Searching around an island your not permitted on?


Jr. Member
Jun 18, 2005
I want to search around some islands(United States)but no one is allowed on it.That is not the problem as I want to search the water AROUND it.There are no leases,mineral rights,ect. to have to worry about.It is the local game patrol that give us grief.Some of my friends have actually been ticketed but have beat it by showing a picture of the sand (island)with no footprints on it.I don't want a ticket,but really don't want to have to appear in court and explain that the guy is an idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.Or is it me who is the idiot?As Long as I am in the water I should be ok?Does anyone know of a law or paperwork that I can download/write in to get to show this game warden to get him off our back if or when it happens?Thank you from a guy new to the game.

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All you need is a houseboat and some imagination. Go get it!!! Just use your some more info and we'll give you some ideas.

Ok- the place I'll be looking is a place I found by digging around in the Library of congress.Theres 4.6 million maps there,quite an amazing research tool.It's and old ($#^%$& site)sorry ::)Any way I'm just looking for the paper work that says"Hey buddy back off,I'm not breaking the law,heres the paperwork."The boat is not a problem,I'll be in one to get to the island.

print some marine ecology group business cards, and t-shirts to wear, complete with a picture id tag hanging on it,,, tell them when they come you are trying to locate a certain species of fish or crab thought to be near extinction,,,orrrrrrrr,,,,,,,have many small sample bottles, some with water in them, and explain that you are studying the effects of hurricanes on water quality, and are just taking water samples.........gldhntr

I've got the line of bs mastered,I am just looking for some legal paperwork that says its oky doky to search in the ocean.MMMM,maybe I should do more research here,saw it once on here but can't seem to find it again.

Thank you OHsanman.It's a start in the right direction.I'll e-mail and see if they don't have some legal mumbo jumbo paperwork to go with it.

Might help if you knew what the 'other' people were actually cited for......... i.e. what law was cited in the citation....... Then you might have specifics to address with an upper level authority of that organization.

FYI some government agencies have far reaching authority and its at their discretion for the ultimate interpretation of the law and if you are in fact in violation therin .
Dependent on who catches you or if they are having a bad day things could go as far south as :
  • Having your equipment and vehicles impounded and your equipment seized
  • Having the above happen AND be detained
  • Just having your detector seized
  • If he's feeling fine a ticket or warning

If you PM me with the general location (I don't expect you to give up your leads!) but state/county info would help, I will see if I can find what you need. Good hunting! omnicognic 8)

In Ohio you can go just about anywhere in a boat, just as long as you are not anchored or impeding boat traffic. As far as getting out of the boat, that's where the law turns gray. It depends on how particular the landowner is (whether or not they call the law) but if you are not on dry land "most" of the time they won't tell you to leave. Let us know if you find a federal law pertaining to this. Good luck

Technically you would be standing on the island even if you are in the water, the tides are a factor as well, low tide exposes more of the island maybe the part your wet feet are on. The only way around this that I can see is a boat and no standing on ground of any kind. Also remember it is the spirit of the law, if it is there to protect the historical resources or wildlife then you in deep doo-doo if you detect near that protected area. Too me your splitting hairs and the judge will not see it your way without an expensive lawyer and my guess is that you won't find enough to cover the legal fees you may incurr. I drool at the original landing site of the Spaniards on the west coast everyday, technically I might be able to find a loop hole but for what purposely detect where i'm not supposed to?

I say screw the government!!! I'm an American citizen, if it's national land it's my land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not the Politician and not the rich law maker, Lets take it back!!!!

We live in a pretty big country. Seems to be plenty of places where you are legally allowed to use a metal detector. When I was about twelve to sixteen years old me and my friends use to sneak onto peoples property to go fishing. But then I grew up.

My guess? Grown up and found a better fishing hole anyway . . . it's usually the case. Often we do something just because we are told we can't, not because it's best or because we need to.

I often ask, "What is the difference between our 'Right' (which I hear about ALL the time) and our 'Need?'" Can anyone help me out here??


And yet another reason why metal detecting gets a bad rap.
To think that because you're an American citizen you have the right to do what ever you want to on federally owned land is just lunacy. Go try getting your fair share out of Fort Knox. Build a house in Yellowstone National Park. Go camping on the White House lawn. Good luck. ::)

Doing what we're told not to is a part of human nature, especially in boys. As for the fishing, when we're kids we have limited mobility so we can't just load up the truck and go several miles away to anorther/better spot. Plus as boys we thrive on danger, what might be unacceptable or dangerous to others (especially girls) is worth the chance to us if we think we can do it and live.
I'm not agreeing with everything our government does, but if everyone camped on the Whitehouse lawn just think how bad it would look, if everyone built a house in Yellowstone there wouldn't be a beautiful park for me to show my kids. Again, I don't need to have liberal judges setting laws from their bench, when they're supposed to be interpreting them. I don't agree that archeology can do whatever and claim sites either. If we can't find history that's been buried for years then it'll be lost forever. Just my 2 cents. Dan

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