Snowden Hero or Trader?


Hero Member
Sep 16, 2012
Snowden Hero or Traitor?

The US Knew that this would come out anyway.China knows what we have.Russia knows what we have.The US needs too live and let live.We know what other Country's have.Snowden could have mental issues.This could all be a bull anyway.He could be doing exactly as he is told to do.He could still be an active spy,playing run away.We don't know.We need to loosen up and have better relations with other Country's.We do not know the real story.He could be a double agent such as Osama Bin laden.I believe Bin Laden is still alive.Bin Laden was employed by the CIA.We will never really know the truth on nothing!I say Snowden is still employed by the US,doing as he is told to do.If the US wants him,don't you really think they would have him?.We never know the real truth on none of this.

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What do you think he is trading? Secrets, design plans, coffee...hmmm, hard one to decide on.

I guess i meant to say traitor.I guess he could be trading something.But he could still be doing what he is told to do.I always mix my words up on this smart phone.I wish i would have at least went to high school.But i can still have fun,even if i can't spell.

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Snowden Hero or Traitor?

I can't think.I am selling some plasma.


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Seeing as how the NSA is still denying the spying,how can Snowden be a traitor.These idiots are pathetic,caught with their hand in the cookie jar with cookie crumbs still on their lips,yet theyre innocent:laughing7:

Cash i need to ask you a question.Did you say about eight months ago someone tried to hack your post material?I got into the eye tracking system and messed with some post.What did you see?When i was using eye tracking on my smart phone i did this to make sure there was proof of this system.I am worried now.I was informed a investigator came to my house.It has to do with this silly internet because i called all local police to make sure i was clean and no warrants.They probably think i am some psycho.I don't give a crap.They want to question me,i will go to them.My neighbor said split,they are after me.

Cash i need to ask you a question.Did you say about eight months ago someone tried to hack your post material?I got into the eye tracking system and messed with some post.What did you see?When i was using eye tracking on my smart phone i did this to make sure there was proof of this system.I am worried now.I was informed a investigator came to my house.It has to do with this silly internet because i called all local police to make sure i was clean and no warrants.They probably think i am some psycho.I don't give a crap.They want to question me,i will go to them.My neighbor said split,they are after me.

Nope it wasnt me.Why let the police question you if they do not have any warrants on you.First off it isnt legal unless you have a lawyer present,DO NOT GIVE YOUR RIGHTS UP.Second,you just might end up having one of the halfwits that has the gall to call himself a police officer,he'll just take your words and twist them to suit himself.You'll end up being in a jam when you didnt even do anything.

Sorry guys but that only tells me that neither of you have never been falsely accused of doing something that you didnt do.I have,I know the game.:laughing7:

If you really 'know the game' (which it isn't), you'll know a cop does not need a warrant to question you; though you have the right not to answer.
Second, it is legal for a cop to question you WITHOUT a lawyer present IF you consent after being read your Miranda rights.
I'll stop there.

I am walking home from jail right now.The judge did not file the papers on a dropped offence.Dang it!I got flip flops on!.

If you really 'know the game' (which it isn't)

Actually it is a game.To make it simple,one trick is the same tactics that were used in the gulags on captured german soldiers by the russians after the war ended.Keep asking the same question over again over a period of time to see if your answers change.If you should change an answer in the slightest way then you are considered to be lying all along.

​I thought you were selling plasma ??
Yeah i was selling plasma then i went to jail.What a day.Why do all my post in this thread say number of post 666?.All my # post are stuck on 666.What in the hell is going to happen now?666 all the way!If this one says 666 i am going to have to go back to the mental hospital.Is this post #667?.Here it goes.

I think that Ben Swann's Full Disclosure breaks this down better than anything else that I have seen on Main Stream Media.

Ben Swann Full Disclosure is asking the questions the rest of the media is ignoring. Even by the overreaching standards of the Patriot Act, Ben Swann demonstrates how the NSA's Prism program is clearly illegal.

Ok so don't blink will get you into the eye tracking mode.I needed that information.I noticed when i stared with a non blinking gaze it engaged.

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