inhibitions when on a cam!
I could relate countless tales and experiences of everyday women who won't even wear a bikini at the beach, getting up to anything and everything you'd care to mention once hubby/boyfriend isn't there and a webcam is! But this isn't the site for it so they shall be kept off here.

I've never worked out what causes them to be like they are when online. My only conclusions have been "boredom" or "being naughty". I talk about the womens side of the coin here but trust me, the men are 3 times as lethal. I've seen marriages,loving relationships, families crumble slowly as the partner realises what's been going on, and i've seen them explode violently for the same reason. I doubt the people involved could explain why they did what they did half the time!
One of the most lethal online sites is mentioned in the OP...Second Life!
I spent 2 years playing that game and take it from me, sex is plentiful and truly rampant! It's also ridiculous because everyone has a beautiful cartoon avatar and for some unknown reason everyone thinks everyone elses avatar looks just like them in real life!
people fall deeply in love, leave partners, travel thousands of miles to different countries....all based on a cartoon!! Let me tell you, there's been a LOT of very disappointed people lol!

The internet as a whole is a deadly place for any marriage or relationship. Growing up, the only access i had to "porn" was the odd magazine i found that had been thrown away by someone. The internet has done for the divorce rate what it has done for access to porn!

It's just basic respect I think,don't you?
Excellent point CoilyGirl!!! If more people felt like this there would be many more marriages still intact....

It's a Commitment To God,for better or worse,richer or poorer,in sickness and health,till death due us part.Now what do you say?

...I say it's "till death DO us part". Well, it always was when i was laughing at people getting married! :)

It's a Commitment To God,for better or worse,richer or poorer,in sickness and health,till death due us part.Now what do you say?

I'm in complete agreement with ya there Chris. Dano ,younmade some excellent points.

Thanks Coily. As i said, i'm an expert on the subject, literally. Met my current girlfriend on "Second Life". Been together 5 years now so there ARE some happy endings sometimes lol. :headbang:

Thanks Coily. As i said, i'm an expert on the subject, literally. Met my current girlfriend on "Second Life". Been together 5 years now so there ARE some happy endings sometimes lol. :headbang:

Good for you Dano.:)

Thanks Coily. As i said, i'm an expert on the subject, literally. Met my current girlfriend on "Second Life". Been together 5 years now so there ARE some happy endings sometimes lol. :headbang:

I hope the best for you,but,in a relationship outside Marriage,who leads?

Dano, I to am glad to here you are still together after 5yrs. hopefully it keeps going for you....


heck I get a kick out of flirting with you southern gals......and yes I've been with the missus for 30 plus years and mostly

In any event here's a song for you all....

I think FB can definitely be dangerous for a marriage. A few years ago I friended a guy on FB that was in my spinning class because he seems like a really nice guy. Several times. I would be online and he would pop up in chat and talk to me. Nothing was ever sexual in nature but it still felt wrong to me so I simply off the chat feature. I found out later he had been through some type of addiction program and I wondered if he had some type of Internet addiction.

A few years ago I friended a guy on FB that was in my spinning class....................

Eh, wot? A man in spinning class? Nothin' odd about that?

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