Pocket hunting with a Metal Detector for Gold


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2005
Northern California
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites and Minelab
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Pocket hunting with a Metal Detector for Gold

Me and Brian head to a new Prospect in our search for Gold !!!!
Brian checked out the spot the week before and thought it would be worth a better look I think he was right !!!!
The area has both old hydraulic mines and lode mines so you have lots of different stuff to check.
The area is so large we didn't even put a dent in checking it out I'm sure we will be back as we got over 2 grams in just the one little pocket ( crevice ) with Gold coverd in mercury.

SG 089

Pocket Hunting with a Metal Detector for Gold

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