Rotten find today. Spotz is really POd


Bronze Member
Jan 16, 2005
Stanfield, Oregon
Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

I was shocked this afternoon. After swinging the new DD1400 coil at an old site for two hours with ZIP to show except a ton of trash ( Old site, I dug it all ) I decided to drop in for a quick visit at my local Foster Pioneer Cemetary. Within the last 3 weeks, some retard ( probably kids ) has broken one of the 130 year old, tall spire monuments. The top 18 inches was broken off at an angle. I sat it back up & it is fairly solid & I don't think the wind will bother it. I was so pissed I couldn't see straight. It could not have been anything but a purposeful vandalism. It is supposed to be sunny here for the next two days so I think I'll go back with some Epoxy & see if I can do any good. I just can't understand why anyone would do that. It is one of the few beautiful untouched markers out there. It was in the pix I posted a while back. Some idiot doing this will automatically give us all a BLACK EYE in the mind of the uneducated average do good citizen.

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Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Oh man, that just SUX!!! But good for you trying to help out.

HH, ya'll!

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

You think that is bad - a couple teens in our town went on a spree on an 1835 cemetary(North Olmsted). I remember driving by it with the yellow tape everywhere and I felt sick. I don't know how many were broken but I would venture to say at least 50 stones were knocked down. I don't know if the kids were doing drugs or booze or both. They made the teens do community service...and I'm sure a lot more greif from the community!


Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

A few years ago, probably none of us would have gotten excited about things like this. Isn't it something how much smarter we get when we get a little age on us. Our important things in life tend to change. I remember thinking that older citizens never knew what they were talking about, & now I am one.

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Don't you just hate that!

I'm proud of ya spotz! Get 'em all fixed back up!

Nana ;)

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Try concrete glue, works good. Home Depot sells it. Same thing happened here a few years ago at one of the ghost town cemetery's ( cemetery is only thing left) A lot of local residents got together and repaired all of the damage on our yearly "Make a difference" day. They drilled holes in both halves of the stones, and used steel rod & concrete glue. Most of the repairs aren't even noticeable.


Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

There are several sites on the internet on monument repair. Here's one...

There are some glues (etc) that will actually eat the stone over time and do more harm than good.

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Mirage said:
You think that is bad - a couple teens in our town went on a spree on an 1835 cemetary(North Olmsted).? I remember driving by it with the yellow tape everywhere and I felt sick.? I don't know how many were broken but I would venture to say at least 50 stones were knocked down.? I don't know if the kids were doing drugs or booze or both.? They made the teens do community service...and I'm sure a lot more greif from the community!


Spotz and Bob, those are the same type of people that do stupid things like this. It irks me as well that they have no respect. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to make it look humorous.


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Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

That is sad Spots... I commend you for wanting to repair it, although I would be careful you don't get into more trouble trying to fix it than they would have vandalizing it.
Good luck & Happy hunting~

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

I can probably get away with it as I am Chairman of the City Planning Commission.

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

I hate to see not only disrespect to people but pieces of history.

what ever happened to good ol' cow tipping?
(not that I've ever done that either)


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Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

When I was young I thought I knew it all.? Now that I'm old, I can't remember any of it!? Monty

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Give it your best shot at fixing it up and go on. There will always be some element in society that doesn't understand why vandalism is wrong. All we can do is try to fix what we can and try to educate the ones who don't get it. Sounds like everyone here is behind your effort to do the right thing.
Thanks for caring AND ACTING

grizzly bare

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Sorry you got skunked. I'd like to find out why anyone you deface a cemetary like that.


Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Thanks for the support all. I was just "venting my anger"! I will take care of the repair. Rob, I have a deaf, autistic & physically handicapped 31 year old son, so I know what you are saying only too well. It was not a wise choice of words at the time.

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

i know exactly how you feel spotz. my grandparents are buried in a very old cemetary in easton md. this graveyard has revolutionary and civil war vets buried in it and most of the families that are buried there have no surviving members. i only get down that way about once a year and last year i got an ugly surprise when i went to visit.some jackasses had overturned a third of the old stones and broken them up into little pieces.some of the names have been lost made me sick to see it and i was so angry i wanted to kill whoever did it.when i was a kid i was no angel to be sure. we drank and drugged and acted like asses a lot of the time,but we would never have done something like that. theres just no point in it.sometimes it seems like the younger generation has no respect for anything ......including each other. look at all the shootings and violent crimes commited by younger and younger people.most of them are caused by someone wanting respect and not getting it from another.its as if a whole generation has gotten the idea that respect is just given and is not earned. it sucks and its really sad.

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

way ta go spotz,, we need more like you,, great guy, its a shame when teens and people alike do this kind of horrid thing,, but there will always be this knid of crime around, we just gotta do what we can, to put things right,, i know they need a good thrashing, and maybe then they'll see the error of there ways, id give them more than community service.

Re: Rotten find today. Spotz is really PO'd

Stupid punk kids like that need more than community service. They ought to bring back the stocks, and public whipping for sleazebags like that. I guess were to "civilized" for that now thought (driiiping with sarcasm). Good job on attempting to repair it Spotz, we need more people like you my friend!

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