Recommendations for audiobooks for traveling

Mona Lisa

Gold Member
Jan 13, 2005
Great Falls, Montana
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We usually listen to an audiobook when we take a long drive.
Some good ones are:

anything written by Bill Bryson
Tales from Lake Wobegon by Garrison Keller
Blind Descent by Nevada Barr
Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy.....This one was OK. My hubby liked it more than I did. Not for kids.

Our all time favorite: A Painted House by John Grisham. We still talk about that book and it's characters. It was a memorable story.

Do you have any recommendations for audiobooks that would be interesting for the whole family?

Just returned from a 2 week road trip...and I agree, books-on-tape (Audiobooks) are the best.

In fact that was the only way I could crank up the volumn to cover Cristina's snoring.

Just kidding...she just whistles ;D

I have never listened to books on tape yet. Sounds pretty interesting I might need to try that on my next trip, grab some from the library and give it a whirl.

Gotta put it on pause though when Savage is on. LoL Savage is pretty entertaining, still have not decided if I like him or what he is saying or hate it, but entertaining all the same.


angles and demons and da vinci code. Makes the miles fly. Funny thing is i have bounced back and forth from book to book and listen to them 3 times. Ohio to IN, IN to Ohio over and over.

Terry Pratchett (Discworld) books are amazingly funny to listen to on long trips. The Discworld books that I've read include Guards! Guards!, The Amazing Maurice, Mort, and Small Gods. For the most part, the British humor is just awesome.

I agree with Postalrevnant about the Michael Savage cause for pause. He is the bomb.

As for audio books, the only one I've listened to is the Art of War by Sun Tzu. It's pretty entertaining.

Richard Jury mysteries by Martha Grimes....The Old Wine Shades is our favorite. Great on audio.

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