

Full Member
Feb 21, 2011
Detector(s) used
Dual Field, CZ-21, V3i, VX3, Deus, BHID 300, Coinmaster GT, MX5, Ace 150, Ace 250, Gtax 1000, MXT Pro
So not too long ago I was snorkle detecting a little less then shoulder deep. When I popped my head out of the water I saw about 20 or 30 feet away what looked to be shark fins...I thought I was just imagining it as I am always on lookout and then nope all of a sudden I see them again a bit closer so I was like "oh hell nah"....This is when I saw the 2 shadows which looked to be about 7 or 8 feet each Bull Sharks. They came within like 15 feet of me but could care less and kept on swimming. So I look in their direction and the water is packed with people. I was not about to yell shark and create a panic as the sharks seemed to be doing their own thing and could care less. But ever since then I had been very hesitant to go back out that deep. I found it crazy that these 2 huge sharks were swimming through so many people sunbathing and no one at all even noticed a thing!

So I guess this kind of thing happens way more then people realize even myself. Now even though no one including myself was messed with it just a little unsettling knowing they are there. Also seeing the way they moved there is little chance of even seeing what's coming. I even see one of my buddies detecting neck deep in the middle of the night like WHAT!! But he is still alive and a very avid detectorist so I guess all is good. Perhaps he will chime in here.

Anyone else have shark encounters?

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There is a small town called Wickford in Rhode Island that has a small beach I used to like to goto. One evening I was with a friend and was just wading when we noticed what we thought was small logs floating everywhere. Now realizing these where sharks feeding we got out of the water. These were sand sharks of course and I have always wondered what is in the water with me from that point. Just a memory now, but what a night.

I was out surfing in Seal Beach in the "River" and felt something biting my foot so I got out of the water and there was a perfect little bite shape on the inside of my arch. It was a tiny shark bite pattern. Could have been anything but one never knows..

I have a few shark"ish" stories, but not metal detecting.

I was kite boarding. The first one, I was cruising around on a beautiful day, nice breeze, flat glassy water. I came into the shallow water to do a tack, and suddenly there was this huge explosion of water around me as this gigantic back creature larger than I am launches out of the water from under me. Scared the living crap out of me... turned out to be a dolphin feeding.

Second time, kiteboarding at night during a new moon near the skyway bridge.

This area is known for sharks. Just myself and a buddy with green light sticks on our harnesses so we didn't run into each other in pitch black.

I did a tack way out and a nice high jump and a kite loop ... just floating in the black sky ... completely bombed on the landing, fell, and lost my board. I knew it was up wind, so I did about 5 tacks "body dragging" back and forth until I ran into my board. I'm not a fisherman but I'm pretty sure you'd call this trolling for sharks. Those were the 5 longest tacks of my entire life and the light stick wasn't helping in this scenario.

This is a video of me and my daughter from a dive a couple weeks ago.....


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