Pedro Navarez in Caballo Mountains or Organ Mountains????

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Ok Man

ain't no one Talking but me .

so , Posting another of my Songs .

in fact , probably the Best I ever Penned .

The Lady of Inspiration for this one , Angel in the Flesh .

No Lie Pizza Pie .

~~~~ Sage lands Burning ~~~~

Fades to Blue
from a dark dark sky
Those Thoughts of you
and the reasons why

Suns coming up
and the feelings right
Jars of Souls

in a Lovers cup
and alone again ,
i meet the night

Silken Sigh whispered on my cheek
if you loved her so
then give her what she seeks

Lovers whom listen
have a special tone
to they're voice

Silently glistens
when shone
it's solely your choice

drive that away
or keep to own

Night has a Sky you can feel in a way
That last you through
to the following day

Love has a Feel , you cannot throw away
Once inside ,
it's in there to stay

try to ignore it
it just will not go away

I cannot unlove
what time has buried deep inside
I cannot shove back
an incoming tide

Love deep as this
in the soul
is too hard to hide
and never let's go

Star shoots down
trailing green
through purple sky

falls to the ground
mysteries seen
with the inner eye

Small Mountain to the West
covered in White Sage
Love comforts best
what causes the rage

Sowed in Peace
Nurtured with love
The soul's Peace
feels as silken lined Glove

Heaven lies inward
never out there
blanketed in loving Kindness
handled with loving care .

As Angels dance
on the head of a pin
hold on to your love
feel your heaven within

Sweet the memories i have of you
may loving kindness guide all that you do

Maybe we'll meet one day again
My love keep you warm child
keep you smiling until then

~~~~~~ End

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
No One here ?

Here's another Then .

( Snowsongs 2018 )

There's always somebody
trying to out think another
there's always a wedge driven
deep between sister and a brother

there's always some Grief
being laid on shoulders
of a Priest ,,,

there's always some hate
in every state of relief

and there's you
and then there's me

and now you can look away

but I'm still your brother
and that ain't ever gonna change

And so ,,
it's Bridges we built between
and as they collapse
we see a change in our dire machine ,,,

I can't understand
if you can't make sense

a Border around the land
and 4 story fence

but you want cheap labor
where does that come from ,,, ?

it's money you savor ,,
while you toss pennies
at your favorite Bum ,,,

So tell me ,, what the hell makes sense

You bomb Iraq and Afghanistan
without Justice in mind

destroy another Man's Land
The Preach your Freedom
at the same damned Time ,,,

I think it way past time to Reflect
are you the Good Guys ,,,

or a Freight Train headed for a Wreck ,,,,

You the Citizen concerned
about your Vote ,,,

while you fund death across a Globe
by Rote ,,,

oh yeah , you make perfect sense ,,,

now build your Bridges
and 4 story Fence ,,,,

You have a $1000 phone
but to a Hungry Child ,, you bomb
and won't even throw them a Bone ,,,

oh yeah ,,, you're making more sense
than I can Stand ,,,

Is it any wonder
why the people of the World
can't understand ,,,,

If your Souls aren't Dark by now ,,,

give you ten minutes ,,

you'll figure a way somehow ,,,

You wage War on Drugs Guns
and Poverty ,,,

while losing every time
cause your making money off them
like rented out Property ,,,,

Yeah Man , WTF !

Talk that Tripe
up and down your
Justice Halls

while you set a distance between
you with 4 story Walls ,,,,

~~~~~ Reflections read in the Stains of our Souls ~~~~~~~~~

ever look into your own Mind ?
give it a Try ~~~~~~~~

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
No Talkie ?

Ok then

This one is #2 on my list .

Think a Woman waiting on a Catwalk for her Man to return from War ,

or a Princess awaiting a Knight to return from a Crusade ~~~~~~~~~~ Begin Song

~~~~~~~ Soul Sediment ~~~~~~~~~

She stands to reason
what cannot be felt

her heart in season
no doubt she feels it swell

Love glazed eye's
leaning backward over head

under blue skies
sitting pretty on her bed

Talk of ages
was that,,,
she'd come down sometime

turning back pages
to a lost,,,
but much better time

Knights in Armor
steeds dressed to kill

lance over shoulder
await command of her will

Too many days in the desert
waiting for rain

too many days laying
soaking in Her pain

free now
she runs to fill
her hearts longing
to sit upon her hill

Come round to reasons
none suffice
bare knuckled pride
has a very high price

Love on the fly

has a much deeper price

Love through her will

has an even deeper slice

Pay out for loving
the wrong man
she finds herself spent

straight out loving now ,,,
whatever she can
as though ,,,

her love's for rent

What does it
compel her to stand
stand there waiting
waiting on the
wrong damned man

