Siegfrieds Cache, Greenhorn Mtns, Kern County, CA found


Gold Member
May 12, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Detector(s) used
White's Coinmaster Pro
Siegfried's Cache, Greenhorn Mtns, Kern County, CA found

A.T. Evan's Treasure Hunters' Yearbook 1970 -'71, p. 20 includes a story by Mike Kovacs titled "I Found Seigfried's Treasure"

Photos prove the finding of a metal box buried at the base of a large stump. Inside the box was a pouch with "Seigfried" on it. Inside the pouch were 65 silver dollars, mostly dated before 1890 except for a few dated 1906; a gold necklace; 2 $10 gold and 1 $20 gold piece; silver whiskey flask; a photograph; and a small box containing 10 ounces of gold nuggets.

Mike was following up a lead on an early miner named Siegfried who had died just before proposing to his fiance in a mine cave-in.

Re: Siegfried's Cache, Greenhorn Mtns, Kern County, CA found

I also read about this story as well. If my memory servers correct the story stated that Siegried had told people of his cache of gold and that it was buried in two caches not just one. So it was believed that only half of this was found. It's new the old town of Petersburg in the Greenhorn Mtns. I know where it is and have been there myself but haven't done much detecting in the area but I'm planning a few trips back there.

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