Significat Others and odd behavior


Jr. Member
Feb 13, 2005
San Marcos, TX
Detector(s) used
White's MXT
Just curious... have any of you noticed, upon taking up the Holy Art of Metal Detecting, odd, critical or downright hostile behaviour from your spouses, girlfriends/boyfriends etc? I have noticed a distinct increase in the number of converstaions that begin with "I just don't understand this obsession you have with..." or "You would rather go dig bullets and pull tabs out of some bug infested field than go for a bike ride while it's still cool this morning?" or non-verbal comments like the proverbial stink-eye directed at the detector on its appointed stand/altar in the corner previously occupied by the Ficus tree.
Is it just me???

Try to get your "better half" to give treasure hunting a try. I did and now she buggs me about when are we going again.
She even has her own collection started.....


What Vermont said....hubby and I both love it....but we both have always had the desire to do...together or not! Sometimes we go on our own or go together...if I can just get my boys interested!!! Maybe during our vacation coming up.

But yeah, get her out there she would love it!

Good Luck,

Well now... you see there's the rub. I LIKE being out in the woods by myself grubbing around after stuff in the ground. Having company, for me at least, alters the experience. Sometimes it's fun but I guess I have too much of the "it's mine, mine all mine..." gene to fully appreciate metal detecting companionship. Now paying someone to do the actual digging... that's a different story ;D

Even though hubby and I go together, we split up and go our separate ways. He has his collection and I have mine...infact, in regards to clad and jewelry...we keep tabs. I have over all, found more clad and jewerly than he has, but a few nights ago, he actually beat me in the clad department hunting the beach...but I always beat him in the nickels though!!

We have fun and I love when he says, "I found 7 dimes" and I'll say..."Try again, I have 15!" LOL

Cause ya'll would go together, doesn't mean you'll actually be together. Give her tips how to use it and then let her have at it!!! Then have her get a screenname here and she can post all those marvelous finds, where she has out done you! LOL (it's a wife thing, don't know if you'll understand! LOL)

Happy hunting and good luck...
PS: atleast bring up the idea to her....she may be reclutant...but let her give yours a swing or two!!

joya_dorado said:
Well now... you see there's the rub. I LIKE being out in the woods by myself grubbing around after stuff in the ground. Having company, for me at least, alters the experience. Sometimes it's fun but I guess I have too much of the "it's mine, mine all mine..." gene to fully appreciate metal detecting companionship. Now paying someone to do the actual digging... that's a different story ;D

i used to be that way too until my brother started to come along. now when he cant make it and i go alone, i actually miss the company. its kinda cool to have someone else there to show your finds to. its cool to see what he finds as well. try it, you might like it! ;)

I understand perfectly well. I do a lot of hunting where time is of the essence. Like, beach storms where you have to go RIGHT THEN, or demolition sites, where they're going to fill with fill-dirt the next day. If I try to ditch my wife on some previous appointment or honey-do chore, she asks "oh, so your metal detecting is more important than me/our marriage?" AAUUUGGGHHH, what do you say to that :P

Tom_in_CA said:
I understand perfectly well. I do a lot of hunting where time is of the essence. Like, beach storms where you have to go RIGHT THEN, or demolition sites, where they're going to fill with fill-dirt the next day. If I try to ditch my wife on some previous appointment or honey-do chore, she asks "oh, so your metal detecting is more important than me/our marriage?" AAUUUGGGHHH, what do you say to that :P

what do i say to that you ask?........AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!! ;D ;)

The missus has learned to deal with it. I used to go fishing and stay out until 1 or 2 am. Now, it's metal detecting and I'm home to help put the kids to bed when it's dark. She's seen me bring home pockets full of clad, and a few nice rings, so she's ok with it. She's already told me we're going out to eat with the clad at the end of the season.

"honey, the boys are drinking and womanizing tonight. can i go out and metal detect? i just dont find easy women attractive anymore since i got the metal detector!"

that should fix your problem! ;)

just you get another 1/2 ::)

Welcome to the Club! My better half detects, too, but she can still give me the Evil Eye when I head out alone or with te boys. That's life I guess.

HH and get her out there wih you!


Well, I just got a new wife.....and I just purchased a used whites 600di series 2.

My previous wife hated it...called it stupid and nagged me til I finally gave it up.

New wife???/ So far she's in the catagory of "I hope you use it enough to get my moneys worth from buying it."

But....wait til the obsession has a few months in and THEN see how she feels.

hint "find" ;) a bit of jewelery for "her" with your machine -- suddenly its not so bad --- Ivan

joya_dorado said:
Just curious... have any of you noticed, upon taking up the Holy Art of Metal Detecting, odd, critical or downright hostile behaviour from your spouses, girlfriends/boyfriends etc? I have noticed a distinct increase in the number of converstaions that begin with "I just don't understand this obsession you have with..." or "You would rather go dig bullets and pull tabs out of some bug infested field than go for a bike ride while it's still cool this morning?" or non-verbal comments like the proverbial stink-eye directed at the detector on its appointed stand/altar in the corner previously occupied by the Ficus tree.
Is it just me???

I have the same problem... the answer to that... is: Do the things she likes too.Then when it' your turn to do the things you like.... lets go!!! She has no choice now does she.She may try to talk her way out of it.Fair is fair!!!!!!

joya_dorado said:
Just curious... have any of you noticed, upon taking up the Holy Art of Metal Detecting, odd, critical or downright hostile behaviour from your spouses, girlfriends/boyfriends etc? I have noticed a distinct increase in the number of converstaions that begin with "I just don't understand this obsession you have with..." or "You would rather go dig bullets and pull tabs out of some bug infested field than go for a bike ride while it's still cool this morning?" or non-verbal comments like the proverbial stink-eye directed at the detector on its appointed stand/altar in the corner previously occupied by the Ficus tree.
Is it just me???

I’ve been at it with my Wife for almost 30 years. Anything that takes attention away from a woman is a problem, that's just how it is with most women.

So live with it, no different that hunting or fishing. In my younger days I would wait until she had something to do. And when she did I would use her schedule to regulate my free time accordingly. If you don't, you might end up on bended knee, on the couch, in the dog house, or even worse, no wifey.

Just my 2 cents.

Yeah I can tell you, actually I can't (don't want to get kicked off the forum), about some of the "converstations" me and the wife have had since I picked up the magic swinging stick again.

I now have two good machines and I have tried every way to get her out and hunting with me. The one night she did give in and try it I helped her dig a quarter, three dimes, a nickel, several pennies and some trash. She was happy about he quarter, nothing else really impressed her though. She has refused to go out again since then.

I cannot explain why people act the way they do. It's not like when I go out we are missing any activities, unless you count sitting in a room watching TV an activity worth missing. Regardless of any of that, she does not like detecting and nothing I have tried works. My daughter who is 8 loves it and so does my 2 y/o son. So at least I have that.

Let's see now. When i met my wife said.."but you don't have a motorcycle". I "had" to buy one lol.( She had her own). Then...i took her dirt fishin one day and on our way back she said.."when do i git my own 'tector?". I got her a White's Prizm and after a few weeks she "aquired" my IDX -Pro.
What do i hear from my Significant other about this great hobby......
"skooooooooooooooooooo".....every chance we git.
She is allways lookin into the woods for potential sights when we're out drivin or doin research to find spots.
Did i meantion that she had me build her a sluice box ?

"oh, so your metal detecting is more important than me/our marriage?" AAUUUGGGHHH, what do you say to that
Let me know when you find the answer to that! :D

My whole family wonders what happened to me! ;D After three years of hunting though, they are finally letting up...just a bit. :P Just have to work around schedules and socials. :-\

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