Ring Number 14; ANOTHER Heart Stopper......


Silver Member
Jun 20, 2014
Granite, Maryland
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Omega 8000
Teknetics Delta 4000,
Deteknix XPointer,
Fiskar's Big Grip Digger & my old Army Trench shovel for the tough jobs
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I hit a park after work for maybe 45 minutes. I hit the tot lot (which I haven't done in a while) and dug 23 pennies, 6 nickels, 2 dimes, one quarter and another Chuck E. Cheese token.
I was soon bored with the clad (which actually used to excite me), it was getting crowded with kids and the sun was going down anyway so I decided to leave.
On the way out I did decide to spend a few more minutes under a shade tree to see if I might get lucky.

I got another low signal and thinking it was another nickel I dug it and out popped this:

Ring # 14 Another Heartstopper 002.JPG

It's shiny, it's very pretty and it's a very convincing fake. It's marked 18K TGE. Not sure what the "T" means but I do know that "GE" means "gold electroplate". Upon closer inspection under a loupe it became very obvious. So close yet so far.
The purple stone actually looks pretty nice. It'll make a nice gift for a kid I guess once it's cleaned up.

Once again I didn't have my glasses, could only make out the "18K" and thought I really had something for a little while. Another heart stopper for sure.
Oh well.
That's one more step toward the next real one. Plus, it's still ring # 14 and I'm counting it before throwing it in the junk pile.

I plan on going back and hitting that park though. Where there's fake jewelry there may be some real right??

Thanks for looking and HH.

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TGE Thick Gold Electroplate

TGE Thick Gold Electroplate

Sure coulda' fooled me.
I guess my definition of "thick" just isn't the same as the makers of this ring.

I found another one a few months ago marked "18k HGE", meaning "heavy gold electroplate".
Thick, heavy or whatever they wanna' call it, it still wears off, especially in the dirt.
Apparently it's not thick enough.

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You still got the thrill of the find!

You still got the thrill of the find!

You're right. I was thrilled until I got my glasses and a loupe!

But seriously, it was fun. My junk collection just got a bit bigger. It's actually beginning to get a bit heavy.


I just learned that "TGE" stands for "triple gold electroplate". So, instead of 100 microns of gold it would have 300 microns. I guess that's why it fooled me.
Maybe it's worth 9 bucks instead of 3!!

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You're on the right track though, rings are rings! Once you can find rings somewhat regularly, some are bound to be real :)

It's the rush that makes it worth while.

Hey 9 bucks would get me about 20% of a tank of gas lol. As you said, you're one step closer to the next real one. I haven't found many rings this year because I have been concentrating on older homes instead of carnival grounds or parks. The one silver ring I did find this year was on top of a ridge along an old mining path and was a real surprise. Good luck on your next hunt.

You're on the right track though, rings are rings! Once you can find rings somewhat regularly, some are bound to be real :)

I can't complain. I found 4 real rings so far and have hit rings fairly steadily. It's been a while since I've hit on any solid gold though because I've been avoiding parks and playgrounds for a while. Last night was the first time I've hit a tot lot in weeks. I just get tired of digging zincolns. I'd rather dig pull tabs and maybe find a little gold.

But, this is why we dig those trashy signals. That's where the gold is hiding. Keep digging trash and it will appear sooner or later.

I also didn't spend much time at this spot at all. The shade tree appears to be a spot where many people congregate. The grass is worn down quite a bit, which is what drew me to it. I believe my instincts are correct. I just need to hit the right spots at the right time when I have some daylight.

These short days are becoming a real obstacle.
I dread the end of daylight savings. We have one month left.

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Hey 9 bucks would get me about 20% of a tank of gas lol. As you said, you're one step closer to the next real one. I haven't found many rings this year because I have been concentrating on older homes instead of carnival grounds or parks. The one silver ring I did find this year was on top of a ridge along an old mining path and was a real surprise. Good luck on your next hunt.

You never know about those surprises. It amazes me how many rings people lose. I've never lost one in my life. Then again, I don't typically wear them after almost losing a finger as a kid. I was literally hanging from a Sterling silver scout ring that got hung up.

I know of a great carnival ground I've been trying to get into for the last two months. So far, I haven't been able to get permission but I haven't given up.

I'm sure it's loaded with tons of trash as well as treasure. There was a HUGE carnival held there every summer for about 40 years; maybe even longer; ending in the 90's.

I have a few places like that. They have huge potential but I can't get in touch with anyone to get permission.
No one's ever home and no one answers their phone anymore. It's pretty frustrating.

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Yeah, I almost would rather get a straight up " no " than for someone to hide in their home and not answer the door. At least I can forget about it then and not waste time/gas on return visits. We can blame the criminal element for this. Another reason to get them off the streets and keep them off. I believe " 3 strikes " is just too many chances.

Good job G424! Keep at it and one special day the real deal will appear.

Yeah, I almost would rather get a straight up " no " than for someone to hide in their home and not answer the door. At least I can forget about it then and not waste time/gas on return visits. We can blame the criminal element for this. Another reason to get them off the streets and keep them off. I believe " 3 strikes " is just too many chances.

Unfortunately, with human nature being what it is, we'll never get them off the streets. For every one that goes away, two or three more show up.

I worked with a guy for about a year who spent 18 years in prison. As it turns out, he robbed my boss slowly over time to the tune of over 113 grand in paper and supplies.
The idiot sold everything on Ebay and shipped it all through UPS. So, he left an undeniable paper trail with video from the UPS Store. A picture still says a thousand words.
He went back inside for 26 years with no chance of parole after being charged with over 300 counts of grand larceny. He'll be in his 70's when he gets out.

The criminal element is SO stupid, SO ignorant and SO unconscious, it will always be with us. They commit crimes these days and post what they steal on Facebook along with their faces. It doesn't get more stupid than that but they do it every day. Some even take video and post it. They truly "suck" at crime and need to find a real job. If you're getting caught, you're no good at it; bottom line.

They all think that they're the only ones who won't get caught and when they do, they blame the cops rather than themselves and their own failure to think things through to their logical conclusion.

The smart criminals are never caught and their crimes are seldom even reported. Statistically, about 70% of crime in general is never even reported. But, the idiots outnumber the smart ones BY FAR.

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