Please help me identify this rock!


Feb 9, 2018
New England
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I found this in a cemetary or near a lake, can't remember which it was sorry! It is heavy and seems to have a band all around the edges but looks like a seam? I think it's magnetic and thought it might also be petrified bone? Looks to have crystal or shiny gritty flakes. Was hoping it was able to be split open but can't seem to it's very hard. Thanks so much for your help. I am new to trying this so hope this description helps. it is about 2 inches tall and 1 inch across top 2 inches at bottom, kind of irregular rectangular. Can send more pictures if needed Thanks!!!!


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It was once loose sand & silt a long time ago.

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Chica2021, I see you are a brand-new member (3 posts) at TreasureNet, so... welcome! :)

The What-Is-It? forum seems to be mainly for getting man-made objects identified. Unfortunately, requests for rock/mineral identification here tend to get joke replies. You'll have better luck getting your rock correctly identified over in T-Net's Rocks/Gems forum, where the serious rock-hounds and Mineralogists hang out. Those folks take rock-identification requests seriously, because that's their hobby.

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It could be a nice "VUG ",Split it in the middle and see. You might need a hydraulic splitter for that one!! GOOD ONE!!

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Welcome. I also think it's a sedimentary rock. The band is/was a now hardened layer of sand or a clay like material that was laid down at the time the mud/siltstone solidified into rock.

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