Results so far on our TN group hunt up here in the NE


Sr. Member
Feb 10, 2010
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Had a couple of guys show up yesterday, Frank and Scooter, and then Con and Jimbog showed up this morning. Frank and Scooter camped out in my guest house. They really roughed it in the AC and full kitchen and each had their own bedroom. Really rough camping.

Anyway, we started out at the school house site this morning. Con had a couple of good finds. He did find an indian cent...and looked to be an 1800 one, but we couldnt yet tell for sure anything else because of buildup on the coin. Needs cleaning before we can report anything else. Congrats to Con. He also found a wheat but I didnt catch what date he said it was. Will let him report on them after this weekend. Scooter found several decent relics. And Jim, I cant report on any of his finds yet.
Myself, I found some nice nails. :tongue3: But I am just getting used to my Etrac and as I am finding out, there is a big learning curve. I am going to have to put in a bunch of hours on it before I can call myself comfortable with it. Con is using an explorer II so he has shown the ability of the minelab to work on these old sites.

The guys all just moved up to the old farmstead site about half hour or so ago. So hopefully we will have some good finds to report tonight. And photos aplenty from Frank after this weekend. He has become the semi offical photographer for the hunt. He has taken some great photos. I hope he posts a bunch of them next week.

Myself, I had to quit the hunt for a while due to my back. Was out hunting and after about 2 hours it started giving me fits. So I came back to the house and am taking care of the food for tonights BBQ. We have brisquit and spareribs in the smoker. And its staring to smell like a resteraunt around the place.

OH, and Frank and Scooter have made fast friends of our goats. :laughing7:

For those of you who couldnt make, I am sorry. You are missing out on some great fun....some good finds, and later on...some great food...even if I do say so myself.

Will post more later and maybe have the guys get on and post some themselves.

Sounds like you guys are enjoying the get-together.I have the same back as you, so I can sympathize with you.Looking forward to more posts and maybe some pics.Sorry you do not have any decent food for tonight but maybe you'll manage to get by. :laughing9: :thumbsup:

warsawdaddy said:
Sounds like you guys are enjoying the get-together.I have the same back as you, so I can sympathize with you.Looking forward to more posts and maybe some pics.Sorry you do not have any decent food for tonight but maybe you'll manage to get by. :laughing9: :thumbsup:

My back hasnt been the best for years now but a few weeks back I took a tumble and screwed it up pretty good so I had hoped that it would heal up enough to be up to going on the hunt this weekend. Found out it wasnt. But thats life. I guess I am going to have to give it. another week or so.

I still spent most of the day out with all. Just didnt dig anything. Did make some nice finds right on top of the ground. Found an old time medicine bottle at the homestead and a couple of bottles from the late 50's early 60's. Found a nice blue glass jug and it looked in perfect shape...picked it up and on the underside was a small hole. talk about disappointed. Looked like it had gotten hit by a pellet from a shotgun. Not enough power to shatter it, but enough to punch a hole through one side. <sigh>

But the day otherwise went pretty good. Weather was great. Had enough cloud cover to keep the heat down, and a good breeze. So the weather was perfect all day for the hunt. The finds werent alot but everyone did find something. Best find was Con's Indian head penny. After a little cleaning it turned out to be a 1902. He found it at the old school site. And the rest of the finds varied from wheats to Franks nice 1942 Nickle. He made several other nice finds as well. But am leaving the whole list to the guys when they are able to make their own reports.

Will be posting some photos of the hunt tomorrow maybe. We are going to hit a couple more sites tomorrow, we hope.. Have to get permission. But though finds werent huge, at least everyone did make a few nice finds. The farmstead was a kicker. LOTS of iron..lots of trash. Its the kind of site that is going to take alot of work to clear the trash out before you start making very many good finds.

One thing I have to do is get more use in the Etrac. It was a frustrating day for me on that. Got alot of learning to do on it. Having had it just a few weeks and not having used it much in that time and I know it. Fortunately Con has an Explorer II and he uses it like a third arm. He is GOOD with it. Tomorrow I am sticking like glue to him and just following along with him and having him check my signals and me checking his behind him and then reviewing what we find. I think I will learn more tomorrow with him than I could spending a week on my own. His finds show his experience with his explorer.

Oh, and the food....was GREAT...<laugh> Everyone ate themselves into a stupor. Except for Jim. He had to leave to go back home before the food was ready. But we are all going to rub it in. He missed out on it.

First Photos of Saturdays hunt

The good finds didnt come fast and furious, but most everyone did find something to add to their collection. And some odd and ends of relics were found. But lets take a look at the hunt.

First photos are at the old farmstead. A difficult site. Very junky, alot of iron and the prairie grass is thick. Everyone who had one switched to their sniper coils to hunt this site.

And then of course, the usual critters you will find hunting a site like this. We ran across alot of mice. And a few snakes. Nothing dangerous, a couple of bull snakes. I almost stepped on ones tail. One was a pretty good sized bull snake. Looked to be a bit over 4 foot long and about 2 to 3 inches wide in the middle.

Anyway, Saturday's hunt was enjoyed by all.


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The food was GREAT!! Didn't much care for the mice popping out of no-where on me but I have always hated mice/rats but did have a great time taking pics and detecting and just plain checking out the old buildings and what was left in them. I'll make a thread of just the pics and there are A LOT of them Goats, ducks and chickens included lol

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