Researching information on GW buttons


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Deus, Deus 2, Minelab 3030, E-Trac,
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For some reason this information site on the George Washington buttons isn't available-been down for sometime now.

Basically I get a pop up saying it can't connect to server type message.

Was thinking maybe it's just my computer or provider limiting the source of what is to be viewed. :dontknow:

Has anyone else finding links to resource/research links have been going bye-bye of late.

This isn't the first one I have gone back to look for some information and poof it's no longer there.

Maybe folks pass on-the sites need to be paid-and if not the information is lost for ever.

Kind of frustrating to think of the hours it took to produce the site/information to begin with-then one has to keep the money flowing to keep it up there.

Maybe a printed book has it's advantages after all-at least if it's cared for it'll last for what ever time we need it for.

Like to hear your thoughts on this or if you have another link to the GW Button site.

That's the trouble with websites. They come and go. I don't know if this one is "gone" or just "down". The domain is registered good through February 2026, so it's possible it's just down for some reason. But if it has already been down for a while, it may be gone.

Maybe folks pass on-the sites need to be paid-and if not the information is lost for ever.
That's the trouble with labors of love like this one undoubtedly was. Hosting fees, software fees, and time and labor can get to be too much sometimes. Then the donate button gets added, or the banner ads, or the subscription fees, or whatever. Sometimes that works out, sometimes not.

Maybe a printed book has it's advantages after all-at least if it's cared for it'll last for what ever time we need it for.
Indeed. The trouble with books is they can't (easily) be updated. But their strength is they are more or less permanent.

if you have another link to the GW Button site.
Not a "real" one, but the wayback machine has it archived, so it's at least available through that. You can reach their latest snapshot of the site (from earlier this month) at this link.

That's the trouble with websites. They come and go. I don't know if this one is "gone" or just "down". The domain is registered good through February 2026, so it's possible it's just down for some reason. But if it has already been down for a while, it may be gone.

That's the trouble with labors of love like this one undoubtedly was. Hosting fees, software fees, and time and labor can get to be too much sometimes. Then the donate button gets added, or the banner ads, or the subscription fees, or whatever. Sometimes that works out, sometimes not.

Indeed. The trouble with books is they can't (easily) be updated. But their strength is they are more or less permanent.

Not a "real" one, but the wayback machine has it archived, so it's at least available through that. You can reach their latest snapshot of the site (from earlier this month) at this link.
Well I tip my cap at your thinking of that one. Big thank you!
Something that I have used years ago but totally not in the thoughts of the mind of current times it seems. :laughing7:

I'll mark that one up at things I learnt over today.

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