What does it
brings her undone
by her own hand
hearts been twisted
twisted and wrung

daylight morning rise
high over her hill

sometimes your love
is not by your will

But Rather ,,,
by tomorrows fate
to bring you around
to find yourself better off
then loving that clown

~~~ ( chorus ) ~~~~

Love on the fly

has a much deeper price

Love through her will

has an even deeper slice

( second verse )

Castles no home
too large for a lover
who lives there alone

She wrestles with feelings
held too long
never let them free

keeps her reeling
away from being free

Small wonder her hurt and pain
you can't run wild
through a down pour of tears like rain

Who knows
one day she may
again live her dream

heaven knows
she's heavy
with too much she's seen

Someone may come along
and teach her
how to love again

She'll hold together her heart
hopefully until then ,,,,

~~~~~ ( chorus ) ~~~~~~

Love on the fly

has a much deeper price

Love through her will

has an even deeper slice ~~~~~~~~~ End
copyright Snowsongs '95

Last edited:

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
alrighty then , just going to lurk are you ,,,

Then suffer another of my Songs~~~

~~~~~ Song of Source `~~~~~~```

last time I seen the one

She was resting on her Sun

Listened to the river course
through my veins

and the song of source
beat against my brains

Seems I just can't take away those
thoughts of mine

Seems I'm stuck in a mold
of someone Else's making

Seems i can't break the code
and somethings shaking

shaking me down
shaking me
shaking me down

When i rose my head
I could hear voices
not exactly what they said

but their simple choices

stopped to touch the candle flame
just time to be burned

stepped right up to make my claim
of all the stories I lived and learned

Last I saw the one
she was standing next to me

I was standing aside
to let the passing of the next scene

When she placed her hand in mine
i flinched back to reality
retraced the land of mind
and found she was gone from me

Lose a moment in time
no tellin' where you skipped

lose a little space
and no tellin' what time
you lost
or what place

Lose your heart to a fragment
of a woman who loved you hard

you can't say it was a loss
cause you gained
no matter what it cost

You lose standing stagnant
afraid to leave your yard

you can count it a loss
you refrained
from chancing the cost

