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Mar 2, 2019
Alexandria, VA
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting

I'm going to guess it's a rock.
LOL, I was hoping for a less obvious answer... uts worked into the shape of an ax head.. shaped to be hafted on a handle.. I gues I should have placed a ruler to give it a scale reference.. What I'm asking is if anyone could date it? How old what era.. etc.. Thanks though for your response.. it made me chuckle

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PJ's reply gave me a chuckle too. Good-natured fun. You kind of asked for it, J, because I had the same thought before PJ made the comment.

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LOL, I was hoping for a less obvious answer... uts worked into the shape of an ax head.. shaped to be hafted on a handle.. I gues I should have placed a ruler to give it a scale reference.. What I'm asking is if anyone could date it? How old what era.. etc.. Thanks though for your response.. it made me chuckle
that would be "no", as in not an axe head, just rock.

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