~~~~ Chorus ~~~~

shaking me down
shaking me
shaking me down

She and i found something
together we never would have seen

sometimes fate brings you together
for what you should have been

and sometimes it just falls together
like wind you can never chain

this time fate folded arms around
two who were meant to be

there is no real dividing line
between the heart and mind
of two who love so hard
they meld like 999 fine

~~~~~ ( Chorus ) ~~~`

shaking me down
shaking me
shaking me down

Jan 16, 2011
By, By Have fun.
Detector(s) used
Time to move on. Good luck everyone .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Bad Puppy, i haven't got to read your songs yet. Iam working on some things outside. I still owe my time to the company store. Hopefully i will be able to change that soon. I feel different about this stuff in the field. I feel it needs to be protected. I didnt feel that way before, I wanted the truth on stuff i have found in the field to be put out there. Even though i didnt understand it,i wanted the visual proof put out there. But now i dont. I dont want the Bad Hombres to get a hold of it. Especially on this site. Its full of most takers, very few givers unless its crap. Tons of ol mighty control freaks. But i also believe, if you put more of the secrets out there, that the bad hombres still wont make it out on the other side. I believe they will be dealt with by a higher power. Then maybe they will believe,but it will be to late. Just my thoughts.

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi Dog
Yeah , Bad People abound across this Globe Man .

That's their World they have to live in , not you and I .

There's no True Personal Loss , however , When Bad People take these deposits , Humanity Loses .

as it has always lost ,

due to Humanities wilfulness to apathy and Ignorance .

I'm clean , I didn't promote nor Support the System they enjoy so much to be a Slave to .

If Bad people grab that Stuff , ( as they've been doing ) , and Humanity does nothing to stop them , who lost ?

Me ?

Nope , I already know the Knowledge .

The Gold and Silver is a Loss to me ?

No, already suffered the effects that Bad People target the Owner of it with .

You see ?

it is what it is , If Humanity has True Care and Interest , then these deposits will come out as intended , to educate and enrich
their Knowledge Base ,

If Apathy is the Best Humanity can Manage ,

pfft , oh well .

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
ok , I eluded to the Library of Alexandria for a reason .

Ancient Knowledge Lost .

Deposits created by Ancients to secure not just Monetary Species , but actual Ancient Technology , Knowledge , Cultural Utopian
Wisdom .

There's another Repository , Many as a Matter of Fact , but one I can address for a start , is the Achashic Records that Edgar Casey refers to.

and then , there is the Blue Stone and the Yellow Stone Technology .

This will be a very long read if I write it even close to Full , so there will be just overview .

Personal Event , Fact , no Fiction , and this one takes place aboard a Craft with Elders , Directive is to present
Historical Earth Events for my Education .

There are other Testimonies by other People who've had contact and taken Rides , in their Tale , they too relate such apparatus as used
in my own Event , so you can seek out theirs as well .

Event : Blue Stone Viewer for Recorded Earth Historic Events .

We're before Screen , yet it's more like a Stone ( think Chrystal , close )

We're watching some Game Changer events in Man's History ,

One is the Sack/Looting/Destruction of the Library of Alexandria , by so called Zealots .

I'm experiencing Emotional overload with the sight .

at one point, I gasp , step back , give out a small emotional expression .

Elder on my Left ask : " Your Thoughts Rog' ? "

I answer with : " I'm ASHAMED of Us "

His fingers touch my left arm below my Elbow , he states : " Why do you group yourself in with these people ? , you're not
of their World there , The Body you're in is a Conveyance to interact in that World , YOU , are NOT that Body "

I instantly detach .

We move on to the Yellow Stone , we're going to examine a few Future events .

Time Stamp was very Clear on this , so we may consider that I was given Pre-Knowledge of the Shame to come .

Stop , before I go further , it's best I state , that your World is not our's to Dictate over , we can if we wish , attempt
to give a bit of Guidance , or in extreme events , interject to avoid you people from a Total Fail .

That's been done for you , more than a few times .

ok , being drained by the emotional pull , and Horrified at the Evil engaged by Humanity , we took a break .

During our discourse , several times my questions on " Why " they're Tuned that way , To consistently engage in Defunct
Activities ,,,
They answered : " Wilful Ignorance "

Stated that way , for ease to my understanding .

Psychosis .

Ah , yes , I understand .

You see , The Zealots , the Power Brokers , common Blue Collar workers , Housewives ,,

it matters nothing the station of a Human , the Affliction is prevalent throughout all Humanity on this Globe .

Ok, Those Craft out there , which check the Deposits , do not even so much as interfere with the Bad People
who go out there and Raid the Deposits ,,,

That Job is not theirs , it's an Earth Problem to be solved by Earthlings , like all the Messes they cause themselves ,
it's a Matter of Leave them to their own devices .

We'd rather the People here could see themselves , become disgusted with that , and seek to elevate beyond their defunct
Consciousness .

One very good reason for that is , People on this Planet are Quarantined to this Planet .

For that , the Watchers have to stay on alert here .

We got much better things to do then Babysit .

You're Destructive to " Life " Man .

and you're not getting out there to bring that Mentality to other Worlds .

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Post this Song .

listen to the Lyrics , These are the questions Ignored , that Earth People should all ask at Once .

as a Trigger , asked all at once , it may help change you all .

Man Killing Man , Killing Man ,,, Killing Man ,,,,

and it NEVER Stops .


Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
The Lyrics to " How Come "

~~~~ How Come ~~~~

People on the street now
Faces long and grim
Souls are feeling heavy
And faith is growing thin
Fears are getting stronger
You can Feel them on the rise
Hopelessness got some by the throat you can see it in their eyes
I said how come
How come
Everybody on a shoestring
Everybody in a hole
Everybody crossing their fingers and toes
Government man spin his politics till he got you pinned
Everybody trying to reach out to each other
But they don't know where to begin
I said how come
I can't tell
The free world
From living hell
I said how come
How come
All I see
Is a child of god
In misery
I said how come the pistol now as profit
The bullet some kind of lord and king
But pain is the only promise that this so called savior is going to bring
Love can be a liar
And justice can be a thief
And freedom can be an empty cup from which everybody want to drink
I said how come
I can't tell
The free world
From living hell
I said how come
How come
All I see
Is a child of god
In misery
I said how come
Its just man killing man
Killing man
Killing man
Killing man
Killing man
I don't understand
Its just man killing man .

~~~ End ~~~

Writers around the Living room , each gives a verse at a time .
Songwriters: Bryan A Johnson / De Shaun Dupree Holton / Denaun Porter / Dewitt Moore / Marshall Mathers
How Come lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group .

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Now , Solomon Burkes Song

wherein lies the Cure , the Gold ain't the Value Man ...

Song ~~~~~ Millionaire ~~~~~

They say love is more precious than gold
It can't be bought, and it can't be sold
I've got love enough to spare
That makes me a millionaire

I got a woman with eyes that shine
Down deep as a diamond mine
She's my treasure, so very rare
She's made me a millionaire

When we ride around, ride around this old town
In my beat up car, with the windows down
People look at her, then they look at me
They say that boy, he's sure living in luxury, sweet luxury

Because love is more precious than gold
It can't be bought, no, never could be sold
I've got love, enough to share
That makes me a millionaire

When her kisses fall from everywhere
Like riches on a millionaire
When my pockets are empty and my cupboard is bare
I still feel like a millionaire

Because love is more precious than gold
It can't be bought, no, and it can't be sold
I've got love, enough to spare
That makes me a millionaire

~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
again ,

The Nature of Life

not the meaning of Life .

Discover the " Nature " of Life .

One true element in the Nature of life is Love

another is ,,

Creativity .

If we create with Love

we make it Man , that's understood Universally , except here , not by all here .

If we Create in Hate .

Fail . just that simple Man .

Jan 16, 2011
By, By Have fun.
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Time to move on. Good luck everyone .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Caesar and Cronies are just like those who Run the United States Man .

" An Ignorant Populace " is so much easier to Control .

Phoney Faces come to mind .

People who stare at a Phone are easy to control as well , Set a Meme , Influence the Mind .

Mind Control , easy enough to do .

Manchurian candidates.

Jan 16, 2011
By, By Have fun.
Detector(s) used
Time to move on. Good luck everyone .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
No One here ?

Here's another Then .

( Snowsongs 2018 )

There's always somebody
trying to out think another
there's always a wedge driven
deep between sister and a brother

there's always some Grief
being laid on shoulders
of a Priest ,,,

there's always some hate
in every state of relief

and there's you
and then there's me

and now you can look away

but I'm still your brother
and that ain't ever gonna change

And so ,,
it's Bridges we built between
and as they collapse
we see a change in our dire machine ,,,

I can't understand
if you can't make sense

a Border around the land
and 4 story fence

but you want cheap labor
where does that come from ,,, ?

it's money you savor ,,
while you toss pennies
at your favorite Bum ,,,

So tell me ,, what the hell makes sense

You bomb Iraq and Afghanistan
without Justice in mind

destroy another Man's Land
The Preach your Freedom
at the same damned Time ,,,

I think it way past time to Reflect
are you the Good Guys ,,,

or a Freight Train headed for a Wreck ,,,,

You the Citizen concerned
about your Vote ,,,

while you fund death across a Globe
by Rote ,,,

oh yeah , you make perfect sense ,,,

now build your Bridges
and 4 story Fence ,,,,

You have a $1000 phone
but to a Hungry Child ,, you bomb
and won't even throw them a Bone ,,,

oh yeah ,,, you're making more sense
than I can Stand ,,,

Is it any wonder
why the people of the World
can't understand ,,,,

If your Souls aren't Dark by now ,,,

give you ten minutes ,,

you'll figure a way somehow ,,,

You wage War on Drugs Guns
and Poverty ,,,

while losing every time
cause your making money off them
like rented out Property ,,,,

Yeah Man , WTF !

Talk that Tripe
up and down your
Justice Halls

while you set a distance between
you with 4 story Walls ,,,,

~~~~~ Reflections read in the Stains of our Souls ~~~~~~~~~

ever look into your own Mind ?
give it a Try ~~~~~~~~


Jan 16, 2011
By, By Have fun.
Detector(s) used
Time to move on. Good luck everyone .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Now , Solomon Burkes Song

wherein lies the Cure , the Gold ain't the Value Man ...

Song ~~~~~ Millionaire ~~~~~

They say love is more precious than gold
It can't be bought, and it can't be sold
I've got love enough to spare
That makes me a millionaire

I got a woman with eyes that shine
Down deep as a diamond mine
She's my treasure, so very rare
She's made me a millionaire

When we ride around, ride around this old town
In my beat up car, with the windows down
People look at her, then they look at me
They say that boy, he's sure living in luxury, sweet luxury

Because love is more precious than gold
It can't be bought, no, never could be sold
I've got love, enough to share
That makes me a millionaire

When her kisses fall from everywhere
Like riches on a millionaire
When my pockets are empty and my cupboard is bare
I still feel like a millionaire

Because love is more precious than gold
It can't be bought, no, and it can't be sold
I've got love, enough to spare
That makes me a millionaire

~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~


Jan 16, 2011
By, By Have fun.
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Time to move on. Good luck everyone .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi Dog
Yeah , Bad People abound across this Globe Man .

That's their World they have to live in , not you and I .

There's no True Personal Loss , however , When Bad People take these deposits , Humanity Loses .

as it has always lost ,

due to Humanities wilfulness to apathy and Ignorance .

I'm clean , I didn't promote nor Support the System they enjoy so much to be a Slave to .

If Bad people grab that Stuff , ( as they've been doing ) , and Humanity does nothing to stop them , who lost ?

Me ?

Nope , I already know the Knowledge .

The Gold and Silver is a Loss to me ?

No, already suffered the effects that Bad People target the Owner of it with .

You see ?

it is what it is , If Humanity has True Care and Interest , then these deposits will come out as intended , to educate and enrich
their Knowledge Base ,

If Apathy is the Best Humanity can Manage ,

pfft , oh well .

Well said and straight.

Jan 16, 2011
By, By Have fun.
Detector(s) used
Time to move on. Good luck everyone .
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
A very short video. I never heard of this. But i thought of some of these things. I love the doctors culture of flat roofs so everyone could make their beds on the roof at night, to sleep under the stars. With the head of the bed facing north for the magnetic pull on the iron in the blood. Amazing new knowledge to me.

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I'll quote myself from a Time when the F.B.I. was involved in a co-vert investigation to gain my Personality Traits ,

in order to compile what is referred as a 4200 Character Profile : " I'm always amused with People , whom react offended whenever

their Truth is revealed to them by another person , if their Truth is Offensive to them , One can only wonder why they do not

attempt to readjust their Truth to something more Comfortable "

You see , I had just presented a Profile to one of the Agents , of his inner Conscious Characteristics ,,

and that reveal , enraged him .

after I stated the above , he calmed as his Gears shifted , Changing perception ,

His shoulders slumped as he replied : " You just outlined my entire Life "

There's a Point to this Post .

As the reader ponders those words up there , let's see if you get it , the Point I mean .


yeah , it's a whole new perspective , that study of Cacey .

Opens the Myriad Doors of Perception , that is , if we choose to be Brave enough to question
our Formulated Theatrical Reality provided us by so Called Higher Ups .

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
From the Study while aboard the Craft :

" Just reveal , then stand back , leave them to their own devices , observe the results "

Questioned by Members as to why I would reveal these Deposit locations , the answer may not
suit your Perception , nor satisfy you , it is however , Exact .

Last edited:


Bronze Member
Nov 25, 2011
Detector(s) used
Garrett atx pi 12+20inch coil, Garrett mh series, Garrett 2500+t-hound attchmnt, fisher tw-6 two box, Pulsestar pro ii with various coils up to 98 inches, pulsemaster pro w/1.2 m coil
Primary Interest:
I have nothing against you Roger. I have never stole anybodies info or site, although I have been accused of it once from a Cherokee warrior... Some of the stuff you post is already at this linked website and has been for many years: A Circle of Nine: The Roger Snow Enigma (The Roger Snow Enigma, A Circle of Nine.) Maybe you can comment on it.

It has many links , you have to enable flash to see them. Do I believe it all? No, I never believe all of anything.

The people interested in this stuff ( the caches), including me, have enough trouble trying to not look nuts relating information they have learned trying to find the end result to this stuff.

I'm not so sure you are currently helping to resolve that. Sure things happen, and are beyond belief, but to keep an audience involved at an intellectual level is very hard to accomplish this way, although many will pop in or look from afar and just look at it out of curiosity because they like viewing and responding to anything that is basically more out of ordinary than they are themselves.

We don't really sort people out involved in some of these out of the ordinary types of threads. We all get thrown in the same rabbit hole quickly. I'm not very long here anymore on Tnet, btw. I have my own life to live out. I don't really need to share it anymore with anyone online. I wish you prosperity and luck in your venues.

Bad Puppy

Full Member
Feb 23, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Bawaaa ha ha .

sorry to crack up laughing Quiona . is a Cartoon website my IT friends helped me develop .

Did you find it Disturbing ?

heh heh

ya know , That page actually triggered an Investigation . Just reveals how foolish some people can be .

so funny , omg

Look Nuts ?

I think the Sioux would have something to say about your System and Culture my friend .

" They Grovel in the Ground like Prairie Dogs , to get metal , that we've always kicked aside "

Perceptions .

right ?

who is sane , who is crazy ?

Your Culture/System Bombs School Children over Oil Deposits ( Iraq War 2004 )

Your Culture/system intimidates , extorts Oil Rich Countries ( Iraq/Iran/Venezuela right now , just heard it on the News )

Sanctions ?

Sane ?

Ha ha.

Sorry Man.
The exact spots I posted , are exactly El Chato Deposits , Not Mines as Sdcfia likes to call them .

those empty holes were Cache Deposits .

Empty now .

More are still intact out there .

Let people go out and research them Buddy .

it's legal .

no reason not to .

eh ?

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